How to escape to another country. Free trips abroad

Which country is easier to emigrate to from Russia? This question is asked by everyone who wants to leave our state. The question, however, is not so simple: in almost every country there are pluses and minuses, and what will outweigh is up to a particular emigrant.

Where should a Russian immigrate?

There are more than 250 countries of various categories on our planet. Most of them, namely 193, are independent states that are members of the UN. Each of them has a different attitude towards migrants who want to settle there. It is almost impossible to move somewhere for permanent residence (for example, to Japan), but somewhere a Russian, in fact, just needs to come and you can live as long as you like (for example, to Belarus). How to choose your option among this variety?

First of all, a potential emigrant should evaluate his significance. It will include:

  1. Knowledge of foreign languages. Knowing only Russian, it will be possible to settle only in Belarus, Kazakhstan or Abkhazia. The more languages ​​a person knows, the more valuable he is. At the same time, even knowledge of the only foreign language (for example, English) significantly increases the importance of an emigrant (especially if he knows this language well). Knowledge of the language is easy to prove by passing the appropriate tests and obtaining certificates.
  2. Profession and qualification. Anyone can get a job in another country, but it is easiest for those who have extensive experience and a unique profession.
  3. Age. A minor will not be able to emigrate, but ceteris paribus, migration services usually give preference to younger candidates.

And this is not an exhaustive list of criteria, as it can vary significantly depending on the country.

Where is the easiest way to emigrate from Russia to a graduate?

Many countries are interested in a highly skilled workforce. Here are some examples:

  1. Colombia. If US residents are traditionally not liked there, then all doors are open for a Russian specialist. True, the sluggish civil war and problems with the drug mafia make this country not very attractive.
  2. Cuba. There are connections with Russia there since the times of the USSR (in fact, without Soviet assistance, this state would hardly have existed for so long). However, the Cuban economy is not going through the best of times, and Spanish is not the most popular language in Russia.
  3. Australia. This is a very good option: a fairly developed English-speaking state with a small population, willingly accepting migrants from Europe. The downsides here are perhaps a peculiar climate and a very long distance.
  4. Spain. Despite high unemployment, this country easily accepts and grants citizenship to computer scientists and doctors.
  5. If we are talking about medical workers, then they will be gladly accepted in Germany.
  6. Canada. Like the United States, this country was created by emigrants, but unlike the States, there is still a shortage of skilled workers. It is relatively easy to move to Canada under one of the federal or provincial programs, it is easy to integrate into the society there, and in just a few years you can become completely at home for the locals. In Japan, for example, even after living a lifetime and having mastered the language and culture to perfection, a migrant will forever remain a stranger.
  7. Israel. On the one hand, there is a demand for specialists who have received education and work experience in Russia. On the other hand, after all, emigration there is mainly carried out on a national basis, and if you are not a Jew and not a member of a Jewish family, it will be difficult to obtain citizenship. Yes, and the local language, Hebrew, is unique, complex and is used only in Israel itself. An emigrant will have to start from scratch and learn everything down to writing.

Where is it better for a businessman to emigrate from Russia?

If you have enough money, you can invest it in the economy of another country or open your own business. Best suited for business migration:

  1. Italy. Here the threshold of funds to be invested is quite low. In principle, it is enough just to buy real estate - and you can already live in the country. However, this option will not give the emigrant the right to work: it is believed that a person who is able to buy far from the cheapest real estate in Europe does not need funds and therefore will not work.
  2. USA. Oddly enough, but the most developed economy in the world still needs investors. If you have $1 million and can create jobs for at least 10 locals, welcome to America!
  3. Czech. Its advantages are both not too complicated requirements for creating a commercial legal entity, and the language (Czech, although not too close to Russian, is also Slavic, so it is quite easy to learn).

How to emigrate from Russia through marriage?

You can go to almost any country by marrying its citizen. However, there are countries where it is easiest:

  1. Brazil. Citizenship can be obtained just one year after marriage.
  2. Spain. Ordinary citizenship there can be obtained after 10 years, but in marriage, the period is reduced to a year.
  3. Portugal. Under certain circumstances, it is possible to obtain citizenship by marriage immediately. However, you will need to pass a language test.
  4. Ireland. Here you need to live a year in a marriage with an Irishman (Irish). However, this country is not very attractive, because taxes there are among the highest in Europe. True, this is partly offset by a high level of social protection.

Where to emigrate from Russia, if there is no profession, no relatives?

If you have neither high qualifications nor family members with citizenship, then here is a list of countries Where is the easiest place to emigrate?:

  1. Dominican Republic. It is extremely simple to obtain a residence permit (in fact, it is enough not to be a criminal).
  2. Paraguay. Here you can get citizenship for six months of residence.
  3. Belarus. It is enough just to come here, find a job and rent an apartment. By virtue of the treaties, citizens of the Russian Federation enjoy almost the same rights as local residents, even changing citizenship is not required.

Where is the easiest way for any wealthy person to emigrate?

Finally, there are countries where they will gladly accept any person with a fortune and give citizenship for a fee. But is it worth it to emigrate there?

For example, Antigua and Barbuda. It is enough to invest 250 thousand dollars in the funds of this country - and citizenship is already in your pocket. However, the citizenship of this country has practically no advantages, except, perhaps, the opportunity to visit almost all of Europe, Canada and Singapore without a visa. At the same time, the emigrant will really have to live there.

Approximately under the same conditions, you can become a citizen of the federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis. Although the conditions here are much simpler, because it is not even required to live in the country.

If you still have a couple of legs left, we suggest you don't waste your time. Below we have presented four ways to escape from your country (it doesn’t matter which one, which one is). We will stipulate in advance that we do not take into account your millions, since buying a castle in France and immediately receiving a golden residence permit with the imprint of the lips of the local mayor is unsportsmanlike.

What is it
The French Foreign Legion is one of the divisions of the French ground forces. The legion consists of volunteers from more than 136 countries, and today it has about 8 thousand legionnaires. All of them are fully supported by the state, receive a salary and in the near future may become citizens of France.

1990 Foreign Legion participates in UN peacekeeping mission after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

To enlist in the Foreign Legion, you need to get to the recruiting points. A complete list of their addresses is posted on the website. Russian fugitives most often surrender in Paris (most planes fly here) and Strasbourg (very close to the eastern border). Preference is given to those who can speak at least a little French. However, the phrases “I want to eat” and “I want to sleep” will be enough, since all tests and interviews are conducted with the help of translators.

Why run
The starting salary of legionnaires is 1033 euros per month, including accommodation and meals. However, you can reach the rank of chief petty officer and receive an average of 5,000 euros. After 15 years of service, all legionnaires are entitled to a lifelong pension - about a thousand dollars a month.

How to run
When you reach the military unit, you will meet a corporal. He will take you to a room where you will undergo a complete examination, including for scars and tattoos. After that, you will be given a new name, surname and place of birth. While waiting for the departure to the selection camp, you will live according to the schedule: getting up - 5.00–5.30; breakfast - 6.00; lunch - 11.00; dinner - 17.00; lights out - 21.00–21.30. In your free time from eating, you need to work in the dining room and clean up the area. Once in Aubagne, you will start receiving money for your service - 25 euros for a weekday and 40 for a weekend. The first part of the tests is psychotechnical. Here you will be offered tasks for logic, as well as for knowledge of physics and mechanics. The second part is a medical test. The third part is the cross, which is run by everyone who has passed the medical examination. In 12 minutes you need to run at least 2.8 kilometers. The last stage is an interview: you must tell about yourself and why you want to serve in the legion. If they accept you, they will send you to a camp near the city of Castelnaudary.

Legal aspect
To bring you down from heaven to earth, we recall that recruitment as a mercenary is criminally prosecuted under the law of the Russian Federation. Therefore, if you were taken to the Foreign Legion, there is no turning back until you receive French citizenship. Most often this becomes possible after 5-7 years of service.

What is it
UN Volunteers are professionals who help people in Africa and Asia learn to read and write, install plumbing, electricity, etc. Over the long years of the UN, volunteers have worked in more than 140 countries. Today, 40% of them work in Africa, 26% - in Asia, 15% - in Western and Central Europe. The rest are in the UAE, Central and South America.

Why run
UN Volunteers get the opportunity to travel around the world, remuneration for their work, funds for housing and food. They are also provided with health insurance, paid annual leave and benefits, which are paid in case of successful completion of the program. The average salary is $200. The UN also provides visa assistance to its international staff.

2008 Nepal. UN monitors are investigating the crash of a helicopter carrying their colleagues.

How to run
Almost anyone can become a volunteer. The UN does not publish any vacancies - the leadership comes from the professionals who come to them. Among them there are specialists in the field of agriculture, forestry, media, art, education, etc. You can find a complete list at You also need to register there to start a volunteer career. Mandatory requirements for all volunteers:
- age from 25 years;
- communication skills;
- higher education, preferably technical, and at least 5 years of work in the specialty (there are optional options here);
- Compulsory knowledge of one of three languages: English, French or Spanish.

After registration, you will be sent an email with questions. You need to answer in the language of the country in which you would like to work. After the online procedures, an employee of the organization will contact you and invite you for an interview in the Moscow office. You will be offered at least three options, after which the commission will make a final decision. Required documents can be found at It is also possible to work with the whole family or just with a partner. However, UN experts argue that in this case you will have to wait for your distribution much longer.

What is it
An international humanitarian organization that provides protection to victims of any armed conflict. The basic principle of work is complete impartiality, as ICRC delegates work in places where the interests of different states are intertwined.

The peculiarity of the ICRC is that it opens new offices as armed conflicts arise. Today, the organization is represented in more than 80 countries around the world. In total, there are over a thousand foreign employees who help residents of different states. By becoming a member of the ICRC, a person receives a special status of a foreign employee, which allows him not to take a direct part in the conflict (more precisely, this is generally prohibited: you must be a completely peaceful person).

In addition to ordinary foreign employees, there are also delegates who are authorized to represent the ICRC (they can show the belligerents a Red Cross employee certificate, after which, for example, they must be given permission to take the wounded from the battlefield). The rest of the volunteers are people who provide assistance to delegates and are directly involved in helping the victims. First of all, these are doctors, engineers, as well as translators, administrators, drivers, etc.

The tasks of the ICRC staff include visiting prisoners of war, searching for missing persons, facilitating the exchange of messages between separated family members, providing clean water, food, medical care, etc.

Why run
The average salary for a delegate (a person who has passed internal exams and is authorized to represent the ICRC) is $1,500, but this is always determined on a case-by-case basis. Employees also receive housing and medical insurance.

2003, Baghdad. An employee of the Red Cross in front of the blown up headquarters of his organization.

How to run
Mandatory requirements:
- age from 25 to 35 years;
- good knowledge of English;
- experience as a volunteer;
- higher education is almost always mandatory, but each job has its own requirements;
- health certificate;
- the ability to use a standard set of computer programs like Word, Excel (and the “kerchief”, of course, must be able to lay out);
- no criminal record;
- international driver's license. This is due to the fact that very often it is necessary to transport patients to hospitals.

The list of documents can be found at

What is it
This organization is not regulated by the government of any country. In addition, these guys are so proud that they do not take money from the hands of states. Therefore, 80% of all funding falls on private sponsors. Doctors Without Borders was founded in 1971 in Paris. By that time, the military conflict in Nigeria had ended, and VbG employees provided the most extensive assistance to the victims. WbG exist in 20 countries. Volunteers and all other employees are present in armed conflicts around the world. Every year, the organization sends more than 3,000 volunteers to different countries. They provide first aid, vaccinate, take part in the psychological treatment of residents of regions that have survived the war. In addition, "VbG" carry out campaigns to combat drug addiction and AIDS.

How to run
MSF volunteers do not need to have a medical background. However, basic knowledge will be very useful in an interview. The Moscow representative office today cannot recruit staff for international missions, but you can contact the representative offices of other countries. Among them are the UK, Australia, India, the USA, etc. The full list is posted on the site First you need to register on this site, choose a suitable profession and send your resume. If your stories about how you pulled ten people out of the mouth of a lion impress the management, you will be contacted and invited for an interview. If you are considered a suitable candidate, then they will check all the bases for the presence of a criminal record. Also, you will certainly be asked about what methods you prefer to resolve conflicts. So don't tell me how you trade children in exchange for access to porn channels. As a result, you will be invited to a week-long internship, after which you will wait for your mission. On average, the period between the internship and the assignment to the assignment is no more than 6 months.

Emigration and moving to another country is a laborious and responsible process, a turning point in a person's life. It is associated with large monetary expenses, difficulties with settling in a new state, and a language barrier. That is why it is necessary to carefully study all suitable options, taking into account the nuances of the migration policy of other countries.

Common reasons for emigration from Russia

“Russia is a country of great opportunities and great minds,” many say. But for some reason, every year the number of people who want to leave it increases. What is the reason?

Low salary

The most important circumstance that pushes the majority to seek a better life is their low social level. Only residents of the capital and large cities can boast of decent earnings (but not all), in the regions the situation is completely deplorable. Both young people and the elderly are increasingly thinking about moving to another country - some for the purpose of earning money, others for permanent residence.


“If you don’t grease, you won’t go” has become practically the motto when contacting government agencies, housing departments, hospitals ... Despite numerous checks and measures aimed at destroying corruption schemes, it is unrealistic, according to many, to eradicate them.

Low level of education

It's no secret that the level of education in Russia continues to fall. Not all teaching staff correspond to the proper level. Abstracts and term papers are downloaded from the Internet, and any grade can be corrected with the same bribe. The situation when parents send their children abroad for higher education is not uncommon in our time.

Lack of security

The reforms, the new policy, the increase in the salaries of the military and the police did not give the expected result. According to a social survey, 65% of Russians do not feel safe. Some of them said that when they saw a policeman, they wanted to cross to the other side of the street.

Expensive real estate

In any region of Russia, prices for houses and apartments are very high. Not all young families “can afford” buying even the smallest “odnushka”, mortgage programs that are offered at an inflated interest rate do not save either. If you sell a small apartment in Khrushchev on the outskirts of Moscow, you can become the owner of luxury real estate in Prague.


Intolerance, rudeness, disrespect, many call the "watchman's syndrome". This is a conductor yelling at an old man who forgot his travel card at home. This is a receptionist in the hospital, which is rude to everyone around. This is a policeman beating a guy without a residence permit. This is a man who throws garbage in the street, and then complains about the dirt and mess in the country. “Russia cannot be understood with the mind,” Tyutchev said. Unfortunately, today even the Russians can't do it.

Infringement of rights

A huge number of smart, talented, hard-working, "hungry for self-expression" people live in our country. But a country does not know its heroes if they are not shown on TV 24 hours a day.

Migration policy of the leading world countries

If we consider the immigration climate and the regulation of migration flows of the leading countries, then the countries where it is easiest for a Russian to move can be Israel, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Canada, and Australia. If a potential migrant has enough money to buy real estate, it is easiest for him to move to sunny Spain. Here he can apply for a temporary residence permit under a simplified scheme.

Eastern European countries are characterized by less strict immigration policies, which makes it possible to move with less money spent. They have a lower standard of living, which minimizes the costs associated with migration and settling in a new territory.

For Russian citizens who have not saved up enough money to move, Israel is the best option. If there are grounds for obtaining citizenship, a person and his family are provided with everything necessary - they buy a plane ticket, help with work and pay a monthly allowance. A repatriate can receive free Hebrew training and receive all documents for permanent residence. Also in Israel, there are programs according to which the first 6 months are provided with employment and accommodation in kibbutzim (agricultural communes in Israel).

The immigration policy of the leading world countries is ambiguous and depends on the availability of money from a potential migrant, the level of education. If you have a profession that is in demand in other countries, you can leave for permanent residence without any problems. The most demanded professions:

  1. doctors, highly specialized doctors;
  2. specialists in the care of people with physical disabilities, rehabilitators;
  3. IT workers, programmers;
  4. builders, designers, engineers;
  5. veterinarians, laboratory workers.

To move, you need a diploma confirming the qualification level. Work experience is also desirable. Having such skills, it is easier to get a visa to move.

How to leave Russia forever without money?

Many Russians dream of moving to another country, but do not know how and where to permanently leave for permanent residence, especially if there is a catastrophic lack of funds. But there are options, the main thing is to set the right goal.


Taking part in volunteer programs gives you the opportunity to travel to another country, and for free. Some use this opportunity to travel, others to go to another country for permanent residence.

Available programs:

  1. UN Volunteers - this organization is constantly in need of assistants to work in various fields and countries;
  2. Conservation Volunteers - a program for the development of ecological tourism;
  3. Au Pair - childcare and childcare in Germany and the USA;
  4. Appalachian Trail Conference is a conservation program for endangered animals in the Appalachian Mountains.

As a rule, a potential participant in the above programs is required to know a foreign language for further cooperation. Participation in one of them does not guarantee obtaining the right to permanent residence, but increases the chances of staying abroad. In the future, it will be easy for a volunteer to get a trip for training or work.


The most win-win option for obtaining the right to permanent residence is a foreign bride or groom. In the era of information internationalization, it has become easier to communicate with residents of other countries. To do this, just register on one of the dating sites and try to find your foreign love.

In preparation for the wedding, the embassy of the host country where the foreign bride or groom lives, issues a visa, and after the wedding - a residence permit. After several years of cohabitation (depending on the migration policy of the host country), citizenship can be obtained. Some resourceful migrants enter into a fictitious marriage, paying their "second half" the agreed amount.

Important: when entering into a marriage with a foreign counterparty (both out of love and fictitious), you need to prepare for numerous checks by regulatory authorities.


A student visa for many has become the first step on the path to citizenship. Some countries still have free higher education programs (France, Germany, Poland). Upon admission at the start you need to pay a small service fee. At the same time, many students have time to study and earn extra money.

After receiving a diploma, a person has a year to look for a job, during which time he must establish a close relationship with his employer in order to extend the visa.


If you plan to find a job in other countries, you need to consider a few nuances:

  1. Not all countries welcome workers from Russia.
  2. Guest workers often receive less pay for their work than local residents. For example, in Poland it is 1.5 times lower, in Canada - by 30%.
  3. Foreigners can count on some privileges if the received position is not in demand among locals.
  4. There are special programs for those who have unique skills and contribute to the development of the state.

Advice: When choosing a country for moving, you need to familiarize yourself with its immigration policy. For example, in the legislation of some states it is indicated that, first of all, it is necessary to hire the local population (and only if there is a shortage of personnel, you can hire a resident of another country).

Political refuge

This method is suitable for those who suffer harassment in Russia for any reason. Such circumstances can be hostilities, disagreements with the current political regime, attribution to a sexual minority, religious prejudices. In this case, you need to contact the consulate of the host country with a request to obtain political asylum. For Russians over the past decade, one of the best options has been to go to Germany. Many also managed to obtain housing and a monthly allowance.

The disadvantage of this method lies in the difficulty of obtaining evidence, and the requirements have recently become tougher. Those wishing to emigrate from Russia permanently need to collect documents that indicate the infringement of their rights - lawsuits, documents from the police or a medical institution confirming the use of violence, letters or voice recordings of threats, a party card (of the opposition), a photo or video confirming illegal acts in relation to the applicant.

Special programs

The most popular programs that make it possible to leave Russia without money are Green Card and Blue Card. Each year, the US Department of State holds a lottery-like event that results in 55,000 participants receiving residency permits. Every year, the number of people wishing to participate in such a lottery is growing and amounts to 9-12 million. Green Card is a permit that makes it possible to legally live and work in the United States.

You can fill out the questionnaire on the website Application is free, each participant can submit it only once (in English). After filling out the questionnaire, you need to wait for the results. The decision is made automatically, you can read about the dates of the lottery on the indicated official website.

Blue Card is a document confirming a residence permit with the right to work in the EU countries. The essence of such a program is the influx of highly qualified workers. In addition to participants, their families (children and spouses) receive the right to reside. This program is similar to the Green Card. To become a member, you need to be a highly qualified specialist, have a higher education and work experience. The Blue Card is not a work visa, it is a migration document that makes the candidate a full-fledged resident of the host country.

The best countries for emigration from Russia - where to go to live?

There is no single answer to this question - what one person likes may become unacceptable for another. The reasons are completely different - both a banal language barrier, and more complex factors (level of qualification, professionalism, mentality). For example, a good IT specialist can expect to work in highly developed countries, while a Russian language teacher will have to spend a lot of time looking for a good job abroad. It is better to leave for countries with developed infrastructure and favorable migration policy towards the inhabitants of Russia.


This country is loyal to immigrants. Scientists and highly qualified specialists can obtain citizenship in it. The state also issues a residence permit without any problems to those who can prove family ties with the indigenous population. Getting married to a resident of Sweden is an easy and quick way to move to this country.


Despite the large number of migrants from Russia and Ukraine, Portugal's policy continues to attract foreigners to work. Entrepreneurs who plan to invest in a business in this country, and workers (preferably without qualifications) can get a visa here.


A high standard of living and social security make the country attractive to foreign citizens. Students, businessmen, investors can move here. Those who have found work there can also migrate to Belgium. As a rule, programs are aimed at both highly paid, professional specialists and people with working specialties.


In order to obtain a residence permit in Canada, you can use several methods - marriage, employment contract, political asylum. As a rule, professional immigration prevails among Russian migrants.

To obtain a work visa, the candidate must be fluent in English and French, have a higher education and work experience in the specialty. Language proficiency is determined by IELTS or DELF testing.


Today, there are several ways to migrate to Australia. If a person does not have relatives in Australia or capital to invest in the country's economy, he can use professional immigration. To do this, the candidate must meet the following criteria:

  • age - up to 40-45 years;
  • work by profession, which is included in the list of specialties, the holders of which can participate in the professional migration program;
  • a diploma confirming the profession;
  • work experience;
  • knowledge of English (need to be tested);
  • no criminal record.

How to emigrate for permanent residence from Russia - practical advice

If you are determined to move to another country for permanent residence, it is important to be prepared and not make common mistakes. Recommendations to a potential migrant:

  1. Take care of the financial airbag. When adapting to a new country, money will be needed, unforeseen expenses will certainly arise.
  2. When moving to another country, leave a general power of attorney for a relative or close person so that you can resolve administrative issues without returning to your homeland.
  3. Take care of the first aid kit, as at first it will be difficult to deal with medical care. In addition, in many countries even the most basic medicines are sold by prescription.
  4. Learn the language before arrival, improve it.
  5. Learn the local laws of the host country.

Why can they refuse to leave Russia?

The right to leave Russia is temporarily restricted for the following categories:

  • with access to state secrets;
  • for employees of the Federal Security Service;
  • for those convicted of a crime or suspected;
  • if a person evades obligations established by the court, or knowingly provided false information when submitting travel documents.

Also deprived of the right to leave the conscripts in the civil service. An exception may be contract soldiers, who can provide permission from the commander to leave the country or a deferment from conscription.

The search for ways of self-realization, the desire to improve their financial situation, change priorities inclines many to leave their native country. Today, in the period of globalization, moving to live in another country is not as difficult as it was several decades ago. There are many options and valid methods for obtaining a residence permit, some programs are completely free. Everyone can find the best option for themselves today.

The desire to make good money is quite natural for all people. Russia is a huge country in terms of area, wages in different regions differ many times over. If wages in Moscow or Tyumen suit the majority of the population, then the same cannot be said about the inhabitants of Pskov, Tambov and many other regions. For those living in depressed regions, the best way to earn more money is to leave for regions with high wages. But not all of our compatriots want to work in Russia, many of them basically want to go abroad to work. There, the average salary is much higher, and living conditions are much better. Quite often, after temporary earnings, a family is transported to the country and documents for permanent residence are issued.

Before making the final decision to go to work, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. Abroad, they pay not as much as you want, but how much you cost in the local labor market.

  1. Language skills. A big plus if you know the language of the country in which you work. Employers have little desire to waste time explaining your duties on the fingers. This takes them a lot of time, which in the end is paid by the worker himself. Accordingly, you should not count on a large salary without knowing the language. This applies to all professions, including highly paid ones.

  2. Availability of qualifications. In Russia, it is traditionally customary to value jacks of all trades. A completely different attitude to professional skills abroad. They believe that one should master one specialty, but thoroughly. Specialists who can do a lot, but do not do a single job professionally, are not respected in the West. For example, it is better to be a professional bricklayer with extensive practical experience than to understand a little about construction, cars and plumbing, but really do not know how to do anything.

  3. Floor. It is much more difficult for women not only to look for a well-paid job, but also to get a job in general. A cleaner, a farm worker, at best a nurse - this is the list of the most real employment that women can count on. It is easier for men, there is a large list of specialties that do not require a thorough knowledge of the language.

  4. Visa. If you are looking for a job in tourism, then you should not hope for high earnings. The employer takes risks by violating the laws of his country, and calculates money from the employee for the risk. Only an official work visa allows you to hope for an adequate salary.

When choosing a country, pay attention not only to salary, but also to the cost of living. This refers to food, accommodation, transport, medical services, etc. The general trend is that the higher the salary in the country, the higher the average cost of living. This is often not mentioned at the time of signing the contract.

There are two ways to search for earnings: independent and with the help of specialized companies.

Searching for earnings with the help of companies

Currently, there are quite a lot of such companies, but not all of them work in the legal field. In connection with the increasing cases of fraud, the Federal Migration Service has developed a special document with practical advice.

What does the FMS advise to pay attention to?

Signs of a dishonest companyBrief description of actions
License numberAll licenses that are officially issued by the Federal Migration Service begin with the number 152, the next two indicate the year of issue, then the country is indicated, the last digits indicate the number of the license. For example, the official license number should look like this: 15215RF296. There are cases when a license is issued by the authorities of the regional migration service, then in the number the abbreviation RF is replaced by a two-digit code assigned to this territory. For example, the license number is 1521554210. The number 54 means the FMS region. If the company has other numbers, then they should not be trusted.
Company nameIf the founders of the company are individuals or various representative offices of foreign companies, then you cannot contact them. These entities do not have the legal right to engage in employment on the territory of the Russian Federation. An exception is that some embassies advertise employment services on their websites, but you need to do this search and submission of documents yourself.
The site must accurately indicate the name and surname of the general director and contact detailsAll information must be checked in the FMS of the Russian Federation or in territorial offices.

One more caveat. If you are promised a high salary for an unskilled worker, then these are scammers. Such workers receive no more than 1200-1500 dollars a month.

The company should not provide only information servicesThe task of official bona fide employment companies is to apply for a job in the chosen specialty with the signing of an agreement. You do not need to pay for the provision of information, the contract should contain a clause on the return of money in case of refusal to hire.

According to statistics, only 20% of companies provide legal employment services abroad, all the rest are scammers.

Independent search for earnings

There are two ways.

The first is that acquaintances who have been abroad for a long time find work. In this case, the problems with obtaining a visa must be solved independently. Try to have acquaintances send a request personally to you from the employer.

Secondly, on the websites of some embassies there is a list of free vacancies with official invitations from employers. For example, Canada has long been engaged in such employment, an application can be filled out on the website. It is allowed to submit several applications at once and wait for a response. This way of looking for earnings is the most reliable, completely safe and legal.

Which countries are best to go to work

Here the choice depends, first of all, on the knowledge of the language, and secondly, on the state of affairs with the labor force in these countries. If you speak English perfectly, then there is no point in going to Spain or France. Without knowledge of the language, you will receive much less, and this despite the fact that you work in one specialty. Each country reacts differently to foreign workers.

Comparison of the average salary in European countries
- 671 € - 441 € - 364 €
- 651 € - 426 € Macedonia - 353 €
- 566 € - 402 € - 332 €
- 541 € - 398 € Albania - 320 €
- 487 € - 377 € - 232 €
- 486 € - 370 € Moldova - 190 €


Willingly employs foreigners, but only legal ones. Keep in mind that Germans are very law-abiding citizens. If you manage to get a job illegally, then surely some neighbor or a simple passer-by will call the police and report a violation of the law.

Engineers of various fields, medical workers, programmers are gladly accepted for legal work. There are no big problems with the builders. The state strictly monitors the observance by employers of the rights of hired workers, nationality and country of arrival does not matter.

You can work on a special "blue" card, but it is issued only to specialists with higher education who have practical experience in their specialty for at least five years. The employer submitting the request must guarantee a minimum annual salary of at least 45,000 euros.

By the way, the “blue card” allows you to apply for a permanent residence permit after 33 months, if the knowledge of the German language meets the B1 level, you can get it after just 21 months of work.

Video - The whole truth about illegal work in Germany

Great Britain

Unskilled labor is not highly valued, and traveling without the certainty of being hired is a risky undertaking. Knowledge of the language is considered an important advantage. But it's worth a try, in England there are some of the highest salaries. Tangible problems with finding a job began after 2014, when restrictions on the employment of citizens of Romania and Bulgaria were lifted. Only a qualified specialist has a chance to get a work visa. You can get a job at a construction site or in the service sector only illegally.


The average salary level is 7.5 thousand dollars, in addition, overtime is paid extra. The work is physically demanding, and most often you will have to take care of living on your own. In the fishery, you can get about 3 thousand dollars. But there is one problem - it is difficult to issue. Although there are many examples when our compatriots work illegally on a tourist visa. The police in Alaska are loyal to such persons.

Alaska on Google Maps

Scandinavian countries

The easiest way to get a seasonal job is to collect forest gifts: mushrooms, cloudberries, cranberries, blueberries, etc. You can have 1.5 thousand euros a month clean. These jobs do not require any permits, you can go on an ordinary visa. Legally, you can get a job at shipyards with a salary of 3 thousand euros. But this is only if there is a work visa, and it is very difficult to obtain it.


Most often women leave here, for them there are many places for nurses, nannies, cleaners, etc. The salary is about 1000 euros, a lot depends on the region of the country and the ability to negotiate. It is difficult to get a work permit right away, but Italy, at the request of the Vatican, often legalizes illegal immigrants. The legalization process is very simple and covers almost everyone staying in Italy.

Chances of finding a decent job increase if you are fluent in Italian


The country is attractive for young Russians, it is easiest to find a job in the tourism sector. A prerequisite is that you need to know perfectly not only the history of the country, but also architectural monuments, national traditions and the English language. It is needed even for those who plan to be a guide for Russian-speaking tourists. Before leaving for work, you should prepare. The average salary is 1.5 thousand dollars.

Working in Thailand is difficult and requires physical and mental effort.

Thailand on Google Maps


Russian girls can find work here. They are willingly taken to various show clubs and hotels. There are many vacancies for English teachers, but excellent knowledge of the subject is required. By the way, it is not necessary to have a document on vocational education.

Video - How to find a job in China

Which jobs in which countries can you hope for?

In order to interest a responsible employer, you need to have solid practical experience in your specialty. Unskilled labor in all countries is much cheaper. True, often their low wages are higher than ours.

Name of classesWhere can I get a job and under what conditions

Such work can be found in countries with a developed tourism industry: Tunisia, Egypt, Spain, etc. You need to work at least six days a week with an irregular day. Proficiency in English is a must, additional knowledge of French and German is a significant advantage. Salary depending on the country 800-1000 dollars.

This is the name of the job of a nurse, housekeeper, nanny. There are vacancies in Italy, Germany, America, Canada. Advantages - the employer pays for housing and meals. Disadvantages - irregular working hours and a maximum of one day off. In some countries, such work can be obtained without a work visa. Pay up to $3,000

Waiters, cook assistants, dishwashers, office cleaners, etc. You can get such a job in Italy, Germany, England, Spain, and the Czech Republic. Salary up to 2 thousand dollars. Knowledge of the language at a conversational level is required.

Such people are expected in Poland, Denmark, Sweden, England. In order to earn normal money, you have to work 12 hours a day. Issues with accommodation and meals are decided by the employer. Piecework salary in the range of 2-3 thousand dollars.

There are many vacancies and very loyal conditions for confirming a diploma of education in Eastern Europe. Their employees left for Germany, England, France, today there is a big shortage of personnel there. Earnings from 3000 euros.

When concluding a contract for work in any country, you need to pay attention to the type and nature of work, working conditions and wages, social and medical insurance, rights and obligations of the parties.

Video - Where to go to work

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