Passing the exam for obtaining a rvp. Rvp confirmation by students, retirees and the disabled How to confirm rvp for a full-time student

In our article, we tried to tell in all the details about a temporary residence permit for foreign citizens, and in particular about how to obtain a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, what rights it gives, what documents and grounds are needed for registration, what to do after receiving a temporary residence permit, and answered the most frequent questions about the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit in Russia. Also in our article you will find step-by-step instructions for obtaining a TRP and a list of required documents.

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What is RVP in Russia?

RVP in the Russian Federation is a temporary residence permit in Russia for foreign citizens.
In fact, the RVP is a stamp in the document of a foreign citizen, which confirms the right to temporary residence of a foreigner in Russia.

The RVP seal is placed in the passport of a foreign citizen or in a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen or stateless person on the territory of the Russian Federation.

You can download a sample RVP at the link.

What does a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation give?

A temporary residence permit for a foreign citizen (RVP) gives a foreigner the right to temporarily reside in Russia and work in the country.

In simple words, a foreigner with a temporary residence permit has the right to legally live and work in the Russian Federation before obtaining a residence permit in Russia or citizenship.

Rights of citizens with temporary residence permit

If a foreign citizen has a TRP in Russia, then:
  • He can freely enter the territory of Russia and leave the country.
  • He can legally work in Russia and does not need to apply for a work patent or work permit.
  • A foreigner with a temporary residence permit can register his own company or individual entrepreneur.
  • Also, the RVP gives the migrant the right to free medical care and visits to polyclinics at the place of residence.
However, there are some limitations:
  • A foreigner with a temporary residence permit in Russia can work only in that region - a subject of the Russian Federation for which he was issued his temporary residence permit.
  • A foreign citizen cannot be absent from Russia for more than six months, otherwise the foreigner's TRP may be canceled. In this case, only the continuous number of days of absence on the territory of the Russian Federation is taken into account, and not the total number of days when a foreign citizen left Russia.

Period of validity of the RVP in the Russian Federation

A foreign citizen is issued a TRP for a period of up to 3 years, thus, the validity period of a temporary residence permit is three years.

There is no opportunity to extend the TRP after three years, therefore, during this period, a foreign citizen must determine his status and apply for a residence permit in Russia or apply for Russian citizenship.

RVP and the law: Federal Law on temporary residence permits for foreign citizens in Russia

Issues related to a temporary residence permit are regulated by the Federal Law No. 115 “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.

In particular, Article 6 of the Federal Law No. 115 is devoted to temporary residence permit, in it the law describes the administrative regulations for issuing a temporary residence permit in Russia and the procedure and terms for considering applications for a temporary residence permit in Russia, the validity period of this permit, quotas for issuance, and also describes situations in which a foreign citizen can receive a TRP in the Russian Federation without taking into account the quota.

Article 7 of the Federal Law No. 115 regulates the grounds for refusing to issue a temporary residence permit or cancellation of a temporary residence permit in Russia.

More information about the legislation, administrative regulations for issuing a temporary residence permit and the text of the law on RVP can be found at this link.

Issuance of a temporary residence permit

The issuance of a TRP to a foreign citizen is carried out:
  • within the statutory quota for the issuance of permits for temporary residence in Russia;
  • without taking into account the quota if there are grounds for obtaining a TRP.
Important! RVP stamping in the passport of a foreign citizen is carried out exclusively in government agencies or their representative offices and only with the personal presence of a foreign citizen. Information about the RVP is entered into the database of the GUMV Ministry of Internal Affairs.

We will tell you more about the grounds and process for obtaining a temporary residence permit in Russia under quotas and outside quotas below.

Temporary residence permit subject to quota

Quotas for temporary residence permits are approved annually by the Government of the Russian Federation, depending on the demographic situation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their ability to accommodate foreigners.

Thus, every year the government distributes quotas for temporary residence permits by regions of the Russian Federation, fixing how many temporary residence permits will be issued in a specific region of the country.

RVP quota in 2019

On November 22, 2017, Government Decree No. 2581-r approved the quota for temporary residence permits for 2019 by regions of the country. Quotas for TRP by region for 2019 can be found on this page.

How to get a quota for a TRP?

In this section of the article, we will take a closer look at the process of obtaining a quota for a TRP in Russia.

To get in the queue for a TRP in a selected region, a foreign citizen must apply for a TRP in Russia to government agencies or their representative offices in this region, and collect all the necessary documents for filing.

The decision to issue a quota for a TRP will be made after a foreign citizen submits all documents for obtaining a TRP in the general manner.

At the same time, filing an application does not yet guarantee a foreigner the fact of obtaining a temporary residence permit, however, if the employees of government agencies have accepted an application for a temporary residence permit, this means that the quotas for obtaining a temporary residence permit in this region have not yet been exhausted.

If the quota for a temporary residence permit is exhausted, then applications for issuing a temporary residence permit will not be accepted, then it will be almost impossible to obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia this year, only outside the quota.

After consideration of the application for a temporary residence permit in Russia, a decision is made to issue a temporary residence permit or a decision to refuse a temporary residence permit, about which the foreign citizen is informed by phone or in writing.

When can you apply for a TRP?

It is necessary to submit an application and other documents for a temporary residence permit as early as possible, immediately after the beginning of the new year, starting from January 1. Since the quota is set annually and it is always exhausted in different ways depending on the subject of the Russian Federation, therefore, the closer to the beginning of the year, the more unexhausted quotas for TRP there are in the region.

However, it should be taken into account that it takes a certain amount of time to collect the rest of the documents for the RVP, including for passing exams, passing medical examinations, etc. living in Russia.

Where to apply for a temporary residence permit and where to get a temporary residence permit?

Many foreign citizens are wondering where to apply for a temporary residence permit, especially after the liquidation of the Federal Migration Service.

You can submit a package of documents for a temporary residence permit in several ways:

  • Documents for a temporary residence permit can be personally submitted to the territorial body of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the MFC at the place of residence.
  • You can also apply for a RVP online through the government services website.

Terms of consideration of a temporary residence permit under a quota

How long to wait for the RVP after submitting the documents?
First of all, the terms of consideration of an application for obtaining a temporary residence permit in Russia on a quota by employees of the GUMV Ministry of Internal Affairs (FMS) depend on the order in which a foreign citizen arrived in Russia - in a visa (with a visa) or visa-free (without a visa).

If a foreign citizen arrived in the Russian Federation on a visa, then according to the law, an application for a TRP is under consideration up to 6 months after the documents are submitted for a TRP.

If a foreign citizen arrived in the Russian Federation on a visa-free basis, then according to the law, the term for considering an application for a temporary residence permit is 60 days.

RVP - step-by-step instructions for obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation under a quota

Consider obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation step by step.
Below is the procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation and the steps required after obtaining a residence permit in Russia.
  1. A foreign citizen fills out an application for the issuance of a TRP in 2 copies.
  2. Prepares a package of documents for submission together with an application for a temporary residence permit to government agencies.
  3. He undergoes a medical commission at the RVP and receives a certificate of absence of diseases for submission to the authorities.
  4. Pass exams (RVP level) for knowledge of the Russian language, history and legislation of the Russian Federation and receive a corresponding certificate.
  5. Pays the state duty for the RVP.
  6. Submits a package of documents with an application for a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation.
  7. Receives a decision on issuing a TRP.
  8. Undergoes the fingerprinting procedure and receives a RVP stamp in the passport.
  9. Registered at the place of residence.
  10. Visa foreign citizens apply for a visa for multiple entry-exit to the Russian Federation.
  11. Sends a notification of residence in the Russian Federation by RVP.

Documents for a temporary residence permit under a quota

In order to obtain a permit for temporary residence in Russia under a quota, a foreign citizen must collect the following package of documents for a temporary residence permit:
  • 2 copies of the completed application for the issuance of a TRP;
  • 2 photographs 35 × 45 mm;
  • passport and international passport (if any);
  • visa foreigners provide a certificate of no criminal record and its notarized translation;
  • medical certificates on the absence of an established list of diseases;
  • certificates of knowledge of Russian, history and legislation of the Russian Federation - RVP level;
  • migration card with a mark confirming entry into the Russian Federation;
  • notification of the registration of a foreign citizen on migration registration;
  • receipt of payment of the state duty for the RVP.

Documents for temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation for children of foreign citizens

A temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation for minor children is issued in almost exactly the same manner as for adult foreign citizens.

It is necessary to pay the state fee, undergo a medical examination at the RVP and collect the rest of the documents.
However, children are exempted from taking the Russian language proficiency test.

Documents for a temporary residence permit for a child:

  • 2 copies of the completed application for the issuance of a RVP to a child.
  • 2 photographs 35 × 45 mm.
  • Birth certificate of a child with proof of citizenship.
  • Passport (if any).
  • Migration card with a mark confirming entry into the Russian Federation.
  • If the child is already 14 years old, then it will be necessary to notarize his consent to live in the Russian Federation and provide a certificate of no criminal record in the country from which he came.

Simplified temporary residence permit: grounds for issuing a temporary residence permit in Russia without a quota

Also, a foreign citizen can apply for a temporary residence permit in a simplified manner and obtain a temporary residence permit without a quota.

However, in order to obtain a temporary residence permit without taking into account the quota, a foreign citizen must have serious reasons. Next, we will take a closer look at what grounds for obtaining a TRP a foreign citizen may have.

Grounds for a RWP without a quota

A foreigner may have the following grounds for applying for a temporary residence permit without a queue:
  • The birth of a foreign citizen on the territory of Russia is the basis for a TRP, that is, if a foreign citizen was born in the Russian Federation, he can apply for a TRP outside the quota.
  • Also, if a foreign citizen was born on the territory of the RSFSR, and he had USSR citizenship, he will be able to issue a TRP outside the quota.
  • If a foreign citizen was declared incapable, but he has capable children who are Russian citizens, then he can apply for a temporary residence permit without taking into account the quota.
  • Also, the basis for obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation is the presence of an incapacitated parent who is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • A temporary residence permit is also issued out of turn on the basis of marriage, if a foreign citizen is married to a citizen of Russia.
  • The basis for obtaining a TRP without a quota is also the investment in the economy of the Russian Federation of the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Also, the basis for obtaining a TRP without a quota is military service in the Russian Federation, a TRP is issued for a period of service.
  • Also, without a quota, you can get a TRP under the compatriot resettlement program.
  • If a foreign citizen has a minor child-citizen of the Russian Federation, then this is the basis for obtaining a TRP in the Russian Federation.
  • If a foreign citizen has an adult child, a citizen of the Russian Federation, who has been declared incapacitated or disabled, the foreigner can also apply for a temporary residence permit.
Thus, a foreign citizen can obtain a temporary residence permit for any reason from this list.

Also, without taking into account the quota, minor children can obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia if they receive a temporary residence permit together with a foreign parent or at the request of a parent who is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

All of the above grounds for obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, excluding quotas, are described in detail in Federal Law No. 115.

Documents for a temporary residence permit without taking into account the quota for temporary residence permit

In order to obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia without taking into account the quota, a foreign citizen must collect the same package of documents for a temporary residence permit as when applying for a quota:
  • 2 copies of the completed application for the issuance of a TRP.
  • 2 photographs 35 × 45 mm.
  • Passport and international passport (if any).
  • Visa foreigners provide a certificate of no criminal record and its notarized translation.
  • Medical certificates confirming the absence of an established list of diseases.
  • Documents confirming knowledge of Russian, history and legislation of the Russian Federation - RVP level.
  • Migration card with a mark confirming entry into the Russian Federation.
  • Notification of registration of a foreign citizen on migration registration.
  • Receipt for payment of the state duty for the RVP.
  • And they attach to this package of documents a document proving the existence of grounds for obtaining a TRP in the Russian Federation in a simplified manner outside the quota, for example:
  1. birth certificate in the Russian Federation;
  2. a certificate of a participant in the resettlement program;
  3. confirmation of family ties with a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  4. other documents confirming the existence of grounds for obtaining a TRP outside the quota.

Application for a temporary residence permit

An application for a temporary residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation is the first document to be submitted for a temporary residence permit.
A foreign citizen enters into the document reliable information about himself and his loved ones, the data of his documents for further identification and verification, and comprehensively and clearly answers the questions in the application.

After completing the application for a temporary residence permit, be sure to double-check all the information entered and verify it with your documents in order to avoid problems when filing.

An application for a temporary residence permit can be submitted online, on the website of public services, or in person at the territorial body of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The application form for the RVP is as follows:

You can download the forms for the RVP of the new sample at this link.

Photo at RVP

To submit documents, a foreign citizen will need to take a photo: for a temporary residence permit, 2 photos of 35 × 45 mm are needed

Requirements for the photo on the RVP 2019

  • The size of the photo on the RVP is 35 × 45 mm, the face should occupy 60% of the frame.
  • The photograph should be full-face, clear and not blurry, with well-defined facial features.
  • One of the requirements for a photo on a RVP is the absence of a headdress and glasses.
It is better to print photos on RVP on matte paper so that there is no glare when scanning.
Quantity - 2 pcs. for foreign citizens, 3 pieces for stateless persons.

You can see what the photo looks like on the RVP below:

The cost of a temporary residence permit: state duty for a temporary residence permit - 1600 rubles.

The state duty for a temporary residence permit is 1600 rubles.
Thus, in order to apply for a temporary residence permit, you must pay a fee for a temporary residence permit in the amount of 1600 rubles.

The details of the state duty for a temporary residence permit depend on the region in which you want to obtain a temporary residence permit.
You can generate a receipt for payment of the RVP on the official website of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at this link.

To create a receipt for payment of a temporary residence permit (state duty for a temporary residence permit), follow the link and select the region in which you will apply for a temporary residence permit.

Then select the settlement from the list.
In the field "type of state duty", you must select the value "State duty for the issuance of a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation to a foreign citizen or stateless person - 1600 rubles."
Next, you need to fill in your full name and postal address. If you already have a TIN of a foreign citizen, enter his number in the field.
And enter the security code in the appropriate field.
Further, in order to receive a RVP receipt for payment of the state duty, simply click the "Issue" button.

After that, the system will offer to print a receipt for payment of the state duty for a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation or save it in electronic form.
You can also send a receipt for the RVP to your e-mail.

Fingerprinting for RVP

As mentioned above, after the application for a temporary residence permit in Russia is considered, the foreign citizen will be notified of the decision by telephone or in writing.

In case of a positive decision on extradition, the foreign citizen will need to undergo fingerprinting on the RVP.

Fingerprinting is carried out upon receipt of the RVP, that is, a foreign citizen who came for a RVP stamp in his passport will need to be fingerprinted on the spot.

Exams for temporary residence permits

In order to obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia, a foreign citizen must confirm the knowledge of the Russian language by submitting the appropriate document to the state authorities:
  • certificate of knowledge of the language, history and fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • a document on education of the state standard, which was issued on the territory of a state that is part of the USSR before 01.01.1991;
  • a document on education or qualifications issued since 01.01.1991 to persons who have passed the final state attestation in Russia.
If a foreign citizen does not have any of these documents, he must pass a comprehensive exam for a TRP and receive a corresponding certificate of passing the state exam, which must be submitted to the authorities when applying for a TRP.

A comprehensive exam for obtaining a RVP consists in passing tests by a foreign citizen, which reveal the level of language proficiency, knowledge of the history and laws of Russia.

Thus, testing for RVP contains 3 blocks:

  • testing in Russian for RVP;
  • history tests for RVP;
  • tests on the basics of legislation.
That is, passing the exam for the RVP consists in passing comprehensive testing, which consists of 3 modules: Russian language, history of Russia, fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Russian language tests at the RVP

The Russian exam for RVP consists of 5 sections:
  • Vocabulary. Grammar (25 tasks, duration 15 minutes);
  • Reading (10 assignments, 15 minutes to complete);
  • Listening (10 tasks, duration 15 minutes);
  • Letter (1 task, time to complete 15 minutes);
  • Speaking (15 minutes).
The exam on the knowledge of the Russian language for the RVP is considered to be successfully passed if the foreign citizen answers correctly at least 70% of the questions in each block of the Russian language test at the RVP level.

Tests on the history of Russia at the RVP

The RVP exam on the history of Russia is 1 test with 20 questions.

The test takes 30 minutes to complete.

The exam for migrants for the RVP on the history of Russia is considered to be successfully passed if the foreign citizen answers correctly at least 50% of the questions from the history test, that is, gives at least 10 correct answers out of 20.

Tests under the legislation of the Russian Federation for RVP

The exam for the RVP in Fundamentals of Legislation is also 1 test with 20 questions.

It is also necessary to pass this exam for the RVP in the allotted time - 30 minutes.

The TRP test on the basics of legislation for migrants is considered successful if a foreign citizen answers correctly at least half of the questions in this module, that is, gives at least 10 correct answers out of 20, thus gaining at least 50% of correct answers.

Thus, the total time allotted for tests for RWP for migrants is 135 minutes or 2 hours and 15 minutes. The specified execution time for each test to obtain a RWP does not include the time for familiarization with the tasks and instructions for them.

The test exam for the RVP is considered to be successfully passed if the foreign citizen gains the minimum percentage of correct answers and the minimum passing score for obtaining the RVP.

The system for assessing the RVP test for migrants is as follows:

After successfully passing the exam for the RVP in Russia, a foreign citizen receives a certificate of knowledge of the Russian language, which must be provided when applying for a RVP.

If a foreign citizen does not gain the required number of points, then he will be issued a certificate indicating the results of testing for a TRP.

On its basis, it will be possible to re-pass the exam on language proficiency for the RVP, history and fundamentals of legislation.

Documents for the RVP exam

In order to pass the test for TRP, a foreign citizen will need the following documents:
  • notarized translation of the passport (document).
No more documents are needed for the TRP exam.

Where to pass exams for obtaining a TRP?

Many foreign citizens ask themselves questions about where to take the RVP exam and, in particular, where to take the Russian language at the RVP?

We answer: the exam in the Russian language for obtaining the RVP is included in the comprehensive exam for the RVP. You can take the RVP exam at a specialized testing center for foreign citizens.

Today in Russia there are about 400 centers where you can take the exam for the RVP. For example, an exam in the Russian language for a temporary residence permit in Moscow can be taken at the head center for testing foreign citizens of the Moscow State University. Lomonosov, as well as in one of the many local testing centers.

Below is a map with the addresses of the organizations where the exam for foreign citizens is taken for the TRP.

You can also download a table with the addresses of local testing centers for foreign citizens throughout Russia, where a foreign citizen can sign up for the RVP exam and take the Russian language test for RVP. You will find detailed information on where to take the Russian exam at the RVP in this table.

Medical board for RVP

Every foreign citizen applying for a temporary residence permit in Russia must pass a medical examination for a temporary residence permit.

A medical examination for a temporary residence permit for children is also required if you are applying for a temporary residence permit for a child.

In order to receive a referral form for a medical examination for a temporary residence permit at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a foreign citizen must provide the following documents:

  • passport (identity document);
  • notarized translation of the passport (document);
  • a copy of the migration registration;
  • a copy of the migration card.
Based on the results of passing a medical examination for a temporary residence permit, a foreign citizen is issued a conclusion on his state of health:
  • Medical certificate;
  • Certificate of absence of HIV infection.
A medical certificate for a RVP and a certificate are also provided to government agencies.

Analyzes and medical examination for RVP

The medical board for obtaining a RVP includes examination by a therapist, phthisiatrician, dermatovenerologist and psychiatrist-narcologist.

You will also need to pass the following medical tests for RVP:

  • Blood test for HIV infection and syphilis;
  • Clinical blood test;
  • Analysis of urine for the presence of psychotropic substances;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Make a fluorographic examination of the chest.
The medical board for the RVP must also confirm that the following infectious diseases have not been found in the foreign citizen:
  • Leprosy,
  • HIV infection,
  • Tuberculosis,
  • Addiction,
  • Sexually transmitted infections.
If these diseases are detected during the medical examination at the RVP, the foreign citizen will be denied the issue of the RVP.

Where to get a medical examination for a RVP?

Since state bodies accept medical certificates for RVP only from state-authorized medical institutions, the places where you can undergo a medical examination for RVP are strictly regulated.

Therefore, you can apply exclusively to health care institutions that have the right to issue certificates and medical certificates for RVP.

You will find a list of authorized medical institutions on this page. The addresses of the institutions where the medical examination for the RVP are carried out are also indicated there.

How to find out the readiness of the temporary residence permit: checking the readiness of the temporary residence permit

Many foreign citizens are eagerly looking for and waiting for data on the readiness of a temporary residence permit in Russia.

And if earlier it was possible to find out whether the RVP was ready only with a personal appeal to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (FMS) and had to constantly make official requests to check the readiness of the temporary residence permit, today everything is much simpler, since the information has become more accessible.

Today, a foreign citizen can check the readiness of the RVP online.

You can check the readiness of the RVP on the official website of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The RVP readiness check site is available at this link.

To check the readiness of the temporary residence permit, you must fill in the form fields correctly: select the region where you applied for the temporary residence permit, enter your date of birth and the number of the passport (identity document) that was provided to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs when submitting documents for the temporary residence permit.

Important! It is impossible to check the readiness of the RVP by last name. To request, you need to know the region, date of birth and passport number. It is impossible to recognize the readiness of the RVP by the name alone!

After filling out the form fields, you must enter the verification code and send a request.

The system will check the readiness of the RVP by comparing the data of the foreign citizen with the database of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and will give an answer.

If the result of the check is the phrase: "There is no data on the readiness of the temporary residence permit", then the temporary residence permit is not yet ready.

If you see another phrase, congratulations, the check of the RVP readiness on the base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was successful and your RVP is ready!

However, remember that the online check of the RWP readiness is for informational purposes only and is not legally significant.

Refusal to apply for a temporary residence permit: grounds for refusing a temporary residence permit

Refusal of a temporary residence permit can be obtained at different stages of the process.

The first time when government officials refuse to accept documents for a temporary residence permit.

The second time, when they refused to issue a TRP after processing all the documents.

Let us consider these probabilities of failure in the RVP in more detail.

Grounds for refusal to accept documents for a temporary residence permit

The reasons for refusing to accept documents for a temporary residence permit may be different:
  • Incorrectly completed application for a TRP.
  • Non-compliance of the documents provided with the requirements established by law.
  • Invalidity of documents of a foreign citizen applying for a temporary residence permit.
  • The validity of the identity document is less than 6 months.
  • The applicant violates the established order of stay (residence) in Russia.
  • Incomplete package of documents for a temporary residence permit (for example, there are no photos, an identity document, a document confirming the applicant's no criminal record, etc.)

Grounds for refusal to obtain a TRP

There is only one reason for the refusal of a temporary residence permit - the existence of grounds for refusal, that is, a foreign citizen will be denied a temporary residence permit if grounds are revealed that prevent the issuance of a temporary residence permit in Russia, which are clearly spelled out in Federal Law No. 115.

Below is a list of grounds for refusing to issue a TRP to a foreigner in the Russian Federation.

If the following grounds are identified, a foreign citizen who already has a valid temporary residence permit in Russia, his TRP will be canceled.

Thus, a temporary residence permit will not be issued to a foreign citizen, and the previously issued RVP will be canceled if:

  1. A foreign citizen poses a threat to the security of the Russian Federation or its citizens.
  2. A foreigner provides financial support, plans terrorist acts, facilitates or commits these acts, or otherwise supports extremist activities.
  3. A foreign citizen has been subject to administrative expulsion, deportation or readmission in the last 5 years before the day of filing an application for the issuance of a TRP or in the last 10 years before the day of filing the application, the foreigner has been repeatedly (two or more times) expelled from Russia, deportation or transferred to another country in in accordance with the readmission agreement.
  4. The foreigner has provided forged or forged documents, or has knowingly reported false information about himself.
  5. A foreigner has been convicted of a grave or especially grave crime, or a crime, the recurrence of which is recognized as dangerous, or has committed a crime that is related to the illegal circulation of drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues or precursors, plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, and also their parts containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors;
  6. A foreign citizen has an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for committing a grave or especially grave crime on the territory of the Russian Federation or outside of it, recognized as such in accordance with federal law;
  7. A foreign citizen was brought to administrative responsibility 2 or more times within 1 year for committing an administrative offense related to a violation of the regime of stay (residence) of foreign citizens in Russia or the procedure for carrying out labor activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, an encroachment on public order and public safety, or committed an administrative offense related to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues.
  8. A foreign citizen, within a year from the date of issuance of the permit, did not work in the manner prescribed by law for 180 days in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, where the TRP was issued, or did not receive income, or does not have the means to support himself and his family members who are dependent on him. With the exception of:
  • foreign citizens in full-time education in a professional educational institution, in an educational institution of higher education in the Russian Federation, including programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies (postgraduate studies);
  • pensioners and disabled people;
  • other categories of persons established by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation.
9. After three years from the date of entry, a foreign citizen will not have a living quarters on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. A foreign citizen will leave Russia for another country for permanent residence.

11. If a foreign citizen has been outside the Russian Federation for more than six months.

12. If a foreigner entered into a marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation, which served as the basis for obtaining a TRP for marriage, and this marriage was declared invalid by the court.

13. If a foreigner is sick with drug addiction or does not have a certificate of absence of HIV infection, or suffers from an infectious disease.

14. If a foreign citizen arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation in a visa-free manner and did not submit the necessary documents in due time.

Refused in the RVP - what to do?

If a foreign citizen is refused a temporary residence permit, he can do the following:
  • Require a decision to refuse a RVP with an indication of the grounds for refusal.
  • Try to challenge (appeal) the refusal of the RVP in court.
  • Try to challenge (appeal) the refusal to apply for a temporary residence permit at the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The authenticity of the TRP: checking the validity of the temporary residence permit

Unfortunately, checking a RVP for authenticity is a somewhat more complicated procedure than checking for readiness, since there is still no technical possibility to check a RVP for authenticity online on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (FMS).

And the only way to find out whether a RVP is really a foreign citizen is to make an official request to the authorities and wait for an official letter about the authenticity of his RVP after checking with the database of the GUMV Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Cancellation of a temporary residence permit

If you want to cancel a TRP of your own free will or want to learn more about in what cases a TRP is canceled and the most common reasons for canceling a TRP of a foreign citizen, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with.

Extension of a temporary residence permit in Russia - can a temporary residence permit be extended?

As already mentioned at the very beginning of our article, the document is issued for a period of up to 3 years and the law does not provide for the extension of the RVP, respectively, it is impossible to extend the RVP for the next period.

And since the extension of a temporary residence permit in Russia is not provided, a foreign citizen must apply for a residence permit or apply for Russian citizenship for the period while the RVP is still valid.

Important! If you did not manage to obtain Russian citizenship or a residence permit in Russia, and the validity period of the RVP is coming to an end, you need to leave the territory of the Russian Federation before it expires. It will be possible to drive back only after the TRP expires.

Important! Until the expiration of the RVP, the foreign citizen will not accept documents for the registration of a new RVP, i.e. a foreign citizen cannot apply for a TRP if he already has a valid permit, but it can be canceled.

What to do after the RVP? Memo to a foreign citizen who received a TRP

What to do after receiving a TRP? This question is asked by almost all foreign citizens who have received a temporary residence permit in Russia.

Below are the required actions after receiving the TRP.

1. Registration at the place of residence after the TRP
The first issue that a foreign citizen will have to solve is registration after receiving a TRP.

Within 7 working days after receiving the RVP, namely the placement of the RVP stamp in the passport, a foreign citizen must register at the place of stay.

If a foreign citizen cannot register at the place of residence, he needs to register for migration.

2. Provision of TIN

In the year after receiving a temporary residence permit, a foreign citizen must submit to the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the FMS) his TIN (notification of the registration of an individual with the tax office).

If a foreign citizen plans to apply for a residence permit within a year from the date of obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, then his TIN can be provided during the submission of a package of documents for a residence permit.

3. Confirmation of residence by TRP

A year after receiving a temporary residence permit, more precisely within 2 months from the date of the expiration of the next year from the date of obtaining a temporary residence permit, a foreign citizen must submit to the territorial department of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs a notice of confirmation of residence under the temporary residence permit in Russia and attach a certificate of income or other document, which confirms the size and source of income for the next year from the date of obtaining a temporary residence permit.

For more information on how to send a notification of confirmation of residence under the RVP and what documents are needed,. You can also download a TRP confirmation form and a sample of how to fill it out using this link.

4. Applying for a residence permit or citizenship of the Russian Federation

Within 3 years after receiving a TRP in the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen must decide on his further status in Russia and apply for a residence permit or apply for Russian citizenship. It is better to start dealing with these issues at least six months before the expiry date of the temporary residence permit.

Important to remember!

  1. After receiving a temporary residence permit, a foreign citizen is not entitled to work outside the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for which he was issued a temporary residence permit.
  2. To work for individuals for hire, a foreign citizen must apply for a patent for the work.
  3. You cannot change the place of residence according to the TRP of your own free will, that is, a foreign citizen can live only within the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for which the TRP was issued to him, with the exception of the following situations:
  • If a certificate of participation in the State Program for the Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots is received;
  • If a foreigner owns a dwelling on the territory of another constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • If the foreigner has family members in other regions of the Russian Federation.
In these cases, in order to change the place of residence under the temporary residence permit, a foreign citizen must submit to the territorial department of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs an application for changing the place of temporary residence in any form. The application is submitted to the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of permitted temporary residence or at a new place of residence.

RVP 2019: questions and answers

If, after reading our article with a full description of the procedure for obtaining a TRP in the Russian Federation, you still have questions or you need help in obtaining a TRP, you can write to us in the comments to the article, ask a question on our forum or get a free consultation on a TRP directly on the website ...

Foreign students studying at Russian universities have benefits in obtaining Russian citizenship. This is due to the need for high-level specialists. Questions of how to obtain Russian citizenship for a student, and who can use this opportunity, are regulated by the provisions of the Federal Law "On Russian Citizenship".

Students from many countries study at Russian universities. Often, students from the countries of the former USSR express a desire to stay in the country and change their nationality. Citizenship of the Russian Federation for students of the CIS countries is also granted on the basis of the compatriots resettlement program. However, they do not have any prerogatives in comparison with students from other countries. The main factor is successful study at the university, compliance with the conditions for granting status and confirmation of legal stay in the country.

Registration procedure

Despite the simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship by education, the general procedure remains the same. To do this, you will need to confirm the legality of your location, collect a certain package of documents and pay a state fee. Students do not need to take an exam on the knowledge of the Russian language: studying at a university presupposes a sufficient level of proficiency in it.

Where to contact

Now the application is being submitted to the regional departments of the internal affairs bodies, which are in charge of migration issues. If a person is abroad at that moment, he can apply to the representative office of the Russian Federation in the host country.

Terms of consideration of the application

All information provided is carefully reviewed and verified. This procedure is quite lengthy and can take up to 1 year. If a student qualifies for the compatriot resettlement program, the period is significantly reduced: it can take only 9 months from the date of registration of the TRP to the receipt of a Russian passport.

State duty

In 2019, foreign students who qualify for the state program to assist voluntary resettlement are not required to pay a fee. For the rest of the applicants is 3500 rubles.

In what cases will they refuse to issue

The simplified procedure does not mean the automatic issuance of citizenship after collecting all the necessary documents. The reliability of the candidate is of great importance. Therefore, first of all, you should make sure that there are no. These include:

  • transmission of false information. Therefore, it is better for the candidate to provide truthful information. If a false one is found in the documents, a refusal will follow without the right of appeal;
  • participation of a student in hostilities against the Russian Federation, armed international conflicts;
  • involvement in terrorist organizations;
  • the candidate has dangerous religious or political beliefs.

These measures are designed to ensure the security and tranquility of the state and its citizens. For the rest, the requirements for candidates are quite loyal, and there are no restrictions related to religion, age, sex and other similar ones for obtaining a Russian indigenous person.

Obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in 2019

After a positive decision has been made to grant the applicant a Russian state status, he can apply for a state identity document. To do this, you need to visit a department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. depend on the place of appeal. If the application is submitted at the place of residence, the document will be prepared within 10 days. Otherwise, the duration of obtaining a new passport will be a month.

Summing up

It is easier for students of local universities to change citizenship and obtain a Russian passport than for most other migrants. The only thing that can cause difficulty is acquiring the necessary work experience. Otherwise, there are no high requirements for the applicant. Therefore, for those wishing to join the ranks of Russian citizens, getting an education can be one of the ways to achieve their goal.

All foreigners with a TRP must provide an annual notification. But if a foreigner is a student or pensioner, and he does not have enough funds to confirm income in the amount of 12 living wages, then the status will not be canceled:

Grounds for cancellation of a temporary residence permit:

8) during the next year from the date of issuance of a temporary residence permit, he did not carry out labor activities in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation for one hundred and eighty days or did not receive income, or does not have sufficient funds in the amount to support himself and his family members who are on his dependent, without resorting to state assistance, at a level not lower than the subsistence level established by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which he is allowed temporary residence.
This provision does not apply to a foreign citizen: a full-time student at a specialized secondary educational institution of the Russian Federation;
full-time student or graduate student at a higher educational institution of the Russian Federation;
pensioner or disabled person; belonging to other categories of persons, the list of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

However, one should not assume that this category of persons is completely exempt from confirmation. At the end of the year, both students and pensioners must appear at the FMS - they, like everyone else, have been given 2 months for this - taking their passport, a completed notification and something else with them.

In addition to a notification and a passport, pensioners must take with them their pension certificate (with a notarized translation into Russian), disabled people - a certificate of disability (it also needs to be translated), and students - a certificate from the university, which indicates that they are full-time students ...

A certificate in the form established by the federal executive body in the field of migration on full-time training of this foreign citizen in a professional educational organization or educational institution of higher education according to the main professional educational program that has state accreditation, issued by these educational organizations (Certificate from the university for the FMS )

Conclusions from the article:

1. Students, retirees and people with disabilities are not exempt from the obligation to confirm the TRP
- like other foreigners, at the end of the year they must appear at the FMS, this is given 2 months.
2. If the income of a student, pensioner or disabled person "does not reach" the required amount of 12 living wages in the region - a small scholarship, pension, parents do not send money - their RVP will not be canceled.
3. Prove belonging to the "privileged category of citizens" must be documented -
with the help of a certificate or certificate.

Hello Ahmed.

1) So, when applying for a RVP under a quota, can I indicate a room in a student dormitory as the place of intended residence? (yes / no - on the basis of which articles and norms of the Federal Law)

Yes, you must indicate in the application the address of the migration registration of the university, it is the place of residence and you will attach this registration along with other documents to the application (tear-off coupon)

Are you interested in the question of whether it is possible to obtain and further confirm the TRP on the basis of migration registration at the university? -Answer Yes, you can.

If YOU do not have the right to a dwelling in the Russian Federation, then you can get a migration registration and a residence permit, if only it was (obtaining a residence permit) within three years from the moment of entry into the Russian Federation. But in order to obtain Russian citizenship, you will need to register at the place of residence.

I answer specifically to the questions: The fact is that, to obtain a TRP, you need to submit an application with a list of documents and this list does not contain a document confirming your place of residence, you only provide a migration card with a tear-off coupon of notification of the stay of a foreign citizen in accordance with

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 27, 2017 N 891 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the issuance of permits to foreign citizens and stateless persons for temporary

An exhaustive list of documents required in accordance with regulatory legal acts for the provision of public services and services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services, subject to submission by the applicant, the methods for their receipt by the applicant, including in electronic form, the procedure for their submission

To obtain a permit, a foreign citizen submits to the migration department at the place of intended residence or to the diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation in the state of his residence:
28.1. Application (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations) in duplicate.

28.2. Two personal photographs, one on each copy, on the application, 35 x 45 mm in black and white or color, with a clear full face, without headgear.

28.3. Identity document<1>.

28.4. A document issued no earlier than 3 months on the day of filing an application for a permit by the authorized body of the state of permanent residence, confirming that the applicant has no criminal record.

28.6. Documents confirming the absence of drug addiction and infectious diseases that pose a danger to others in the foreign citizen applying for the application ... as well as a certificate confirming that the applicant does not have a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

28.7. A document confirming the knowledge of a foreign citizen in the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation<3>.

The applicant, on his own initiative, has the right to provide a receipt for payment of the state duty for the issuance of a permit.

To provide a public service, a foreign citizen who has arrived in the Russian Federation in a manner that does not require a visa, has the right to submit, on his own initiative, a migration card with a mark from the border control body on the entry of this foreign citizen into the Russian Federation or a migration unit to issue a migration card to this foreign citizen. cards.
The information contained in the migration card is at the disposal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Here in the Application, indicate the address that is indicated in the tear-off coupon (registration) in clause 20, Appendix No. 3

20. Address (information) of the intended temporary residence ___
__________________________________________________________________ Together with the application I submit the following documents:

And write there

2) After receiving the TRP, do I have the right to register temporarily (until graduation - by that time 2 years will be) at the place of residence in a student hostel? (yes / no - on the basis of which acts, articles of the Federal Law)

Temporary registration with you and so on until the end of the academic year should be if you do not leave the Russian Federation, but in any case, the university must extend YOU in accordance with

Federal Law of 25.07.2002 N 115-FZ (as amended on 31.12.2017) "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation" Article 5

7. The period of temporary stay in the Russian Federation of a foreign citizen who has arrived in the Russian Federation for the purpose of study and entered an educational organization to receive education in full-time or part-time in the main professional educational program that has state accreditation is extended until the end of the period of study of this foreign citizen. a citizen in full-time or part-time in the specified educational organization.

But if you do not have the right to use the residential premises, you only need temporary registration (accounting) in accordance with

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2007 N 9 (as amended on October 26, 2016) "On the procedure for the implementation of migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation" II. Registration and deregistration of foreign citizens at the place of residence


3. A foreign citizen permanently or temporarily residing in the Russian Federation, who has the right to use a dwelling located on the territory of the Russian Federation, for registration at the place of residence, submits an application of a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship on registration at the place of residence of the established form (hereinafter - the application for registration).

An application for registration is submitted within 7 working days from the date a foreign citizen receives a temporary residence permit or a residence permit, or from the date of his arrival at the location of the specified residential premises.

But registration at the place of residence does not apply to YOU

3) What to do if the representatives of the university and the migration department refuse to indicate the hostel as a place of future temporary residence? (how to prove that you are right with the norms of fz)

I have already indicated to you, no one should refuse you, if the university refuses, write a complaint to the UVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and if the UVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs refuses, appeal the decision of the UVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the court in an administrative procedure

More questions will be asked, I will answer

Many residents of the near and far abroad come to Russia in order to find work, employment, or move to the Russian Federation for permanent residence with close relatives or friends. Someone is pushed to move to another state by a difficult political situation in their own state.

To stay in Russia on a legal basis, foreigners must go through several official procedures. One of them is the registration of a temporary residence permit (RVP), which allows you to live in the country for a long time, and then obtain a residence permit. RVP is a stamp that is put in a foreigner's passport (see the figure below). Stateless persons (stateless persons) receive a TRP in the form of a separate paper of the established form.

photo: RVP for foreign citizens (left) and stateless persons (right)

The RVP is valid for 3 years, the possibility of further extension is not provided. During this time, the migrant must resolve issues with his status, and apply for a residence permit or. Although certain persons, which include citizens of Belarus, Turkmenistan and highly qualified specialists, can bypass the stage of registration of a temporary residence permit and immediately become holders of a residence permit.

The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the circle of migrants who are entitled to receive a temporary residence permit. These include foreigners, both living in Russia and abroad. Also, a child or an incapacitated migrant can acquire the status of a “temporary resident in the Russian Federation” if the persons responsible for them submit an application. To obtain a TRP, a migrant must prepare certain documentation and write a petition in the prescribed form.

What does RVP give?


Despite the significant advantages, the owner of the RVP, however, is limited in some rights.

RVP quota

RVP is issued within the established quota. It is approved for the coming calendar year for each subject of the country separately. The number of quotas depends on the capabilities of a particular region to receive and equip a certain number of migrants.

In 2018, Russia granted 90,360 permits (in 2017 - there were 110,880), which are divided among all regions. Most of the quotas are allocated by Moscow (5000), Samara (3800), Rostov (3000), Novosibirsk (3000), Belgorod (2700), Tula (2000) regions, Krasnodar Territory (3500). Typically, the denser a region is populated, the fewer quotas it is able to allocate.
The Central Federal District allocated 28,150 permits for 2017. North-West - 6610, Southern Federal District - 10400, North-Caucasian - 7050, Volga Federal District - 15000, Uralsky - 4950, Siberia - 13270, Far East - 4930.

If the quota is exhausted, then applications for the issuance of a TRP will not be accepted. Then it becomes impossible to obtain permission, with the exception of some situations, which will be discussed below.

Taking into account the special status of Moscow, it is most difficult to get into the capital quota, in 2018 only 2,000 units were allocated (St. Petersburg - 1,500, Leningrad Region - only 400). It is clear that with such a strict restriction, not everyone will be able to become holders of a temporary residence permit in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Therefore, it is advisable to submit the documentation from the beginning of the year. The quota for each subject is set annually and it is always exhausted at a different rate.

An application for a Moscow temporary residence permit is submitted to the FMS (GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) of Moscow (official website: // For other subjects of the Russian Federation - the corresponding regional sites). There is no need to write a separate document for granting a quota. Only an application for a RVP and certain documentation are submitted, which will be discussed below. If the application is accepted, it means that the number of quotas has not yet been exhausted.

RVP registration procedure

The legal provisions of foreigners in the Russian Federation are regulated by the law No. ФЗ-115 dated July 25, 2002. After the adoption of the legislative act, changes have been made more than once. The law contains general and special norms, which together create a solid legal basis for the procedure for issuing a temporary residence permit for foreign citizens.

Let's outline the main points related to the issuance of a temporary residence permit and further actions of the migrant:

  • Collection and preparation of documentation for transfer to the FMS.
  • RVP registration and fingerprinting procedure.
  • Registration at the place of residence.
  • Registration of a multiple-entry visa for foreigners who often leave the Russian Federation.
  • Obtaining a TIN.
  • Annual informing of the Federal Migration Service about the fact of residence in the Russian Federation.

Collection and preparation of documents for transfer to the FMS

To obtain a TRP, a migrant prepares a package of documents. It is important to accurately enter the data in the application, make a translation of certificates, certificates, if they are drawn up in a foreign language, if necessary, notarize the documents. The application is forwarded to the FMS of the region where the migrant plans to live and work in the future.

Documents for a RVP on a quota:

  1. Application for RVP. Its blank sample can be found (also all forms are available on the website The application is filled in two copies.
  2. Two standard photographs 3.3 x 4.5 cm (stateless migrants provide three photographs, two of which are placed on both copies of the application, and the third is glued to the issued document, the requirements for the photo will be described in detail later in the text).
  3. National passport and international passport. If the migrant is a stateless person, then measures are taken to identify him.
  4. Residence permit. If the migrant has arrived from a country other than the state of which he is filed, then a residence permit or other document confirming the right to reside in this country is provided.
  5. Certificate of no criminal record, with translation and notarization (only needed for migrants who arrived on a visa basis).
  6. Medical certificate about the absence of dangerous infectious diseases, a certificate of the absence of HIV, as well as a certificate stating that the migrant does not suffer from drug addiction.
  7. Proof of proficiency in Russian.
  8. Marriage certificate with translation and notarization, as well as a photocopy of the spouse's passport. If the marriage is concluded with the filed by the Russian Federation, then the migrant does not need to provide a quota.
  9. (to be completed when crossing the border) and a notification of migration registration, which the migrant must register after entering the country.
  10. Receipt on payment of the duty (1600 rubles).

RVP for children

Permits for minors are issued in the same manner as for adults. You also need to pay a state fee, go through a medical examination and collect all the necessary documents. The only exception is children are exempted from taking the Russian language proficiency test.

The documents:

  • Application in duplicate (the form is possible).
  • Standard photos (2 pcs.).
  • Migration card.
  • Birth certificate with proof of citizenship.
  • National passport (if such a document is provided in the country from which the migrant arrived).
  • If the child is 14 years old, then his consent to live in the Russian Federation (issued by a notary) and a certificate of no criminal record in the state from which he came will be required.
  • Receipt for payment of the duty (1600 rubles).
  • Medical certificate on the absence of dangerous diseases and HIV infection, as well as confirmation that the migrant does not suffer from drug addiction (issued after passing the medical examination).

RVP for marriage

International conventions have approved the principle of family unity, which is based on the fact that members of one family should have equal rights in order to continue their happy existence. That's why the spouse or spouse of a citizen of the Russian Federation receives a TRP without a quota according to a simplified procedure. To obtain a temporary residence permit for marriage, you will need documents:

  1. Application of the established form, completed in duplicate.
  2. Photos (2 pcs.).
  3. Marriage certificate, which is registered in the Russian Federation.
  4. A document proving registration at the place of residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  5. Passports of both spouses.
  6. Receipt for payment of state duty.

RVP without quota

An exhaustive list of persons who can receive a TRP without taking into account the quota:

  • the migrant was born in the RSFSR and was a citizen of the Soviet Union;
  • the migrant was born in the Russian Federation;
  • the migrant is married to a citizen of the Russian Federation, who has a place of residence in the country;
  • a foreigner is retired or disabled and has children - citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • the migrant has a parent of retirement age (disabled) - filed by the Russian Federation;
  • a foreigner is a participant in the State Voluntary Resettlement Program;
  • a foreigner entered military service (RVP is issued for the period of its completion);
  • the migrant has minor children - filed by the Russian Federation;
  • the foreigner is a minor and the RVP is drawn up simultaneously with the receipt of a similar document from his parent, which belongs to one of the above categories;
  • a migrant is a child, provided that one of his parents is submitted by the Russian Federation;
  • a foreigner is a migrant, but is recognized as incompetent, and one of his parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Migrants from these categories submit a similar package of documents (like foreigners issuing a permit taking into account quotas) and at the same time attach documentary evidence of the possibility of issuing a permit without taking into account the quota. Among them:

  1. State program participant certificate;
  2. confirmation of family ties with a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  3. birth certificate, marriage certificate and so on.

Exam for RVP

Every migrant who wants to obtain a temporary residence permit, residence permit and citizenship is required to pass a comprehensive exam, which is held at testing centers located at various educational institutions. The cost of the exam for the RVP is 5300 rubles. In case of unsuccessful passage, the money will not be returned. During the exam, the migrant will have to pass tests in the Russian language, the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for documents and some nuances

All documentation drawn up in a foreign language must be translated into Russian. Copies of documents must be certified by a notary.


The application is filled in personally by the migrant. Parents and guardians do this for children and the disabled. Data can be entered both manually and using technical means (computers, typewriters). Blots, corrections, dashes in columns and abbreviations are excluded. If the information is entered by hand, then the text should be clear and easy to read.

If it turns out that the number of free points in the form is not enough, the data can be placed on a separate blank sheet as an attachment to the application, on it you should indicate your name, surname and patronymic.

The answers should be comprehensive. It is advisable to answer all questions in detail and provide the maximum amount of information. Try not to be mistaken, indicating the numbers and dates of issue of all documents. The data that the migrant enters into the application form will be carefully checked by various services: the tax inspectorate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB. Therefore, it is important not to withhold any information (for example, the presence of various kinds of offenses, issued fines). Just imagine that the hidden information will emerge in a year or two, and by this time you have already received a residence permit or citizenship. All issued documents can be canceled.

international passport

Ideally, the passport should be valid for another 2.5-3 years, this is important if the migrant is going to become the owner of a residence permit in the future. The document should have 3-4 blank pages, such a moment is important for foreigners planning to often leave the Russian Federation.

In all documents (passport, migration card, visa, marriage and birth certificates, etc.), the surname, name and patronymic must be written the same so that this does not cause questions in the future.


The photo should have standard dimensions for documents - 3.3x4.5 cm. Black and white or color is possible. The photo is taken clear, without hats. If, according to various convictions of the migrant, the headdress must be present, then an exception is made. If a foreigner wears glasses, then the photo should be taken with their use, however, it is forbidden to wear glasses with tinted glasses, behind which the eyes are not visible.

Medical board

Each migrant must provide a medical certificate of the absence of dangerous infectious diseases, a medical certificate stating that the person being examined does not suffer from drug addiction and a certificate of the absence of HIV infection.

Certificates are issued after passing the medical examination. Please note that it is not possible to be examined in any clinic, but only in authorized healthcare institutions. Usually their list is posted on the stands in the FMS.

If a migrant arrived in the country without a visa, he can provide a medical certificate and a certificate of absence of HIV within 30 days from the date of application and basic documents.

Medical examination for a RVP is a paid event, its the cost for adults is 2900 rubles, for children - 2500 rubles. The whole procedure, starting from the moment of payment and ending with the issuance of certificates, takes no more than two days.

Receiving RVP and fingerprinting procedure

Within 2-6 months (depending on the grounds), the FMS is obliged to consider the application and make a decision about which the migrant is informed in writing or by phone. In case of a positive decision, the foreigner receives a TRP and can safely reside in Russia for 3 years. A prerequisite for issuing a document is the passage of the fingerprint registration procedure, that is, taking fingerprints.

Registration at the place of residence

The next stage is registration at the place of residence. A foreigner can register both in his own living space and in the apartment of relatives, acquaintances (with their consent, of course) or in rented housing. Registration is required for the placement of children in kindergartens and schools. It is also possible to use free medical services and visit the clinic only with registration.

Obtaining a multiple entry visa

Foreigners who plan to frequently leave the Russian Federation in the future can apply for a multiple-entry visa by submitting the necessary documents to the FMS. The visa is issued for three years. The document allows you to leave the borders of Russia an unlimited number of times, while you should not forget that absence from the country for more than six months may become the basis for canceling the TRP.

Obtaining TIN

Foreigners with visa-free entry can obtain a certificate of tax registration at the UFSA at their place of residence. Although obtaining it is a voluntary event, for migrants who plan to register as individual entrepreneurs or legal entities, the TIN is one of the mandatory documents. To obtain it, you will need to fill out an appropriate application and attach copies of your passport and a previously issued RVP.

Informing the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

After receiving the TRP, the migrant's duties include annually informing the Migration Service about the fact of his residence in the Russian Federation.

RVP for citizens of some countries of the Near Abroad

In a number of cases, when there are legal grounds, citizens of the Near Abroad receive a TRP in a simplified form, without taking into account the quota. Migrants from the former Soviet Republics collect a package of documents similar to other foreigners. Foreigners who entered the country without a visa can issue a TRP within 60 days, in other cases, consideration of the application takes up to six months.


For citizens of Belarus, a TRP is not required. Also, you do not need to provide any additional documents confirming special grounds for obtaining a residence permit. The right to obtain a residence permit for Belarusians arises immediately after registration at the place of residence. In addition, they do not need patents and work permits to operate.


A temporary residence permit for citizens of Ukraine can be issued without taking into account quotas, if there is a reason for this. For example, close relatives, a spouse who are Russian citizens live in the Russian Federation, or in the past a Ukrainian was born on the territory of the RSFSR and had USSR citizenship.


Citizens of Moldova apply for a TRP within the quota. Exceptions apply to migrants who have married a citizen of the Russian Federation, have close relatives in Russia and under other circumstances discussed above.


Like other foreigners, citizens of Uzbekistan can apply for a TRP within the quota allocated for each constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Migrants who have relatives or were born in the Russian Federation, who have not been deported and have not violated the laws of Russia, as well as in a number of other cases, are entitled to apply for a temporary residence permit without taking into account quotas.

Prolongation of the RVP

A temporary residence permit allows you to stay in the Russian Federation for 3 years, while the migrant is territorially limited and must live in the region that issued the permit. But this does not deprive him of the right to free movement throughout Russia, with the exception of closed zones. However, a fundamental feature of the RWP is the impossibility of its extension. Please note that organizations that offer assistance in extending the RWP are most likely scammers or, at best, are not very competent (from a legal point of view) in formulating their proposals.

The legislation of the Russian Federation implies that during the period of validity of the TRP, the migrant will submit documents for a residence permit or citizenship (under certain conditions, this is possible). Note that the procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit takes up to six months, the same amount on average is spent on issuing a residence permit. There is also some nuance: it is allowed to apply for a residence permit no later than 2-6 months before the expiration of the temporary residence permit (depending on the grounds for obtaining a residence permit). If you do not have time in the allotted period, then you will have to start the procedure for issuing a RVP again. That is, from the point of view of legislation, a temporary residence permit is a temporary document that allows a foreigner to legally stay in the country until a new status is obtained - permanently residing in Russia (residence permit) or a citizen of the Russian Federation.

After the expiration of the TRP, the migrant is obliged to leave the country, since he has no legal grounds for staying in the Russian Federation. You can apply for a new permit only after a year. That is, you will again need to collect documents, write an application, and undergo a medical examination. After the re-issuance of the permit, the three-year validity period of the TRP will be re-calculated.

The cost of the procedure for obtaining a TRP

Before applying for a temporary residence permit, a migrant must pay a state fee in the amount of 1600 rubles. To obtain a certificate of proficiency in the Russian language, a foreigner takes a comprehensive exam. Its cost is 5300 rubles. The medical examination is also a paid event. For medical certificates, you will have to pay another 2900 rubles for each adult, and 2500 rubles for a child. Thus, the final the amount that will cost a foreigner to independently register a TRP will be about 9800 rubles. This is not counting the payment for photographs, translation and certification of documents. If the RPV is issued for a minor, then his consent to reside in the Russian Federation is required. The preparation of this document is carried out by a notary, who also takes money for his services.

If you contact specialized legal agencies, the cost of obtaining a temporary residence permit will increase significantly and will average 40,000-50,000 rubles per person. So it makes sense to understand all the intricacies of the RVP registration procedure and start preparing the necessary documents yourself.

Video: obtaining a temporary residence permit - personal experience

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    Vladimir Said:

    I have been married to a South African citizen for 12 years now and have been living in South Africa for permanent residence. We now have 2 children, 9 years old and 11 months old. Children in the process of obtaining Russian citizenship at the embassy in a simplified manner. I am also a citizen of the Russian Federation. The situation is developing so that we made a decision to move to Russia for permanent residence, but we faced a big problem. This problem is now not legally solvable for my wife, and this is an exam in Russian, history and law. The fact is that she does not yet speak Russian and I am sure that while living in Russia she will learn Russian as I once learned English when I arrived in South Africa. By the way, there were no such exams in South Africa. Is this a violation of the constitutional rights of children and spouses to be together? It's just that if you follow the law, she won't be able to get a TRP and she won't be able to be with her family. I think that my situation is not often encountered and it is simply that no one took it into account when making amendments to the Federal Law.

    Sergey Said:

    Guys, I'm very funny! Putin said that there are no people in Russia just to defend the border. The West is choking with saliva as it wants to take away land from Russia 150 million and more people live in the Chinese skyscraper!))) You will now simply be swept away by all the peoples of the world, a horde is gathering against you that wants to and believe me they will figure out how to defeat Russia. Yes, you yourself have to run after people so that they would move to live with you and, first of all, for the Russians, and you don't know what is happening. And to be proud of my bureaucracy. '' When I saw this, I looked at what car of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a provincial town was driving for something, but here I am second class, and in Russia for the rest of my life I will walk on hind legs before the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the rest of my life. And what am I changing for?

    Rinat Said:

    What nonsense I am studying in Russia on a budget. passed Russian on admission, scored the necessary points. Why should I take another test ?? that it is impossible to demand res-you in the university and count them as passed ???
    What country ??????????????? 7

    Dilya Said:

    Good evening everyone! I myself recently received citizenship)) And I want my dad to receive a RVP. We were in Novoslobodsky to receive a ticket. Our turn will come up only in a month. I myself went through all this, there is no such thing that in one day they made you a temporary residence permit or residence permit, such offers are cheating. Do not fall for this, I will very much forgive you if you need a craft, it is sold everywhere, I was also recommended, but it will only work until you are detained and checked. So think before you spend money cheating. Where you do not pass a medical examination, there is a lie. First you need to take a coupon, then go through a medical examination, then if you have a diploma, then you don't need an exam, if you don't have a diploma, you need to take an exam on your knowledge of the Russian language. This whole procedure will be easy if you have all the documents. Good luck!!!

    Svetlana Said:

    Who cares, yesterday in one day my husband received a ready-made RVP, underwent fingerprinting and made registration for three years ...
    There were not very many people, the work is proceeding quickly and accurately, we really liked it! Since we came with the owner of the home, only the passports of my husband and the owner of the home, a statement from the husband and the consent of the owner (the inspector gave the forms), a document on the ownership of the apartment and a receipt of state duty 350 rubles were required for registration.
    And then the statistical standard was filled out. That's all, no form 9 By the way, the inspectors were all extremely kind, pleasant young women, they did not find fault with anything.

    • Victoria Said:

      Svetlana, please tell me, honey. did your husband take the commission and exams in the Russian language?
      I rummaged through the entire Internet and still cannot understand the procedure for obtaining a TRP when marrying a citizen of the Russian Federation.
      If not difficult, please describe what documents you need.

      • Victor Said:

        Svetlana's husband was able to arrange everything in one day, since he had already received permission for a temporary residence permit. You do not need to take the exam if you graduated from a secondary educational institution in the USSR or after 1991 in Russia. If you have any questions, write to me on the soap. There is a lot of information on the Internet, but it is very difficult to link it together.

        • Margarita Said:

          Victor! I also wanted to ask you about the delivery of copies in Russian. the girl graduated from high school, college in Uzbekistan, a year ... in 2009-10, probably ... They apply for a temporary residence permit, her husband is Russian

          Evgeny Petrovich Said:

          Upon receipt of the TRP, they were not warned of the need to notify about the residence. He lived for two years, began to collect documents for a residence permit and found that having received a residence permit, such a notification was necessary. We began to study the rules for obtaining a TRP and were taken aback !!! submission of the next notification. But the fright, and then my sister died. In general, the second term was overdue already. But you will not prove to anyone that you were not warned ... Yes, they warned you that you can leave for half a year and no more. What to do? years, such stress is fraught.

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