Ensuring working conditions and safety at work. Ensuring safe working conditions Ensuring working conditions and safety at the enterprise

With the regulation on the organization of work on labor protection at enterprises and organizations of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan at agricultural enterprises, responsibility for organizing work on labor protection is assigned to the first head (employer).

Labor protection training of employees of the enterprise is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on vocational training in the field of labor protection in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Occupational safety specialist and managers of production sites undergo advanced training in Ufa. All types of briefings are carried out at agricultural enterprises: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, target. The introductory briefing is carried out by a labor protection specialist, and the rest of the types of briefings - by the direct supervisors of the work.

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, normal working hours are 40 hours per week. A reduced duration of 36 hours has been set for jobs with hazardous working conditions. Workers are provided with annual paid vacations of at least 28 calendar days. Facilities on the territory of enterprises must be located in compliance with sanitary protection zones and fire breaks. Landscaping of the territory is carried out according to San. PiN shrubs, trees (birch) and perennial grasses, flower beds (around office buildings). In all premises, "Fire safety rules" are posted in a conspicuous place and responsible persons must be appointed. Fire shields with fire-fighting equipment are installed on the sites. Facilities should be equipped with lightning rods. The parameters of the microclimate in industrial premises must comply with GOST 12.1.005-88, lighting - the requirements of SNiP 23-05-9 At work with harmful working conditions, on the basis of Article 222 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, workers are given free milk according to established standards. The norm is 0.5 liters per shift per employee, in accordance with the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2003, No. 13. On the basis of Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, workers should be issued soap. The dispensing rate is 400 gr. per month, per employee. At work with harmful working conditions associated with pollution, as well as carried out in special temperature conditions, workers of the enterprise are regularly provided with overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the enterprise undergo preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic medical examinations in accordance with Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The frequency of medical examinations is determined by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated August 16, 2004 No. 83.

Sanitary and utility rooms are located in the same building in places with the least impact of noise, vibrations and other harmful factors. Heated production facilities are connected to household warm passages. The distance from workplaces located in the open air or in unheated rooms to the household building is no more than 300 ... 500 m.

The number of sanitary devices is determined according to SNiP 2.09.04 - 87 depending on the group and subgroup of the production process (taking into account the estimated number of people per device - a tap in a washbasin, a shower net, etc.).

To restore the working capacity of workers, rest rooms are equipped, the area of ​​which should be at least 0.2 m 2 for each worker (but not less than 18 m 2).

The enterprise provides canteens or a buffet with hot food.

The territory of the enterprise is kept clean (especially internal roads, entrances to buildings and structures, fire hydrants). It is prohibited to use fire-prevention gaps between buildings and structures for storage of materials, machines, products.

Each production building is equipped with fire shields, equipped with the necessary tools and fire extinguishing means: fire extinguishers OHP-10, OP-5, boxes with sand, shovels, there are fire hydrants, a voluntary fire brigade should be organized.

Agricultural enterprises keep records of information on industrial injuries and occupational diseases. All information is recorded in the annual form, number 7 injuries ”, approved by the decree of Rosstat dated 05.07.2005 №40.

Injury rates are calculated using the following formulas:

Frequencies TO H =1000 T / R

Severity CT = D / T

Loss Ko = 1000D / R

where: T- the total number of victims during the reporting period;

R- the average number of employees at the enterprise for the same period;

D- the total number of days of temporary disability for all accidents T.

5.2 Safety rules for working on the forage harvester

In section 2 of the diploma project, the installation of a device for adding preservatives to the unloading auger was performed.

Violation of the rules and instructions on labor protection when eliminating blockages, breakdowns, carrying out technical maintenance, as well as working on a faulty forage harvester lead to serious injury to the operator or persons in the area of ​​work (movement) of the harvester. The most dangerous factors causing injury are the following: - overturning of cars on uneven slopes of a field, road, turns, slopes more than 9 °, as well as from dams and bridges; - pressing down the workers during the repair of the header, gearbox, assembly and adjustment of the feeder chamber, variator; - seizure of clothing, footwear, human body parts by unenclosed working bodies or their drives (reel, pick-up, augers); - collision (hitting, contact) with natural and artificial obstacles (boulders, poles, power wires); - defeat by a lightning discharge or electric current of power line wires

Rollover occurs when changing gears while the combine is moving up the road with a slope of more than 15 °, moving along narrow dams at an increased speed, working on slopes of more than 15 ° and near ravines.

When moving or working with the combine, the assistant is not allowed to sit on the bunker or ladder - this is life-threatening. Keep the stairs or landing near the engine clean and dry. The fuels and lubricants spilled here must be cleaned up immediately - this will save the worker from falling on a slippery surface.

Persons who have reached the age of 17, who have a combine operator's certificate, who have been instructed at the workplace on labor protection and fire safety, can be allowed to work on the forage harvester as an assistant to the combine operator.

Before working on the combine, they check the availability and serviceability of tools and devices, fire protection equipment, a thermos with drinking water, first aid kits, alarm systems, lighting, personal hygiene items. It is necessary to clean the workplace of dust and dirt, wipe the glass of the cab, adjust the seat according to its weight and height according to the instructions, set the required number of headlights, sufficient to illuminate the front of work or a section of the road when driving.

Before starting the engine of the harvester, check whether tools and fasteners have been accidentally left on the conveyors or in the receiving chamber. If foreign objects enter the threshing drum, the machine will break down and possibly be injured.

Before moving the combine from a place, the combine operator (or his assistant) checks whether all workers have moved away, then gives a warning sound signal and engages the clutch.

To work on the night shift, the combine is pre-filled with water and fuels and lubricants. It is prohibited to refuel it on the spot.

During work, it is necessary to monitor the serviceability of protective fences, cardan, gear and belt drives, the correct operation of the mechanisms of the header, pick-up and thresher; the state of the insulation of electrical wires, the accumulation of grain dust on the hot parts of the engine, behind the signals and indications of instrumentation.

At the end of the work, the harvester should be thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt, plant residues. When storing it, wash it with water using maintenance equipment or other means. It should be remembered that water can enter the brake system and cause it to malfunction. After washing or crossing a ford, it is imperative to "dry" the brakes by periodically pressing the brake pedal until the braking distance appears. It is forbidden to have rest, including temporary rest, in heaps, on rolls, near and under combines, as well as on the sides of field roads, near working units. You should rest only in specially designated places outside the area to be cleaned. The resting place should be marked with clearly visible landmarks. It is not allowed to be on the harvester during a thunderstorm and during parking, a short stop near steep slopes and ravines.

Before driving under a power line, make sure that the distance from the highest point of the combine is more than 2 m. If this distance is less, then driving is dangerous. A technically sound harvester guarantees complete fire safety. Therefore, the operator before each trip, along with fulfilling all safety requirements, must carefully check the presence of insulating caps on the terminals of the adapter blocks of the generator, batteries, starter and other electrical equipment, as well as the reliability of fastening the electrical wires and the presence of additional protection in places of possible mechanical, thermal and chemical damage. Care must be taken to ensure that fuel flowing out of the drain pipes does not get onto the parts of the combine. Clogged power systems should be cleaned with the necessary precautions. Disconnect the fuel lines and purge them only when the engine is cold and the fuel supply is shut off.

A combine fire can occur from overheating as a result of the friction of rapidly rotating parts and mechanisms. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the shafts of the beaters, drum, straw filling machine, the crank shaft at the junction with the connecting rod of the cutter bar, the upper shaft of the floating conveyor, etc. from the wound straw mass. You should periodically check the size of the gaps between the rotating parts of the combine and its frame in order to avoid friction. With a slight slip of the safety clutches, intense friction occurs. In this regard, it is necessary to periodically check their adjustment for the value of the transmitted torque and the serviceability of the signaling devices. To prevent a fire, you need to monitor the correct tension of the drive belts, the tightening of bearings, especially wooden ones, and lubricate them in a timely manner. Filling fuel tanks from buckets and pumping fuel from the tank of one machine to the tank of another are dangerous. Refueling should be done on arable land or on the road with the engine turned off using a refueling unit. Fuels and lubricants for combines must be stored in closed containers at a distance of at least 100 m from the grain massifs. The storage area must be plowed with a strip at least 4 m wide.To prevent a fire, it is prohibited: in the middle of a swath with a width of at least 4 m, as well as in the absence of a tractor with a plow ready for quick plowing of the field in the event of a fire; - make constructive changes to the harvester without the consent of the state fire control authorities; - unload grain from harvesters into machines, the exhaust pipes of which are not equipped with spark arresters; - to make fires closer than 200 m from the grain massifs; - smoke, carry out welding work, use all types of open fire in grain masses at a distance of less than 30 m from them.

Any activity of a human being, even the most useful, can turn out to be a source of serious negative influences. The harm caused by it can consist of injuries, diseases (including disability) and even death. A person can harm himself during rest and leisure, and while receiving an education, and even more so in the labor process.

That is, any, without exception, activity for you and me carries a potential threat to health. This statement is an axiom underlying the issue of ensuring human security. What conclusions follow from this? Chief among them: absolute provision of safe working conditions in production is an unattainable ideal. In particular, there are no work processes or types of production equipment that are 100% reliable in this regard.

Is safe working conditions a myth or not?

First, let's answer the question - what is danger? This term refers to the totality of all phenomena, factors, processes and things that can negatively affect human health and life. There is such an organization - the ILO (International According to its data, every year in our world workers die in production, in the amount of about two million people.

Harmful and hazardous can be classified in different ways. In our country, it is customary to identify them by attesting for working conditions. Their influence on the body is broken down, according to the relevant GOST, into several factors:

  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • biological;
  • psychophysiological.

That is, safe working conditions are those in which the actions of all of the above groups are absent or minimized.

What exactly threatens us

The first of them (physical) include everything that moves:

  • mechanisms and machines;
  • workshop equipment parts;
  • raw materials;
  • blanks;
  • work materials that can move in the production process;
  • structures that can collapse, or rocks subject to collapse.

This can also include the air of the working space with increased gas content or dustiness, too high or low temperature of materials and working surfaces, as well as insufficient or too hot air in the working area.

In addition, the list of physical factors includes too high or, conversely, low figures for levels of vibration, noise, ultra- and infrasound, barometric pressure, humidity, air ionization, as well as excessively high figures for voltage in electrical circuits and ionizing radiation.

What else is harmful?

The same applies to levels of static electricity, increased strength of various fields - magnetic and electric - lack of natural light or its complete absence. This factor may be too strong light brightness or pulsation, reduced contrast, excessively high levels of radiation (infrared and ultraviolet), excess glare, etc.

Dangerous factors are considered to be sharp edges, burrs and all sorts of roughness on the surfaces of equipment, tools, workpieces, as well as the removal of the place of work at a considerable height from the floor level.

Not only mechanics

Another group - chemically dangerous and harmful factors - are those substances that have a bad effect on our body with you. Such effects can be toxic, irritating, sensitizing, mutagenic or carcinogenic, as well as inhibiting reproductive function. They can penetrate into the body in different ways - through mucous membranes, skin, respiratory organs or through the digestive tract.

Biological "harmful" means both pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc.), together with the products of their own vital activity, and macroorganisms, that is, a variety of plants and animals.

Psychophysiological factors take place in the form of physical overloads (can be static or dynamic) and neuropsychic structure (expressed in the form of mental overstrain, emotional "stress" or the usual monotony of work).

It remains to add that safe working conditions are those in which the same factors are excluded from the composition of different subgroups.

Quality and quantity

The quantitative characteristics of the impact of one factor or another on an object is its probability and the scale of damage caused to it. A quantitative assessment includes the concept of an acceptable risk value, since the definition of safety adopted in domestic standards implies the absence of risks that are considered unacceptable.

And we are talking about those that are associated with damage to the life or health of people, the property of any person (both individuals and legal entities, municipal and state), as well as the environment.

Safe working conditions - definition

Thus, the safety of production activities is understood as the state of all labor processes such that the unacceptable risk of damage by all of the above factors is absent or minimal.

The term "safe working conditions" means precisely those conditions under which the exposure of workers to hazardous and harmful factors of production is either completely excluded, or has a level that does not exceed the established standard standard.

How to find out the level of danger?

To determine such conditions, there is a need for a comprehensive risk assessment. As information for such a study, statistics are used on the nature and frequency of manifestation of harmful factors and consequences (diseases, injuries) at different workplaces, in production units, etc. state level.

For each type of economic activity, safe working conditions are those that correspond to the officially developed indicators of industrial injuries, which are considered basic.

How is this data calculated in practice? Theoretically, the indicator of the relative injury frequency is the closest to the real number of injuries. This number is obtained by summing the number of all named cases for a certain period of working time. Such a period, for example, can be a year or a given number of hours of work. For events, the frequency of which is relatively rare, it is more convenient to take a longer time period - for example, equal to a decade.

Ensuring a safe working environment - how it's done

In our country, there is a concept of the severity rate and frequency of accidents. Of course, each specific production has its own working conditions and circumstances. But at the same time, providing safe is a fairly typical process.

Its essence is in the identification of harmful and dangerous production factors, analysis and assessment of risks and management of the latter. Thus, ensuring such an important factor of production as labor safety is one of the fundamental and very difficult technical, scientific and organizational problems that are part of the complex

Organization of safe production of works and processes. Stages

The organization of the safe production of work and processes should be carried out at all stages of the labor process:

  1. before the start of work (shift);
  2. after finishing work;
  3. in progress,
  4. in case of emergency or emergency.

When organizing the production process, the manufacturer (organizer, manager) of work is obliged: Before the start of work (shift):

  1. ensure the availability of the necessary technological documentation and instructions defining the procedure and measures for the safe production of work;
  2. take measures to create workplace conditions that meet regulatory requirements;
  3. bypass and inspect the work site, all workplaces, make sure that there is sufficient lighting, the serviceability of equipment, technological and inventory means, equipment, paying special attention to the serviceability of safety equipment and devices (interlocks, limiters, grounding, alarms, etc.), the absence of non-civilian hazardous areas, the presence of warning posters, inscriptions, safety signs. Where they are absent, it is necessary to install appropriate temporary (mobile, portable) or stationary fences, clearly visible and illuminated at night, safety signs, posters, warning notices;
  4. arrange technological machines, equipment, teams of workers in accordance with technological regulations. Appoint senior, managers, in all technological links of production;
  5. ensure the availability of serviceable inventory, auxiliary materials, tools and equipment at workplaces;
  6. check that workers have certificates for the right to perform specific types of work, the availability and serviceability of overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment, their compliance with the forthcoming work;
  7. establish the paths and procedures for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, exclude, if possible, cross and oncoming routes, paying attention to the areas of production of other (repair, construction and installation) works in the conditions of existing production; determine the places of safe location of workers in the process of performing technological operations and during their break;
  8. based on the actual situation, conduct a conversation (briefing) with workers about safe methods of work and the rules for using PPE, indicating the methods and techniques of work.

Make sure the instruction is understood. In progress:

  1. monitor the compliance of workers with the requirements of instructions and technological documents for the safe production of work, the use of PPE, take measures to eliminate violations and eliminate by their own means the causes that may lead to accidents or accidents. If it is impossible to eliminate these reasons by your own means, stop working and inform your immediate supervisor about this, who is obliged to take appropriate measures;
  2. make sure that workers do only the work that is entrusted to them;
  3. not to allow drunk people to work, as well as the presence of unauthorized persons on the site.

After finishing work (shift).

  1. ensure the cleaning of workplaces, as well as the transfer by workers of technological equipment and inventory, received equipment for safekeeping to the appropriate shift workers;
  2. make sure that machines, mechanisms, other electrical consumers and installations are turned off;
  3. to show the successive official the faulty equipment or technical means of safety, if any, as well as other objects and factors that may lead to an accident (accident).

In the event of an emergency (or emergency):

  1. take measures to suspend the technological process and take people out of the danger zone, provide first aid to the injured;
  2. preserve, if possible (if it is not aggravated), the situation preceding the emergency (emergency), inform the relevant officials about this (immediate supervisor, Labor Protection Service, management of the emergency brigade);
  3. take measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of an emergency (emergency) situation, ensuring that personal safety measures are observed during emergency operations.

The organization of safe processes, as mentioned earlier, depends on the characteristics of the work performed, the type of equipment and mechanisms used, and other factors. However, regardless of this, one of the conditions contributing to maintaining a high level of efficiency (productivity) and safety of people is the rational organization of the workplace.

The workplace is the main link in the production process, where the means and objects of labor are concentrated, where the influence of the surrounding and production environment takes place, where the prerequisites for safe or, on the contrary, for hazardous work are formed. The efficiency of production processes, quality and costs of manufactured products or services, general culture and labor safety depend on how work is organized directly at the workplace. Therefore, it is no coincidence that today in the EU countries a model of the quality of the workplace is being formed, which provides for the creation of conditions that ensure high labor productivity, safety of all participants in the labor process and create the preconditions for successful business activity.

The organization of a workplace is a system of measures for equipping it with tools and objects of labor and their placement in a certain order. In accordance with the requirements of ergonomics, the workplace must be adapted for a specific type of activity and employees of a certain qualification, taking into account their physical and psychophysiological capabilities and characteristics. The design and organization of the workplace should ensure the speed, safety, simplicity and rationality of the actions performed in normal and emergency conditions, fully meet the functional purpose and expected working conditions.

The organization of a safe workplace is associated with many factors affecting the safety of personnel performing production and technological operations and provides for the implementation of various measures aimed at the safe performance of work and the safe operation of technical, energy, transport and technological systems, equipment, machines and mechanisms, buildings and structures. These include the production technology of work, the psychophysiological and personal qualities of the executive personnel, the degree of mutual consistency of the actions of the participants in the production process, the nature and severity of labor, features of the surrounding social environment, etc.

For these reasons, the problems of organizing the safe production of work in the workplace are multifaceted in nature.

In the general case, the spatial compatibility of man and the environment requires such an arrangement of all elements of the social-production system so that their mutual arrangement and influence does not create dangerous zones. This is ensured by the following measures:

  1. rational choice and use of the territory, production and sanitary premises, their maintenance in accordance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules;
  2. the choice of safe technologies and the correct organization of specific technological processes;
  3. selection and placement (placement) of production equipment, tooling, fixtures, tools, organization of their safe use;
  4. choice, method of storage and transportation of raw materials, raw materials, cargo;
  5. distribution of functions and interaction in the performance of labor and production processes, the use of rational techniques for performing technological operations;
  6. professional selection and training of employees;
  7. the use of collective and individual protective equipment when working in conditions that do not meet regulatory requirements (harmful and dangerous);
  8. inclusion of safety requirements and standards in regulatory and technical documentation;
  9. effective control over the actions of personnel.

The general requirements to be met by a workplace organization include the following:

  1. organization and layout should relieve workers of unnecessary and tedious labor movements and ensure a comfortable working posture;
  2. the workplace must be provided with technological tools, devices, inventory necessary for the safe performance of work in accordance with the assignment, as well as technological regulations and instructions for labor protection;
  3. the workplace must be provided with the necessary materials within the reach;
  4. convenient, safe access to the place of performing labor operations must be provided, regardless of where they will be carried out;
  5. the danger of falling during work with a sharp change in posture must be excluded;
  6. to perform working operations, the optimal dimensions of the working area are required in accordance with the anthropometric data of the human body;
  7. the possibility of coordinated actions must be ensured and the danger of falling objects (fasteners, tools, loads), if the work is performed by more than one person, at different levels must be excluded;
  8. the workplace must comply with ergonomic requirements and sanitary standards for illumination, the presence of pollutants in the air of the working area; the influence of other harmful production factors must be minimized.

In this case, in any case, along with the standard ones, specific safety measures should be taken that are characteristic only for a certain type of work. And it depends both on organizational support (responsible - organizers, manufacturers, work supervisor), and on the actions of the performers themselves, who, in accordance with Article 14 of the Law "On Labor Protection", must take care of personal safety and health, as well as safety, the health of people around, know and comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection, rules for handling machines, mechanisms, equipment and other means of production, use collective and individual protective equipment.

Therefore, only by joint mutually agreed actions can the safe production of works and processes be ensured.

All this must be taken into account when developing the relevant instructions and directly during the production of work.

When organizing the production process at the workplace, first of all, one should proceed from the norm stipulated by article 6 of the Law "On labor protection", which requires that the working conditions at the workplace, the safety of technological processes, machines, mechanisms, equipment and other means of production , the state of collective and individual protective equipment used by employees, as well as sanitary and living conditions, corresponded to the requirements of the legislation.

Occupational safety management

Ensuring safe working conditions in production as a factor in the economic development of Russia

S.F. Velmyaykin, First Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

Successful economic development of the country is impossible without the creation of safe working conditions. In this regard, the activities of the state to improve labor protection are of particular importance.

Today, 48.7 million jobs have been created in the Russian economy, employing 71.4 million workers. Unfortunately, in recent years, there has been an increase in the proportion of workers employed in harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. The share of workers employed in harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions in the Russian Federation in 2009-2013(according to Rosstat, based on the number of observed workers, about 15 million people)

At the same time, in processing industries, the share of such workers today reaches 33.4%, in transport - 35.1%, in mining - 46.2%.

This situation should be a serious reason for taking measures in this direction in order to stimulate employers to invest in improving working conditions.

At the same time, the number of deaths as a result of industrial accidents is steadily declining (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The number of victims of industrial accidents with fatal outcomes in the Russian Federation in 2004-2014(people)


In 2014, compared to 2013, it decreased immediately by 20% - from 2757 to 2223 people.

The construction industry remains the leader in the number of fatalities, accounting for a quarter of all fatalities in the country. In this regard, in the near future we will focus on improving labor protection rules in construction.

The number of deaths as a result of accidents at work in 2014 for certain types of economic activity is shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. The number of deaths as a result of accidents at work in 2014 in the Russian Federation by certain types of economic activity (people)

As for the newly diagnosed occupational diseases, their number in 2014 compared to 2013, on the contrary, has grown significantly. Dynamics of the number of cases of newly diagnosed occupational diseases in workers in the Russian Federation in the period 2009-2014 is shown in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. The number of newly diagnosed occupational diseases in the Russian Federation in 2009-2014 ( according to the FSS of Russia)

The most common in this case are professional pathologies associated with:

  • with the influence of physical factors of the working environment and the labor process;
  • with physical overload and overvoltage of individual organs and systems;
  • with exposure to industrial aerosols (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. The proportion of occupational pathology from the impact of the main harmful production factors (%) (according to Rospotrebnadzor for 2013)

Every year, the financial support for preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of employees is increased due to the amount of social insurance contributions. Since 2001, it has grown more than 20 times (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Financial provision of preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries and occupational diseases of workers at the expense of the amount of social insurance contributions in 2001-2014(thousand roubles.)

Legislative regulation in the field of labor protection

Recently, significant work has been done at the state level in the field of labor protection, in particular:

  • from January 1, 2014, the country introduced a single universal tool for assessing working conditions at workplaces - a special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter referred to as SOUT);
  • the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ensured program planning of measures to improve labor conditions and safety until 2020.


To date, the Russian Ministry of Labor has approved 82 draft regional programs to improve working conditions and safety. Regional programs to improve labor conditions and safety in three regions of the Russian Federation are being finalized and will be adopted in 2015.

The activities of these programs include:

  • improvement of the regional regulatory legal framework for labor protection;
  • continuous training of workers in labor protection based on modern training technologies;
  • information support and promotion of labor protection;
  • improvement of medical and preventive services for the working population.

It is planned to allocate a total of more than 220 billion rubles to finance regional programs to improve labor conditions and safety in the period until 2020. This includes funds from the FSS of Russia (39.4 billion rubles), employers (173.2 billion rubles), federal, regional and municipal budgets (7.4 billion rubles).

In addition, since January 1, 2015, the administrative responsibility of subjects of labor relations for violations of labor protection legislation has been significantly tightened, especially for those that pose an immediate threat to human life and health (table).

Administrative responsibility for violations in the field of labor protection

Composition of an administrative offenseThe size of the administrative penalty (fine)
for officialsfor legal entities
From January 1, 2015
The admission of an employee to the performance of labor duties without undergoing training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner, as well as compulsory medical examinations, compulsory psychiatric examinations or in the presence of medical contraindicationsUp to 25 thousand rubles.Up to 130 thousand rubles.
Failure to provide employees with personal protective equipmentUp to 30 thousand rubles.Up to 150 thousand rubles.
Before January 1, 2015
General rule on violations of labor legislation and labor protectionUp to 5 thousand rubles.Up to 50 thousand rubles.

The implementation of the SOUT provided by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On the Special Assessment of Working Conditions" is a very important project for us. It allows us to completely differently manage those resources that are allocated, on the one hand, by business, and on the other, by the state in order to ensure safe working conditions, in order not to jeopardize human life and health.

As you know, the mechanisms for encouraging employers to improve the working conditions of workers can be:

  • administrative;
  • economic.

The SOUT, applied since last year, serves as the basis that allows the use of mechanisms of economic incentives for employers to improve working conditions.


It ensures the differentiation of additional rates of insurance premiums in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in relation to workers employed in harmful (hazardous) working conditions, depending on the classes (subclasses) of working conditions established according to the results of the SAUT, according to the principle “the less the degree of harm at a particular workplace, the lower the tariff ".
The scope of guarantees and compensations to employees for work in harmful (hazardous) working conditions depends on the results of the SAUT, ie, the principle “the higher the level of harm, the greater the amount of protective measures provided to the employee” is applied.

In 2014, SOUT was carried out in 18 thousand organizations for 506 thousand jobs. The number of workers employed in hazardous working conditions was 24%, which is 8% less than in 2013. In 2015, SAWS was carried out in 26 thousand organizations for 784 thousand jobs, the number of employees employed in hazardous working conditions , amounted to 26%. The decrease is due to the removal from harmful working conditions of administrative and engineering and technical personnel, who occasionally come into contact with harmful production factors.

Occupational safety and health is an area in which it is necessary to act preventively in order to provide employees with a comfortable and safe working environment. For this, it is necessary, among other things, to ensure effective interaction with the health authorities responsible for occupational health, the territorial bodies of Rostrud.

Today, the Ministry of Labor of Russia has a permanent working group with the participation of representatives of associations of trade unions and employers, the expert community, which monitors SOUT, including from the point of view of improving this institution and amending the legislation on labor protection. A survey was organized in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and on the official website of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

Amendments to the legislation on the special assessment of working conditions have been prepared (the planned date for submitting the corresponding bill to the State Duma of the Russian Federation is June 2015, as well as to the Methodology for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, approved by order No. 2015).

On the agenda are consultations regarding both the tension of the work process and the lighting. We continue discussions about a hygienically sound and fair level of noise, about the directions for the development of the declaration of the conformity of working conditions to state regulatory requirements for labor protection and what it should bring to the employer who has submitted the appropriate declaration. It is necessary to answer the question of what the consequences of the declaration should be from the point of view of a working person, how to give him confidence that the employer did not hide poor working conditions behind the formal submission of the declaration.

What remains to be done in the near future?

First of all, it is necessary to form a risk-oriented model of labor protection management. Currently, a number of amendments are being prepared to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) in order to ensure the transition to an objective assessment of existing occupational risks, i.e., the impact on workers of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors at each specific workplace, and the subsequent their management as a complex of interrelated activities that are elements of the OSH management system.

The occupational risk management process is shown in Fig. 7.

Rice. 7. Occupational risk management process
* Methods for assessing risks should be consistent with the nature of the organization's activities, its size and the complexity of the operations performed.

We understand that it is necessary to modify labor protection within the framework of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and now this work will be reformatted. We will definitely need the help of specialists involved in occupational hygiene, without which occupational safety is simply meaningless. And in this part, the Ministry of Labor of Russia will work in partnership with Rospotrebnadzor.

Also, in the near future, it is necessary to improve control and supervisory activities in the field of labor protection (the activities of Rostrud should be aimed at strengthening advisory work with employers, introducing new forms of interaction with enterprises on labor protection issues using modern technical means) and reforming the system of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Reform of social insurance against accidents and occupational diseases

Ensuring safe working conditions is a direct responsibility of all interested parties, including the state. Successful economic development of the country is impossible without effective work in this direction.

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Justification of the safety of a hazardous production facility

G.I. Grozovsky, prof., Dr. Tech. sciences, deputy. gene. Director for Research, OJSC "STC" Industrial Safety "

The safety rationale for a hazardous production facility is a relatively new document, the development of which became possible about two years ago. What are the main points in this regard to pay attention to organizations operating hazardous production facilities?

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law of 21.07.1997 No. 116-FZ "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" (hereinafter - Law No. 116-FZ), which entered into force in March 2013, if during operation, overhaul, conservation or liquidation of a hazardous production facility (hereinafter referred to as HIF) requires a deviation from the industrial safety requirements established by federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety, such requirements are not enough and (or) they are not established, the person preparing design documentation for the construction, reconstruction of HIF may to establish special industrial safety requirements for its operation, overhaul, conservation and liquidation in justifying the safety of the hazardous industrial facility.

The safety justification of the hazardous industrial facility, as well as the changes made to it, are subject to an industrial safety examination. The application of the safety justification for an HIF without positive conclusions of the industrial safety expertise of such a justification for the safety of an HIF and the changes made to it (if any) is not allowed.

The HIF safety justification is sent by the organization operating the HIF to the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety when registering the HIF in the State Register of Hazardous Production Facilities.

Changes made to the safety substantiation of an HIF are sent by the organization operating the HIF to the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety within 10 working days from the date of receipt of a positive conclusion of the industrial safety expert review.

It should be noted, however, that in relation to the existing HIF, the operation of which is carried out with deviations from the established industrial safety requirements, the current regulatory legal acts do not provide for the possibility of circumventing them by developing a safety justification for HIF.

An unprecedented and unparalleled regulatory innovation related to the possibility of justifying a deviation from industrial safety rules was introduced into Law No. 116-FZ at the suggestion of the business community

The heads of Rostekhnadzor specifically made explanations on this matter, pointing out that if during the inspection of the enterprise by the state inspector, violations of industrial safety rules were revealed, then his order must be fulfilled.

True, often in practice, organizations operating HIFs, as an action to eliminate the comments of the state inspector, order a project for the modernization (reconstruction) of HIFs, within the framework of which some violations are corrected and a "safety case" is given for those deviations from industrial safety rules that, after modernization ( reconstruction) survived (or arose as a result of them).

Prior to the adoption in March 2013 of the Federal Law of 04.03.2013 No. 22-FZ, which supplemented Art. 3 of Law No. 116-FZ with the aforementioned clause 4, entrepreneurs at various meetings, during which industrial safety issues were discussed, complained that Russian regulatory documents contain outdated or "unnecessary" (in comparison with Western safety standards) requirements, and "redundant" investments in their implementation reduce the competitiveness of domestic business, do not allow it to develop.

In this regard, it is important to clarify that developed foreign countries use a two-tier approach to regulating industrial safety.

On the one hand, there are mandatory regulatory documents (usually approved at parliamentary or government levels) that contain fundamental and essential industrial safety requirements.

On the other hand, there are various safety guides that are advisory in nature.

The long experience of the author of this article as an expert on industrial safety indicates that there are no unnecessary requirements in regulatory documents in the field of industrial safety. Normative acts are the fruit of collective creativity, projects are publicly discussed, each point, each provision is evaluated and substantiated by the expert community. Violation of any regulatory requirement, prescription or prohibition creates an increased risk of emergency situations.

However, the legislation of any of the states does not allow deviating from mandatory regulatory industrial safety rules by developing and applying individual industrial safety requirements to a specific HIF, taking into account all kinds of technological innovations used on it.

Basic requirements for the content of the safety justification for HIF

According to Art. 1 of Law No. 116-FZ HIF safety justification is a document containing the following information:

  • the results of assessing the risk of an accident at hazardous industrial facilities (due to deviations from industrial safety rules) and the associated threat;
  • the conditions for the safe operation of the hazardous industrial facility (i.e., the measures that must be performed at it in order to reduce the risk of an accident due to the admitted deviations from the industrial safety rules to an acceptable level);
  • requirements for operation, overhaul, conservation and liquidation of hazardous facilities (in fact, we are talking about industrial safety rules that are individual for the corresponding hazardous facilities, taking into account the existing deviations from general standards in the field of industrial safety).

After receiving a positive conclusion of the industrial safety examination, the individual requirements for the operation, overhaul, conservation and liquidation of the HIF established in the safety justification become mandatory for the organization operating it. It is their observance that the state inspector will control when checking the hazardous industrial facilities.

Rostekhnadzor Order No. 306 dated 15.07.2013 approved the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "General requirements for the safety substantiation of a hazardous production facility" (hereinafter - FNP OB OPO), according to which The structure of the safety case for an HIF should include four sections:

  • Section 1 "General Information" containing, among other things:
    - general characteristics of HIF technological processes;
    - a description of solutions aimed at ensuring its safety;
    - a list of deviations from the requirements of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety, including a justification for their necessity and the sufficiency of the measures taken, as well as a list of measures to compensate for these deviations, or missing industrial safety requirements for this HIF;
  • Section 2 "Results of assessing the risk of an accident at a hazardous production facility and the associated threat" containing including:
    - description of the method for analyzing the conditions of safe operation of hazardous facilities;
    - a list of the most significant risk factors for an accident at a hazardous facility and the associated threat, taking into account the specifics of a particular hazardous facility;
  • Section 3 "Conditions for the safe operation of a hazardous production facility", including, in particular, the assessment of the values ​​of the selected indicators before and after deviation from the requirements of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety (taking into account compensatory measures);
  • Section 4 "Requirements for the operation, overhaul, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility", including a list and justification of the sufficiency of measures to compensate for deviations from the requirements of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety.

According to clause 12 of the FNP ABOUT HIF, the safety justification for HIF is developed by the organization that develops design documentation for the construction, reconstruction of the HIF, based on the technical assignment of the customer (the organization operating the HIF).

In accordance with the norms of urban planning legislation, organizations that have a certificate of admission to this type of work issued by one of the many construction self-regulatory organizations have the right to design HIFs.

Meanwhile, as can be seen from the above structure for justifying the safety of HIFs, the development of this document requires special research work, since each HIF, even within the same industry, has its own operating conditions, its own specifics, and its own deviations from industrial safety rules. Designers who have never previously dealt with accident risk assessment at hazardous industrial facilities do not have experience in this area, do not know the necessary techniques, and in practice everywhere turn to subcontractors for help - expert organizations specializing in industrial safety.

However, the head of the design organization signs the safety justification of the HIF, and it is the latter who is responsible for its content.

The organization operating the HIF is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the terms of reference.

For an organization operating an HIF, it is important to correctly draw up a technical assignment, on the basis of which a safety justification for HIF will be prepared. As a rule, the terms of reference are prepared by the industrial safety service of the relevant organization.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out a risk assessment, the results of which should be indicated in the terms of reference.

In addition, it is required to identify and reflect in the terms of reference all (without exception!) Deviations from industrial safety rules at the HIF, as well as to motivate these deviations.

This is important, since within the framework of the safety justification of the hazardous industrial facility, compensating measures should be developed for each deviation from industrial safety rules. If any deviations from the industrial safety rules are not identified or are not indicated in the terms of reference intentionally, then compensatory measures in relation to them will not be developed.

In the course of the industrial safety examination of the safety justification for hazardous industrial facilities, an experienced expert will reveal these circumstances and, accordingly, will not give a positive conclusion.

According to FNP ABOUT OPO the terms of reference for the development of a safety case for an HIF should include:

  • a description of the HIF, as well as the conditions for its construction and operation, including a general description of technological processes and a description of solutions aimed at ensuring the safety of HIF;
  • a list of deviations from the requirements of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety, containing a justification for their necessity and the sufficiency of the measures taken, as well as a list of measures to compensate for these deviations, or missing industrial safety requirements for this HIF;
  • information on the need to develop a safety justification for HIF;
  • requirements for the development of a safety justification for an HIF;
  • structure of the safety substantiation of the HIF.

Preparation of a safety case for hazardous facilities

As already noted, the safety feasibility study is developed as part of the preparation of design documentation for the construction or reconstruction of the HIF.

In this regard, today, in practice, there is a tendency in which organizations operating HIFs order design documentation for the reconstruction of HIFs in order to obtain, within its framework, a justification for the admitted deviations from industrial safety rules.

This approach is less costly than the way to reduce the risk of an accident at a hazardous industrial facility through the modernization of production, the introduction of new technologies and equipment. At the same time, the existence of a safety justification for an HIF not only allows an organization operating a HIF to neglect “on legal grounds” the “inconvenient” industrial safety requirements for it, but also significantly reduces its liability in the event of an accident at a HIF.


In the event of an accident at an HIF, in relation to which a HIF safety justification was developed, taking into account deviations from industrial safety standards, the operating organization is liable only if the compensating measures provided for in the HIF safety justification are not fulfilled.

Although clause 4 of Art. 3 of Law No. 116-FZ, concerning the development of the safety justification for hazardous facilities, has been in force for only about two years, there are already known cases of bringing experts who carried out the industrial safety expertise of the safety justification for hazardous facilities to criminal liability after an accident at an HPF

If the operating organization has carried out all compensating measures, but their list turned out to be insufficient (not all risks were taken into account, not all possible scenarios were analyzed), then the responsibility lies with the expert who carried out the industrial safety examination of the safety justification of the hazardous facilities and issued a positive conclusion.

The main difficulty in preparing a safety case for an HIF is not the need to justify deviations from industrial safety requirements (in practice, customers most often indicate "economic feasibility" as a reason), but in the need to develop compensatory measures and justify their sufficiency.

The preparation of each safety case for an HIF requires a separate research work.

The algorithm of actions in the preparation of a safety case for an HIF is shown in the figure.

Algorithm of actions in the preparation of a safety case for an HIF

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Ensuring labor safety

Medical rehabilitation of injured workers

M.L. Zevalich, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center for Rehabilitation of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation" Topaz "

A properly organized process of medical rehabilitation of victims at work allows them to return to full life and work.

Despite all the measures taken, industrial injuries remain a significant medical and socio-economic problem today. Industrial injuries lead to huge material and human losses, a high level of disability, worsening the work prognosis and the quality of life of the victims. The problem of industrial injuries is aggravated by the fact that the main contingent of industrial injuries is made up of people aged 20-50, that is, people who are at the peak of their physical, intellectual, social and labor potential.

In this regard, the main tasks facing the FSS of Russia are:

  • return to work of victims of industrial accidents and occupational diseases with minimal losses to their health;
  • improving the labor forecast of those injured as a result of industrial accidents and occupational diseases and their quality of life.

The greatest opportunities in terms of restoring the victim's lost health at work is possessed by medical rehabilitation, which is a complex of therapeutic, diagnostic and preventive measures aimed at restoring the victim's health, his physical, mental, social, professional and economic usefulness.

Medical rehabilitation is divided into early and late and covers a number of aspects:

  • medical;
  • psychological;
  • professional;
  • social;
  • economic.

In turn, the early rehabilitation process includes the following stages:

  • prehospital;
  • hospital;
  • sanatorium;
  • outpatient.

Medical rehabilitation in the centers of rehabilitation of the FSS of Russia

In our country, the rehabilitation centers of the FSS of Russia are involved in medical rehabilitation of industrial victims. There are 12 of them in Russia, the total bed capacity is 5081 beds. These are powerful medical institutions located in various regions of the country from the Black Sea coast to Siberia (in Saratov, Vladimir, Kirov, Tyumen, Astrakhan, Kemerovo, Moscow regions, the Republic of Khakassia, the cities of Omsk, Volgograd, Tomsk, Anapa).

The largest of them is the FBU “Center for Rehabilitation of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation“ Taraskul ”” (hereinafter - the Center for Rehabilitation “Taraskul”) with 885 beds, located on the shore of Lake Maly Taraskul in the Tyumen Region. Among the largest are also:

  • FBU “Center for Rehabilitation of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation“ Omsk ”" for 569 beds (located in Omsk);
  • FBU "Center for Rehabilitation of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation" Volgograd "" for 510 beds (located on the banks of the Volga near Volgograd and is the largest medical and diagnostic complex in the Lower Volga region);
  • FBU "Rehabilitation and Training Center of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation" with 468 beds (located in the Moscow region near Zvenigorod).

At the same time, the Taraskul Rehabilitation Center is unique in that it has a 60-bed rehabilitation department designed for patients with spinal trauma, which was designed and created taking into account international standards for people with disabilities.

The structure of rehabilitation centers of the FSS of Russia today does not provide for a branch of vocational rehabilitation. The question of its necessity is now being discussed.

The rehabilitation centers of the FSS of Russia are medical and prophylactic institutions that provide inpatient, sanatorium-resort and outpatient-polyclinic care. Their main task is medical and social rehabilitation of persons who have suffered damage to their health as a result of industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

On average, 80% of the total number of vouchers to the rehabilitation centers of the FSS of Russia is allocated for medical rehabilitation of injured workers at work, and 20% of vouchers are for commercial sanatorium-resort treatment.

Every year, on the basis of the rehabilitation centers of the FSS of Russia, more than 50 thousand people who have been injured at work undergo medical rehabilitation, which is about 50% of the total number of people in need of this type of treatment throughout Russia.

The general structure of rehabilitation centers of the FSS of Russia includes:

  • diagnostic department (clinical diagnostic laboratory, functional diagnostics room, X-ray room, etc.);
  • physiotherapy department (light therapy, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, mud therapy, inhalation therapy, massage);
  • department of physiotherapy exercises (specialized halls, swimming pool, outdoor sports grounds, etc.);
  • department of social and psychological rehabilitation (offices of a psychotherapist, sociologist, lawyer, psychological relief, etc.).

The rehabilitation centers of the FSS of Russia are not only engaged in the rehabilitation of industrial victims, who are allocated 80% of the beds, but also provide additional medical services:

  • insured persons working in hazardous working conditions (at the expense of 20% of insurance premiums aimed at preventive measures to reduce industrial injuries and occupational diseases);
  • citizens who are recipients of a set of social services (at the expense of the federal budget);
  • patients sent for follow-up care after illnesses (at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation), etc.

FBU "Center for Rehabilitation of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation" Topaz "" (hereinafter - the Center for Rehabilitation "Topaz") ​​for 421 beds is located in the south of the Kemerovo region near the town of Myski at the foot of Mount Topaz and is intended for the rehabilitation of the consequences of occupational injuries and occupational diseases (organ diseases respiration, hearing, digestion, circulatory system, nervous, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue). Every year, the Topaz Rehabilitation Center undergoes early and late rehabilitation for more than 6.5 thousand people injured at work.

Medical rehabilitation in Kuzbass

Kuzbass is the largest industrial region not only in Siberia, but throughout Russia. The population of the Kemerovo region is more than 2.7 million people, of which 1,019,752 are employed.

The basic industries of Kuzbass are:

  • coal mining and coal processing industries;
  • metallurgy;
  • chemical industry;
  • transport (Kuzbass is in first place in the country in terms of the volume of cargo transportation by rail and road).

According to available data, about 25% of workers in the Kemerovo Region are employed in harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, therefore the level of industrial injuries in Kuzbass is one of the highest in the country.

The three branches of the Kuzbass economy with the highest level of industrial injuries are as follows:

  • first place - coal mining (serious accidents, as a rule, are associated with underground coal mining);
  • second place is construction;
  • the third place is transport (injuries sustained by road transport workers prevail).

In 2013, 2286 industrial accidents occurred in the Kemerovo region, including:

  • lungs - 2004;
  • heavy - 204;
  • fatal - 78.

At the same time, in recent years there has been a significant (1.5 times) decrease in the number of severe industrial injuries. The picture seems to be optimistic, but, alas, not entirely reliable, since 2010 was marked by a terrible accident at the Raspadskaya mine. This case was included in the statistics of 2010 and had a noticeable effect on the total number of people injured at work in Kuzbass during this period.

The overwhelming majority of occupational injuries are musculoskeletal injuries, which rarely occur in isolation, and polytrauma with damage to many organs and systems of the body. The latter are distinguished by a particular severity of clinical manifestations, accompanied by a significant violation of the vital functions of the body, the difficulty of diagnosis, the complexity of treatment, high mortality and disability. Thus, the problem of industrial injuries is of great social and economic importance for the Kemerovo region.

The structure of industrial injuries in Kuzbass by the severity and types of injuries received by workers, as well as the dynamics of the number of severe accidents at work in 2010-2013. are shown in Fig. 12.

Rice. 1. The structure of industrial injuries in Kuzbass (2013)

Rice. 2. Dynamics of the number of severe industrial accidents in Kuzbass (2010-2013)

In the coal mining industry of Kuzbass, severe injuries prevail - injuries of the musculoskeletal system (almost 50% of all injuries), concomitant injuries and polytrauma. Most of these cases are associated with underground coal mining.

In Kuzbass, industrial injuries prevail and, accordingly, are the most studied in the coal industry. This is due to both the severity of mine injuries and the fact that the coal industry is the leading one in the region.

Perhaps the most illustrative example of medical rehabilitation of industrial victims in the Kemerovo Region is the work to restore the health of miners who were injured in methane explosions at the Raspadskaya mine several years ago.

The Raspadskaya mine is located in the vicinity of Mezhdurechensk, the coal capital of Kuzbass, and is currently the largest underground mine in Russia. Coal reserves in the Raspadskaya mine exceed 450 million tons; about 8 million tons are mined here annually.

The accident at the Raspadskaya mine, which shook the whole country, occurred in May 2010. The first explosion occurred at 20:55 on May 8, and the second at 00:55 on May 9 (Moscow time). At the time of the first explosion, 359 people were underground, most of whom were brought to the surface in the first hours after it. The second explosion happened already when the mine rescuers were working in the mine, and as a result, none of the people who were underground at that time managed to survive.

The consequences of the explosions were colossal. According to the data of the Investigative Committee of Russia, as of May 10, 2011, 90 people died (some died already in the hospital), 145 people were injured, having received injuries of varying severity (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Consequences of explosions at the Raspadskaya mine

Miners who were seriously injured were dominated by polytrauma and respiratory trauma (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Severe injuries of victims in the Raspadskaya mine

Immediately after the tragedy, early rehabilitation of the victims was undertaken, as a result of which more than half of them were eventually returned to work (Fig. 5). We believe that in the given circumstances, this is a fairly good result.

Rice. 5. Results of early rehabilitation of victims in the Raspadskaya mine

The effectiveness of medical rehabilitation is clearly illustrated by the following example.


Victim A., 22 years old.

Place of work: JSC "Raspadskaya".

Profession: Mining Master

Diagnosis: Polytrauma. Open head injury. An depressed penetrating multifragmented fracture of the frontal bone on the right. Severe contusion of the brain with crushing of the pole of the right frontal lobe and compression by a subdural hygroma. Massive subarachnoid hemorrhage. Open multi-splintered fracture of the diaphysis of the left femur. Open multi-splintered fracture of both bones of the left lower leg in the middle third. Closed chest injury. Contusion of the right lung. Heart contusion. Laceration of the perineum, scrotum with damage to the left testicle, condition after orchiectomy. Multiple bruises, abrasions of the soft tissues of the face, neck, chest, extremities. Traumatic shock of III – IV degree.

Doctors understand that in traumatic shock of III-IV degree, mortality is extremely high, despite rehabilitation measures. Nevertheless, in this case, as in many others, early rehabilitation gave a positive result, so for such victims it is very important.

The first day after the injury, the victim A. was in the MBUZ "Central City Hospital" in Mezhdurechensk. On the second day, he was transferred to a specialized medical institution - FBULPU "Scientific and Clinical Center for the Protection of Miners' Health" in Leninsk-Kuznetskiy, Kemerovo Region, where he was treated for 2.5 months. transferred to the Topaz Rehabilitation Center, where he spent 28 days, after which his rehabilitation lasted more than three months on an outpatient basis.

The total duration of temporary incapacity for work was 204 days, after which the commission of medical and social examination established that the victim had 100% loss of professional ability to work. However, the rehabilitation process continued.

Late rehabilitation included courses of rehabilitation treatment at the Topaz Rehabilitation Center.

The first course took place in 2012, after which a re-examination, carried out by the commission of medical and social examination, established that the victim A. was 60% of the loss of professional ability to work.

A second course of rehabilitation at the Topaz Rehabilitation Center was carried out in 2013. According to its results, the commission of medical and social examination established that victim A. lost 40% of the loss of professional ability to work, admitting that he could work in specially created conditions.

At the moment, victim A. is working.

Thus, from the above example, it can be seen that an organized process of medical rehabilitation makes it possible to return a person injured at work (even if his injuries are very serious) to a fulfilling life and work.

Organization of work on labor protection

A worthy example of occupational safety

O.V. Maksakov, Ch. engineer of LLC "Serpukhov lift-building plant"

The Serpukhov elevator building plant, built from scratch, was highly praised in the field of labor protection by the country's leadership. The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev held a meeting of the Government Commission on the protection of citizens' health on the territory of the enterprise, dedicated to the topic of protecting the health of the working population

Company information
The Serpukhov elevator building plant, located in the Moscow region, was commissioned in August 2013. The enterprise for the production of industrial and passenger elevators has deployed a full-cycle production line for sheet processing, including robotic bending and welding plants, laser cutting and painting lines

The meeting of the Governmental Commission on Health Protection of Citizens, held on June 9, 2014, chaired by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, concerned, among other things, the creation of ratings of enterprises in terms of compliance with working conditions and preserving the health of workers. According to the Chairman of the RF Government, such ratings should become an incentive for employers. He suggested involving business associations and trade unions in compiling the rating.

Speaking about the situation with labor protection in the country, D.A. Medvedev said that every third worker in Russia works in conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards, as well as the need to pay more attention to the prevention of occupational diseases, noting at the same time, that "the emphasis here should be on increasing the effectiveness of clinical examination, in some cases it simply does not exist or it is carried out formally." At the same time, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation emphasized that in recent years, certain steps have been taken to improve the situation with health protection at work, referring to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013, No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions ".

As an example of a well-organized work on labor protection, D. A. Medvedev cited OOO Serpukhov Lift Building Plant (hereinafter referred to as the Plant), which had done a lot of work to ensure labor safety.

Robotization and automation

The plant is located in the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region on an area of ​​150 thousand m2.

For production lines, 50 thousand m 2 were given, in addition to which a boiler room, a hostel, a canteen, a railroad warehouse and other auxiliary premises were erected on the territory of the Plant. The plant employs over 700 people, the average age of which is 32 years.

The range of products manufactured by the Plant is quite wide: from elevators for panel houses to business-class elevators supplied to luxury real estate, hotels, airports, office centers, etc.

When creating the Plant, the experience of the largest domestic enterprises was used, such as OJSC Shcherbinsky Elevator Building Plant and OJSC Karacharovsky Mechanical Plant, as well as foreign companies in the elevator building industry. Since the Plant was planned and designed for the production of Wellmaks business class elevators, the technologists created production lines specifically for these purposes. At the same time, the General Director of the Plant V. N. Sharipov, making decisions on its equipment, considered not only the issues of energy saving, efficiency and productivity, but also the safety of workers, as well as environmental friendliness.


Already at the design stage of the Plant, its General Director paid special attention to the exchange-air ventilation and air conditioning system to ensure the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area. All equipment installed at the production site meets the European requirements for noise and vibration, as well as health and safety in general.

During his stay at the Plant, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev announced the organization of production at it literally the following: “A significant part of the operations are performed by robots. The participation of people in this process is minimized, therefore, injuries are minimized "

The plant is designed according to the latest modern technologies, taking into account the world experience in mechanical engineering. For the production of business-class elevators, the most advanced equipment from leading European manufacturers was purchased. Such equipment of the Plant with high-tech robotic equipment, which allows minimizing human participation in the technological process, makes it possible not only to obtain a product of high European quality, but also to minimize the physical stress on staff, as well as the risk of accidents at work.

The widespread use of automated control systems also makes it possible to minimize the participation of an employee in the production process, and, consequently, the influence of harmful and hazardous production factors on him.


To apply a protective coating on metal structures, two powder coating lines are installed.

When using the powder coating technology, the paint is evenly sprayed onto the surface of the product in the form of the smallest solid particles, which are then melted under the influence of high temperatures (about 160–180 ° C), forming a continuous polymer layer on the product.

Spraying of powder paints is carried out in painting booths and is fully automated. The task of the workers is only to hang the parts for painting and remove them. At the same time, the painting line is waste-free, since the remaining paint is automatically cleaned and returned to the oven.

Thus, no emissions into the environment occur. The powder coating line is considered environmentally friendly and the workplaces of its employees are not considered hazardous.

In the production of elevators and elevator equipment, a number of innovative technologies are used, including in the field of occupational safety.


Each machine of the Plant is equipped with a special system of photo barriers, when a person crosses them, the equipment is automatically turned off.

Along with modern basic production equipment, the Plant also widely uses manual mechanization equipment - electric stackers, hydraulic carts, and floor cleaning machines. Jib jib cranes have been installed in many areas, making it possible to ergonomically optimize workplaces.

The use of mobile filter ventilation units with a mechanical filtration method at the Plant, which serve to clean the exhaust gassed air from dry particles of various types of smoke and dust, has significantly reduced the concentration of harmful chemicals in the air of the working area.

It has been scientifically proven that an increase in labor productivity can be achieved through a set of measures aimed at improving the working conditions of workers and maintaining their high efficiency throughout the working day. To this end, a special assessment of working conditions was carried out at the Plant, which revealed an insignificant number of jobs with hazardous working conditions of the first and second degree. The main occupational risk factors for the employees of the Plant are:

  • increased noise level;
  • the severity of the labor process associated with the need for the employee to be in a "standing" position during the work shift.

At the same time, representatives of only two professions are employed in hazardous working conditions at the Plant: welders and stampers, the latter only due to the increased noise level.

At the welding site of the Plant, equipment of three types is used: manual, semi-automatic and fully automated. To minimize the influence of harmful and hazardous production factors on welders, special powerful hoods with a double cleaning system are installed on semi-automatic and automatic machines. The fumes from welding are double purified through a charcoal filter. At the same time, the equipment is configured in such a way that if the filter is dirty, a sensor is triggered and the machine stops working.

Individual protection

Ensuring a high level of protection of the personnel of the Plant from occupational risks allows not only a high level of robotization and automation of production, but also the use of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter - PPE) by employees.


The plant has departments:

  • industrial safety and labor protection;
  • ecology;
  • for emergency situations and fire safety.

The more complex and powerful the equipment, the higher the cost of erroneous actions of the personnel

According to the head of the industrial safety department, O. G. Galkina, the hazards for the working personnel can be significantly reduced only if the equipment is properly operated and the instructions of the manufacturers are strictly followed. For this purpose, the Plant has organized continuous training of employees with the participation of highly qualified personnel and specialists, personal briefings are carried out in order to improve technical knowledge.

Taking into account the uniqueness of the plant's equipment, the management at the initial stage of the enterprise's formation organized training for workers on the basis of OJSC Shcherbinsky Elevator-Building Plant, whose qualified workers helped their colleagues to master laser installations and robotic systems, shared with them the secrets of the profession, including areas of personal safety.

Currently, the plant has its own qualified personnel, so the process of education and training of workers has become continuous. In addition, such a type of training as rotation is actively used, that is, the movement of workers from one area to another. The ability to manage various complexes allows not only to make optimal use of personnel, but also to increase their interest in work, motivation, and, consequently, work safety.

Education and training of the plant's employees is also carried out in specialized training centers.


During the period from October 2013 to February 2015, 100 people were trained in the second related professions and received a special permit to operate the equipment of hazardous production facilities. 82 people improved their qualifications as responsible managers and specialists in the field of labor protection, fire and industrial safety.

All working personnel of the Plant undergo an annual medical examination. Representatives of a number of specialties are sent to it daily before the start of the working day.

In general, personnel training, including labor protection, is part of the successful personnel policy of any enterprise. Indeed, in modern economic conditions, it is very important to be able to quickly adapt to external conditions, carry out organizational changes, improve the quality of labor resources and organizational culture.

For a fairly short period of work, the staff of the Plant managed to achieve good results in the organization of production and labor protection. Nevertheless, there are new goals and tasks ahead related to the conduct of pilot checks of the developed documentation and its completion, taking into account the approbation in practice.

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Practical magazine for managers and specialists in labor protection

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Life safety is an area of ​​scientific knowledge covering the theory and practice of protecting humans from dangerous and harmful factors in all spheres of human activity, maintaining safety and health in the environment. This discipline solves the following main tasks:

Identification (recognition and quantification) of negative impacts of the environment;

Protection from dangers or prevention of the impact of certain negative factors on a person;

Elimination of the negative consequences of exposure to hazardous and harmful factors;

Creation of a normal, that is, a comfortable state of the human environment.

The course "Life Safety" provides for the process of learning the complex relationships of the human body and the environment. The impact of a person on the environment, according to the laws of physics, causes a response reaction of all its components. The human body painlessly tolerates certain influences as long as they do not exceed the limits of adaptation. "Life Safety" considers:

Household safety;

Industrial safety;

Life safety in the urban environment (residential area);

Safety in the natural environment;

Peaceful and wartime emergencies.

The working environment is a set of factors affecting a person in the process of labor activity.

One of the main concepts of life safety is the so-called "axiom of potential danger."

The analysis of public practice provides a basis for the assertion that any activity is potentially dangerous.

The potential danger lies in the latent, implicit nature of the manifestation of hazards. Potential danger as a phenomenon is the possibility of exposure of a person to unfavorable or life-incompatible factors. According to the degree and nature of the effect on the body, all factors are conventionally divided into harmful and dangerous.

Harmful factors include those factors that, under certain conditions, become the cause of illness or decreased performance, disappearing after rest or a break in vigorous activity.

Dangerous factors are those that, under certain conditions, lead to traumatic injuries or sudden and severe health problems.

In production conditions, the appearance of hazardous factors can lead to an excess of the operational capabilities of technical devices, engineering structures and structures, which sometimes leads to accidents in the release of new factors - substances or energy in quantities and doses that pose an immediate threat to the health and life of workers and the population in general ...

The axiom of potential danger provides for a quantitative assessment of the negative impact, which is assessed by the risk of causing one or another damage to health and life. Risk is defined as the ratio of certain undesirable consequences per unit of time to the possible number of events.

If we systematize everything that has been said, then life safety can be defined as such a state of the environment in which the possibility of damage to the human body in the course of its various activities is excluded.

Human experience has accumulated certain techniques, methods to ensure safe interaction with the environment, especially in the production environment. Labor safety is such a state of its conditions, in which the negative impact on workers of hazardous and harmful production factors is excluded.

Safety engineering is a system of organizational measures and technical means that prevent exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors. For each type of work, there are certain safety rules, a person is allowed to work only after studying them. The passport of any technical device sets out the operating rules, the implementation of which makes it safe to work with this device.

Providing a safe working environment is the responsibility of the administration.

Labor protection - a system of legislative acts, socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic and treatment-and-prophylactic measures and means to ensure safety, preservation of health and human performance in the process of work.

Preserving the biosphere, ensuring human safety and health - solving these problems should be the goal of a specialist in any field of activity while performing professional duties.

Painting work must be safe at all stages:

Surface preparation of products for painting, including removing rust, scale, old coatings, degreasing and applying rust converters;

Application of paints and varnishes, including the preparation of working compositions, washing and cleaning containers, working containers, production equipment, tools and protective equipment;

Drying of paint and varnish coatings and reflow of coatings from powder polymer paints;

Surface treatment of paint and varnish coatings (grinding, polishing)

When carrying out painting work, measures should be provided to eliminate the conditions for the occurrence of explosions and fires in technological installations (chambers, apparatus), production facilities, on production sites outside the premises and measures to protect workers from the possible action of hazardous and harmful factors specified in the mandatory appendix.

The levels of hazardous and harmful production factors during painting work should not exceed the maximum permissible values ​​provided for by state standards and sanitary and hygienic norms.

Painting work must be carried out in accordance with the normative and technical documentation for technological processes, approved in the prescribed manner.

Painting work should be performed in paint shops, departments, areas, at special installations, in chambers or at sites equipped with forced ventilation (local and general supply and exhaust) and fire fighting equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.009-75. The ventilation device must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.4.021-75 and building codes.

In installations and chambers, a vacuum should be maintained, preventing the release of harmful emissions to the outside and spreading through the premises of the paint shops (areas).

Local exhaust ventilation systems from chambers and painting posts (powder paint spraying), as well as dry grinding installations for coatings must be equipped with devices that prevent contamination of air ducts with combustible deposits and interlocks, ensuring the supply of working compounds to the sprayers only when the ventilation units are running.

When painting with harmful and fire-explosive materials of the outer and inner surfaces of ships under construction and repair, wagons, airplanes and other large products, local ventilation systems should be used.

In special cases, with the permission of local authorities and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service, the technical labor inspection of the trade union and fire authorities, it is allowed to paint large products directly at the assembly sites without special ventilation. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

Carrying out painting work during periods when other work is not performed;

Ventilation of premises using forced general ventilation;

Application by painters of respiratory, eye and skin protection;

Providing fire and explosion safety.

When designing new and reconstructing existing paint shops and areas, it is necessary to provide means of mechanization and automation of technological operations and production processes, ensuring the elimination of hazardous and reducing the effect of harmful production factors on workers.

When developing and performing painting works, measures and methods should be provided for neutralizing and cleaning up spilled and scattered paint and varnish materials and chemicals, as well as methods for effectively treating wastewater and dust and gas emissions before releasing them into water bodies and the atmosphere in accordance with the requirements of GOST

The supply of working compounds (degreasing and washing solutions, paints and varnishes), compressed air, thermal and electrical energy to the working bodies of stationary painting equipment should be blocked with the inclusion of the necessary protective equipment for workers. On technological devices with a capacity of more than 1 m3, there must be an emergency discharge of flammable liquids.

Painting work with the use of radioactive paints and varnishes should be carried out in accordance with sanitary standards.

Containers, working containers and painting equipment should be cleaned and washed only in specially equipped places equipped with local forced ventilation systems.

It is not allowed to use equipment and carry out work related to sparking and the use of open fire in painting and paint preparation departments.

Plist of hazardous and harmful production factors arising during painting

Moving machines and mechanisms.

Unprotected moving parts of painting equipment.

Movable painted products.

Increased dust and gas content in the air in the working area.

Elevated temperature of paints and varnishes, washing and degreasing liquids, vapors and gases, surfaces of equipment and products.

Increased or low air temperature in painting areas, painting shops, rooms and chambers.

Increased level of noise, vibration and ultrasound during the preparation of the surface of products for painting and during the operation of painting equipment fans.

Increased levels of ultraviolet, infrared, alpha, beta, gamma, and X-ray radiation from drying equipment.

Unprotected live parts of installations for surface preparation, electrodeposition, painting in an electrostatic field and drying installations.

Increased air ionization in areas of staining in an electrostatic field.

Increased electric field strength and an increased level of static electricity that occurs when products are painted in an electrostatic field, as well as when moving through pipelines, stirring, pouring (pouring) and spraying liquid and bulk materials.

Jets of paints and varnishes arising from a violation of the tightness of painting equipment operating under pressure.

Harmful substances in paints and varnishes and other working compounds, acting on those working through the respiratory tract, digestive system, skin and mucous membranes of the organs of sight and smell.

Painting shops, areas and auxiliary premises in terms of space-planning and design solutions must comply with the requirements of building and sanitary norms and rules for the design of industrial enterprises, as well as the requirements of the norms and rules approved by the State Supervision Authorities.

Temperature, relative humidity and air velocity in the working areas of the paint shops and areas should be within the limits established by GOST 12.1.005-88.

Painting areas and areas should be located in isolated areas.

It is allowed to locate painting areas and sites in common production facilities or outside, provided that these areas (sites) are included in the process flow of fire and explosion-proof industries.

Painting areas and areas should be equipped with effective local ventilation, marked with signal colors and safety signs in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76 and have fire and explosion hazard fences.

When using liquid paints and varnishes (working compositions) that can form fire and explosive mixtures, the area of ​​the site within a radius of 5 m from open openings of painting equipment and containers with materials should be considered fire and explosive.

Painting sites for tubeless painting of large-sized products with liquid paints and varnishes should have fences and devices for sucking out polluted air and catching unsettled paint. The zone within a radius of 5 m from the edges of the site and 5 m in height from the painted products is classified as fire and explosive.

The workshop or areas of the workshop where dust is emitted during operation (areas for applying powder paints, dry grinding and polishing coatings) in an amount sufficient to form explosive dust-air mixtures, when ignited, the calculated excess pressure of an explosion in the room exceeding 5 kPa should be refer to fire and explosion hazardous industries.

Areas where explosive dust-air mixtures are formed should be isolated from the general room of the workshop by fire-prevention partitions. In this case, isolated areas are considered fire and explosive, and the fire and explosion hazard of the rest of the room is determined by the properties of the substances circulating in it.

Painting departments with an area of ​​500 m2 and more, as well as, regardless of size and area, paint preparation departments, storerooms for paint and varnish materials, painting and drying chambers, tubeless painting areas on gratings in the floor, spray and dipping areas should be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations.

Paint shops with an area of ​​less than 500 m2 should be equipped with a fire alarm and telephone communication.

The paint preparation departments and sections, when located inside the workshop, should be located near the outer wall in a room isolated by fire partitions with window openings and an independent exit to the outside.

Trequirements for source materials

Each batch of starting materials (paints and varnishes, solvents, thinners, hardeners, semi-finished products for the preparation of detergents, degreasing and polishing compositions) must be accompanied by an accompanying document. The accompanying document must contain data on the percentage of extremely hazardous substances and their volatile parts for individual components.

For painting work, materials with known parameters of explosion and fire hazard (flash point, temperature limits of ignition, temperature of auto-ignition, tendency to spontaneous combustion, weight or volumetric area of ​​ignition) should be used and have information about their toxicity. These parameters, as well as safety precautions during work, must be specified in standards and other normative and technical documentation. Cleaning and degreasing of parts and products must be carried out with non-flammable and low-hazard (4th hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007-76) compositions. In case of technological necessity and the condition of ensuring explosion and fire safety, it is allowed to use white spirit in accordance with GOST 31341-78 in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.402-80. It is necessary to limit the use of paints and varnishes containing lead compounds and other hazardous substances of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76.

life safety painting work

Trequirements for the placement of production equipment and the organization of workplaces

When placing the equipment, it is necessary to ensure the convenience of maintenance and the safety of evacuation of workers in emergency situations. The equipment must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-74.

The intervals should be maintained between the equipment, excluding the interaction of hazardous and harmful production factors and their combined effect on workers.

The width of the passages must correspond to the dimensions of the vehicles used and transported products and provide free passages on both sides of them with a width of at least 0.7 m.

The width of the passageways for the repair and inspection of equipment must be at least 0.8 m.

The electrical equipment of painting plants must comply with the classes of fire and explosion hazard of premises, determined according to the rules for the installation of electrical installations, approved by the State Energy Supervision Service. Electrical equipment should be installed and operated in accordance with the "Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers and safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers", approved by the State Energy Supervision Service. Equipment and items to be painted must be grounded.

Workplaces should be organized taking into account the ergonomic requirements and convenience of performing movements and actions by workers in accordance with GOST 12.2.032-78, GOST 12.2.033-78 and GOST 21889-76.

Oensuring fire safety of technological equipment

For each technological process of painting, measures are provided to minimize its fire hazard, including:

Prevention of fires and explosions inside technological equipment;

Protection of technological equipment from destruction and maximum limitation of emissions from it of combustible substances into the atmosphere during emergency depressurization;

Elimination of the likelihood of fires in the volume of industrial buildings and structures;

Reducing the severity of the consequences of explosions and fires in the volume of industrial buildings and structures .

3 The equipment used for painting works must comply with the requirements GOST 12.2.003-91 and GOST 12.2.049-80 .

Painting work must be provided with the necessary and serviceable means of mechanization, tools, etc., as well as protective devices and protective devices in accordance with the requirements GOST 12.4.059-89 , GOST 24258-88 , GOST 26887-86 , GOST 27321-87, GOST 27372-87 .

The choice of equipment should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents, based on the conditions for ensuring the minimum level of fire hazard of technological systems.

It is prohibited to operate the equipment if it does not comply with the manufacturer's passport, the requirements of the design, technological, current regulatory and technical documentation.

Pallets made of non-combustible, intrinsically safe materials and limiting the spillage of paints and varnishes in an emergency should be installed under the technological equipment, consumable (paint-injection tanks) and other containers. The volume of the pallets must exceed the maximum volume of paintwork materials contained in the technological or consumable container.

The design of devices operating under overpressure must comply with the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels. Equipment with electric or induction heating must comply with the requirements PUE.

Technological equipment for the storage of paints and varnishes must be sealed. In justified cases, for equipment in which, according to passport data, regulated leaks of paint and varnish materials are possible, the design and technical documentation must indicate the permissible values ​​of these leaks in operating mode and provide the necessary measures for their removal from the working area and disposal.

The design of pumping equipment for the transportation of paints and varnishes should prevent an increase (or decrease) in pressure in it above (below) the permissible values, both under normal operating conditions and in emergency situations.

It is recommended to equip tanks of technological equipment associated with the handling of paints and varnishes with automatic systems to prevent their overflow. The maximum liquid level in these devices and tanks should be determined by calculation, based on the conditions and response times of the actuators and overfill prevention systems, taking into account the thermal expansion of the liquid during storage.

In this case, devices for remote (automatic) measurement of the liquid level in tanks should be provided.

It is recommended to equip the inlet and outlet pipelines of technological devices, vessels or tanks in which paint and varnish materials are circulated, remotely or automatically controlled (according to the signals of emergency protection systems) shut-off valves.

The design features of the technological equipment should exclude the possibility of getting paint and varnish materials on the evacuation route during the time required for the evacuation of people.

Placement of technological equipment, pipeline fittings, etc. in industrial buildings and in open areas should ensure the convenience and safety of their operation, the possibility of carrying out repair work and taking operational measures to prevent accidents or localize accidents.

Application for transportation of paints and varnishes to painting chambers (places) of pipes made of glass and other fragile materials, as well as from combustible materials (flammability groups G1-G4 according to SNiP 21-01-97 *) not allowed.

Process pipelines should not have flanged or other detachable connections, with the exception of places where valves are installed or pipelines are connected to devices, as well as those areas where, according to the technology, periodic disassembly of pipelines is required for their cleaning and repair.

The procedure for performing technological operations for the storage and movement of paints and varnishes, filling and emptying storage tanks, the parameters that determine the fire safety of these works (pressure, movement speed, maximum permissible maximum and minimum level, vacuum removal method, etc.) should be established taking into account physical and chemical properties of products and be regulated.

Compilation and dilution of all types of paintwork materials should be carried out in isolated rooms near the outer wall with window openings or in open areas. In all cases, it is necessary to make up and dilute paintwork materials in pallets that limit their spillage. Paintwork materials should be supplied to the place of work in a finished form centrally. Paints and varnishes are allowed to be placed in the workshop storeroom in an amount not exceeding the amount required for work during one shift. Containers from under paints and varnishes should be tightly closed and stored in specially designated areas.

In the absence of a centralized system for supplying paints and varnishes through pipes (in workshops with small-scale and one-off production), if it is necessary to simultaneously paint surfaces with different colors, it is allowed to place ready-to-use paintwork materials in paint-injection tanks or other tightly closed containers at the paint sites, the total number of paintwork materials used by the names is not more than 200 kg. Refueling of paintwork tanks with their supply to workplaces is carried out as needed.

Reducers with pressure gauges are installed on the pipeline in the places where the paint and varnish material is taken.

Laying pipelines for paints and varnishes and solvents near objects with elevated temperatures, as well as steam pipelines, is allowed at a distance of at least 1 m from them.

Transit pipelines are generally not permitted. If it is impossible to avoid the transit laying of pipelines for paintwork materials, it is necessary to ensure that the fire resistance of the pipeline is at least R120.

The pipelines are painted in distinctive signal colors in accordance with the requirements of the applicable standards. Valves and stopcocks on distribution manifolds for supplying paints and varnishes through pipes must have distinctive signs.

Cranes, valves, instrumentation and viewing windows for permanent use should be accessible for manual adjustment and should be located at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor or service platform. Gates, taps and other similar devices, located at a height of more than 1.5 m, shall be provided with appropriate devices for convenient control. Visual control of the position of taps and valves ("open", "closed") must be provided.

Heating facilities for drying surfaces must comply with SNiP 41-01-2003 .

Hazardous areas arising during the performance of painting work must be fenced in accordance with the requirements GOST 23407-78 , GOST 12.4.059-89 and are marked with safety signs on NPB 160-97 .

Openings in walls and ceilings should be closed with temporary inventory flooring or have fences in accordance with GOST 12.4.059-89 .

Products for manual painting should be inside the painting booth, and the working personnel should be outside. The location of the workplace in an open opening is allowed.

In pneumatic spraying, in order to reduce the fogging effect, it is necessary to control the correct operation of the paint sprayers and to exclude the turbulence of air flows in the painting chambers with the formation of countercurrents that carry the paintwork aerosol into the working area through open openings.

In the painting and paint preparation rooms, it is not allowed to carry out work associated with the use of open fire and sparking (welding, work on emery sharpeners, etc.).

Table. Classes of zones of explosion and fire hazard of electrical equipment

Technological equipment (using paints and varnishes based on organic solvents)

Explosion hazard zone class

Electrical equipment

5 meter zone

Spray booths for pneumatic and airless spraying

Tubeless painting areas (within grille dimensions)

Painting booths for applying paintwork materials in a high-voltage electrostatic field

Plants for painting by dipping and blasting

Drying chambers

The increased dust and gas content of the air in the working area is reduced by the use of ventilation systems. Harmful substances in paints and varnishes and other working compounds that affect those working through the respiratory tract, digestive system, skin and mucous membranes of the organs of sight and smell are reduced by using special respirators.

Personnel working with paints and varnishes must be provided with personal protective equipment.

It is not allowed to work in paint shops and paint preparation departments without special clothing. Overalls and footwear must be made of materials that do not accumulate electrostatic charges.

Personal protective equipment should be used taking into account the working conditions in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers.

Workers who have received personal protective equipment should be instructed in how to use and care for these equipment.

Overalls working in paint shops should be stored in production facilities in special metal cabinets. It is not allowed to take the overalls outside the enterprise. Overalls drenched in solvents must be replaced with clean ones. Oiled overalls are not permitted.

At the objects during painting work, first aid means and conditions for meeting the requirements of personal hygiene must be provided.

Each team must be assigned and trained to provide first aid and provided with first aid kits, complete with the necessary medicines and dressings.

The method of disposal of waste paints and varnishes should prevent the formation of explosive mixtures in rooms, on outdoor installations, as well as in the interior of equipment for processing and storing said waste.


From the unsatisfactory state of affairs with the safety of life, the country annually suffers great human, financial, economic, material and moral losses. Ensuring the safety of production and labor protection of workers is one of the most important problems of the national security of the country. At the moment, in our country, many enterprises do not observe safety precautions, and working conditions cannot be called favorable

Listused byliterature

1.GOST R 12.3.047-98. SSBT. Fire safety of technological processes. General requirements. Control methods.

2.GOST 12.1.004-91 *. SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements.

3. NPB 105-03. Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazard.

4. SNiP 21-01-97 *. Fire safety of buildings and structures.

5. SNiP 31-03-2001. Industrial buildings.

6. SNiP II-89-80. General plans of industrial enterprises.

7. PPB 01-03. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation.

8. SNiP 23-01-99. Construction climatology.

9. SNiP 2.04.05-91 *. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

10. GOST 12.1.007-76. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements.

11. SNiP 2.04.01-85 *. Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.

12. SNiP 2.04.02-84 *. Water supply. External networks and facilities.

13. NPB 110-03 *. The list of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing and detection installations.

14. NPB 88-2001 *. Fire extinguishing and signaling installations. Norms and rules of design.

15.GOST 12.0.004-90. Organization of occupational safety training. General Provisions.

16. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials and means of their extinguishing: Ref. ed .: in 2 books / A.N. Baratov, A. Ya. Korolchenko et al. - M: Chemistry, 1990.

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