Chernobyl benefits per year. State old age pension

According to the current legislation, citizens who have suffered from man-made and radiation accidents, in order to compensate for the harm they have received, are assigned monthly payments and certain indulgences are provided. At the same time, special attention is paid to liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. Today we will talk about what the benefits of Chernobyl victims are and what they are.

The purpose of this type of payment is to compensate for the negative health effects recorded due to the harmful effects of man-made and radiation factors. At the same time, in most cases, payments are also assigned to citizens who were within the radius of possible damage, but negative health consequences were not actually identified.

Legislation: Chernobyl Act

The procedure for establishing and making payments to Chernobyl victims is regulated by Federal Law No. 1244-I "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster" dated 15.05.1991.

Which regions belong to the Chernobyl zone: list

As a result of the disaster that happened at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the adjacent territories were heavily contaminated, and some of them were completely unsuitable for life. Due to the fact that the radiation situation changes over time, the boundaries of these territories are revised every five years and are changed as necessary. The last time the background radiation was measured in 2015. In October of the same year, the corresponding decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1074 "On approval of the list of settlements located in the zone of radioactive contamination due to the Chernobyl disaster" was adopted.

According to the above documents, some settlements of the Bryansk region belong to the exclusion zone, namely Zaborsky, Medvedevsky and Barsukovsky village councils, as well as the villages of Barsuki, Knyazevshchina, Progress and Nizhnyaya Melnitsa (Krasnogorsky district).

Experts attributed part of the settlements of Zlynkovsky, Gordeevsky, Klintsovsky, Krasnogorsky and Novozybkovsky districts of the Bryansk region to the resettlement zone. At the same time, part of the settlements of the Bryansk, Oryol, Tula and Kaluga regions is recognized as a zone of residence with the right to resettlement.

Some settlements of Kursk, Bryansk, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Oryol, Belgorod, Tula, Kaluga and some other regions are classified as a residence zone with a preferential economic status.

What is the pension for Chernobyl victims in 2018: how much they pay

According to the current legislation, the amounts of pensions for Chernobyl victims are as follows:

At the same time, the table of the size of the state disability pension looks like this:

In case of loss of a breadwinner, the state assigns payments to disabled members of his family in the following amount:

At the same time, in April 2018, all types of social pensions will be indexed as planned by 4.1%, which, accordingly, will lead to an increase in the size of payments.

How old do you retire?

Citizens who have suffered as a result of the events at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, state pension provision for old age is assigned ahead of schedule, but no more than 10 years earlier than the generally established deadline.

So, to go on a well-deserved rest 5 years earlier (men at 55 years old, and women at 50) can liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in the period from 1988 to 1990, owners of a disease due to an explosion or performance of work to eliminate the consequences, as well as citizens, workers in the exclusion zone.

If a person is disabled as a result of the events at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, liquidator of their consequences from 1986 to 1987, or was evacuated from the exclusion zone, then he can retire 10 years earlier (50 years for men and 45 years for women).

It should be noted that for those who work or live in the resettlement zone, the retirement age may be reduced for a maximum of 7 years. For citizens in the area of ​​residence with the right to resettlement - no more than 5 years. And the retirement age for those who live in the zone with preferential status is reduced by only three years.

Who is eligible for a pension: categories of citizens

Categories by law

According to Federal Law No. 166 "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" and Federal Law No. 1244-I, persons can expect to receive payments for state pension provision:

  • who have received or have suffered diseases as a result of the events at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • disabled as a result of the aforementioned disaster;
  • eliminated the consequences of the accident in the period from 1986 to 1990;
  • workers in the exclusion zone;
  • evacuees and displaced persons, including children at the stage of intrauterine development;
  • living or working in a zone of residence with the right of resettlement or a zone with preferential status;
  • those who left the area of ​​residence with the right to move out on a voluntary basis;
  • who are disabled relatives of the deceased breadwinner;
  • victims of man-made or radiation disasters.

It should be noted that if the radiation damage was received deliberately, then payments can be reduced or completely canceled.

Types of pensions assigned to Chernobyl victims

The state pension provision for Chernobyl victims existing in our country includes the following types of payments:

  • by length of service;
  • on disability;
  • old age;
  • loss of a breadwinner;
  • social.

Persons affected by the Chernobyl accident have the right to establish state payments for disability and old age. In the event of the death of a person who suffered from the above events, his family members are assigned state support for the loss of the breadwinner.

In addition, some categories of Chernobyl victims can also receive insurance benefits - this requires reaching the generally established age and having a sufficient number of pension points. Also, insurance payments can be assigned in case of loss of legal capacity, but the main condition for this is the presence of official work experience (and its duration does not matter).

Types of pensions and conditions of appointment: for old age, for disability

The state old age allowance is assigned to persons who have suffered as a result of disasters and accidents of a man-made and radiation nature. At the same time, victims of the events at the Chernobyl NPP can receive this payment only on the condition that the duration of their work experience is at least five years.

If a person from the above category of citizens received a disability as a result of the events at the Chernobyl NPP, then he is assigned an appropriate disability pension. In this case, this type of security will not depend on the availability of work experience.

Pension for the loss of a breadwinner for a widow and family members of a Chernobyl survivor

In the event of the death of a citizen who suffered as a result of the events at Chernobyl, disabled members of his family have the right to count on pension payments for the loss of the breadwinner. The state refers to such relatives:

  • minor children;
  • adult children under the age of 25, subject to certain conditions;
  • a spouse who has a dependent child under the age of 14;
  • disabled spouse;
  • disabled parents;
  • disabled grandparents.

Important: Children who are studying at a university or secondary school in full-time form, a survivor's pension is assigned for the entire period of study, but until the age of 25.

Together with the state survivor's allowance, disabled relatives of the deceased have the right to simultaneously receive an insurance or social pension for disability or old age.

Second pension for military pensioners

Servicemen who have become disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster during their service are eligible to receive a second pension. This category of citizens is entitled to receive payments for disability acquired as a result of a military injury and an old-age labor pension.

At the same time, the disability benefit is calculated on the basis of the amount of social pension, and in order to assign insurance payments, it is necessary to fulfill the appropriate retirement age, as well as the presence of a sufficient number of pension points and the length of service.

How is it charged

The size of pensions to victims of radiation and man-made disasters

Pensions to victims of man-made and radiation accidents are calculated according to the following scheme:

  • for citizens who have suffered illness or become disabled, as well as liquidated the consequences of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - 250% of the size of the social pension;
  • for citizens living or working in the relevant zone - 200% of the amount of the social pension;
  • for pensioners with dependent disabled relatives - an increase in social pension by 1208.90 rubles (after indexation in April 2018) for each, but not more than three;
  • for disabled people of I or II groups - 250% of the size of the social pension (if there are dependents, the amount of payments increases in the same way);
  • for disabled persons of the third group with dependent disabled relatives - from 50% of the size of the social pension with an increase of 1208.90 rubles for each dependent (but not more than three) to 125% of the size of the social pension;
  • for children left without parental care - 250% of the social pension for each person;
  • for the rest of the disabled family members of the deceased - 125% of the social pension for each person.

For Chernobyl victims living in the Far North or in a region equivalent to it, the amount of payments increases in accordance with the regional coefficient for the entire period of residence. When moving to a region with normal climatic conditions, this increase is not taken into account.

How to calculate: rules, formulas and calculation procedure

As already noted, citizens affected by the events at the Chernobyl NPP are entitled to one of the types of pension provision: a state disability / old-age pension or an old-age / disability insurance pension (if they have the appropriate right).

Moreover, the Chernobyl survivor has the right to independently choose the option of pension provision, according to which the total amount of payments will be the largest.

According to Federal Law No. 400, an old-age insurance pension is assigned to citizens who have reached the generally established retirement age, have a sufficient number of pension points (13.8 in 2018) and work experience of the required duration (9 years in 2018).

For many citizens from this category of the population, pension payments were calculated according to the old formula even before the adoption of the above-mentioned law. However, according to this document, previously assigned pensions are subject to recalculation according to the new formula. If the new amount is lower than the previous one, then the amount of pension provision will remain the same.

The formula for calculating pensions, taking into account a fixed payment and the cost of one pension point, is as follows:


  • SP - insurance benefit;
  • IPK - individual pension coefficient;
  • SIPK - the cost of IPK (in 2018 - 81.49 rubles);
  • FV - fixed payment (in 2018 - 4982.9 rubles).

In addition, disability insurance benefits may be assigned to Chernobyl victims (calculated by analogy with old-age payments, but in this case, at least one day of official work experience is required). In this case, the amount of a fixed payment for each of the disability groups will be different:

It should be noted that citizens who have suffered from radiation and man-made disasters do not have the right to simultaneously receive two pensions (insurance and state). In this regard, they should choose the most optimal payment option for themselves, in which the amount will be the largest.

Is it possible to early assign a pension to victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant?

According to the current legislation, the victims of the Chernobyl accident can be assigned an old-age pension earlier than the generally established period, but no more than 10 years. The retirement age is determined depending on the category of citizens and looks like this:

  • 55 years old for men and 50 years old for women:
    • who are liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident from 1988 to 1990;
    • suffered or got sick as a result of the events at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
    • performing work in the exclusion zone.
  • 50 years for men and 45 years for women:
    • who are liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident from 1986 to 1987;
    • who are disabled as a result of the Chernobyl accident;
    • evacuees from the exclusion zone.

At the same time, for other categories of citizens, the retirement age is reduced according to the following scheme:

  • for citizens living or working in the resettlement zone - for a maximum of 7 years;
  • for citizens in the area of ​​residence with the right of resettlement - for a maximum of 5 years;
  • for citizens in the zone with preferential socio-economic status - for a maximum of 3 years.

The list of benefits for Chernobyl victims in 2018: what payments are provided

At the moment, liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1986 are entitled to the following benefits:

  • in the case of transfer to a lower position for health reasons - a wage supplement that compensates for the difference between the level of earnings;
  • if it is necessary to pay benefits for temporary disability - accrual in the amount of the average income of a citizen;
  • the average salary is taken into account in the same amount as indicated when the employer pays insurance premiums in case of temporary disability, regardless of the length of the insurance period;
  • with the reduction of positions in the organization - the priority in preserving the workplace, regardless of work experience, seniority and age;
  • in the event of a complete closure of the organization - the priority right to employment;
  • benefits for services in medical institutions: clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums, pharmacies, and so on;
  • the right to out-of-competition admission to a university or secondary educational institution for a budgetary form of education, as well as the right to receive a place in the hostel of the chosen educational institution;
  • the possibility of obtaining a vacation outside the schedule at any convenient moment (while the payment of vacation pay is made on a general basis).

A video on this topic can be found here:

For widows

Chernobyl widows are entitled to pay 50% of the cost of utilities and rent. If the widow was previously dependent on the Chernobyl victim, then she is entitled to the corresponding monthly compensation.

Children and after 18 years

In addition to receiving the aforementioned compensation benefits, children of Chernobyl victims have the right to an extraordinary admission to an educational institution. At the same time, the right to monthly payments does not apply to adopted children.

At the onset of 18 years of age, benefits for children of Chernobyl victims are not canceled. Moreover, children studying full-time receive monetary compensation for the entire period of study, but until the age of 25.

In addition, adult children of citizens affected by the events at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant have the right to:

  • extraordinary improvement of housing conditions;
  • extraordinary placement of children in kindergarten;
  • a discount of half the cost of paying for utilities and apartments;
  • reduction from the place of work is the last.


The native grandchildren of citizens affected by the Chernobyl tragedy will receive benefits only if their parents are included in the list of Chernobyl liquidators.

Those who voluntarily left the resettlement zone

Persons who voluntarily left the area of ​​residence with the right to resettlement are entitled to the following benefits:

  • extraordinary receipt of plots of land and the acquisition of building materials for individual housing construction;
  • priority right to join garage construction or horticultural cooperatives;
  • priority provision of places in social service institutions that provide stationary services;
  • extraordinary provision of children with places in preschool educational institutions and specialized children's organizations of sanatorium and medical type.

What payments are required?

EDV - one-time payments

Upon the occurrence of certain circumstances, Chernobyl victims can receive:

  • an additional payment of the difference between the usual salary and the one that he began to receive when he was transferred to another position for medical reasons;
  • allowance for temporary disability of a citizen in the full amount of his average earnings;
  • compensation for disability as a result of an accident: 10,000 rubles for group I, 7,000 rubles for group II and 5,000 rubles for group III;
  • in case of loss of a breadwinner as a result of an accident - 10,000 rubles at a time (for parents - 5,000 rubles);
  • in the event of the death of the Chernobyl disaster - 8,000 rubles for his burial;
  • when moving from the Chernobyl zone - 500 rubles per person.

Monthly cash payment

As well as one-time, monthly cash payments are made on the basis of Federal Law No. 1244-I, according to which the amount of benefits depends on the period of residence or work in the radiation zone. The maximum monthly payment today is 1,544 rubles (for citizens who have received disabilities as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, children suffering from genetic abnormalities as a result of the radiation received, and others). The minimum amount of payments is 309 rubles and applies to citizens living in the resettlement zone, regions with the right to resettlement or territories with preferential socio-economic status.

In addition, monthly payments to this category of citizens can be carried out simultaneously for two reasons.

Indexation of pensions for Chernobyl victims in 2018: latest news

Annually on April 1, the Government of the Russian Federation indexes social pensions by a coefficient that depends on the inflation rate in the country for the previous year. Insurance pensions are indexed in February, but next year the indexation will take place a month earlier. Thus, in 2018, insurance pensions will be increased by 3.7% on January 1, and social pensions - by 4.1% on April 1.

How to issue and receive

Where to go and what to do?

Chernobyls can apply for state pensions at any convenient time. To do this, you just need to apply in any convenient way (in person, by mail or via the Internet) to the territorial office of the PFR or the MFC.

Features of filing an application through the Unified Portal of Public Services are considered here:

What documents are needed?

The main documents required for the appointment of a pension are the applicant's application form and passport. Additional documents are determined depending on the assigned payments:

  • when applying for an old-age pension:
    • work book and other documents confirming the duration of work experience;
    • documents confirming the status of the Chernobyl liquidator, the fact of living or working in a certain pollution zone, getting an illness due to an accident or a group of disabilities.
  • when applying for a disability pension:
    • documents confirming disability;
    • documents confirming the status of the recipient.
  • when applying for a survivor's pension:
    • death certificate;
    • documents confirming family ties with the breadwinner;
    • other documents with certain information (certificate of a guardian, certificates of educational institutions, housing authorities, a court decision, etc.).

The procedure for the appointment and payment of pensions

After receiving the package of documents, the Russian Pension Fund checks the information received. As a rule, it takes up to 10 working days for this and for making the appropriate decision.

All pension payments are assigned from the first day of the month of the applicant's appeal to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the terms for pensions are as follows:

  • old age: indefinitely, until the end of the pensioner's life;
  • for disability: until the disability is removed, possibly indefinitely;
  • for the loss of a breadwinner: until the end of the disability, possibly indefinitely.

All pensions are paid monthly, and both the pensioner himself and the authorized person can receive payments. Today, the following methods of delivery of benefits are available: through the post office, bank or with the help of a specialized organization.

Dear readers! If you are in need of specialist advice regarding pensions and government benefits, we recommend that you contact a qualified practicing social lawyer right away.

The law on benefits for Chernobyl victims was last amended in October 2014. This part of the legislation formulates the status of a Chernobyl disaster and a list of benefits for citizens who have received this status. The goals of the existing law can be called the provision of compensation and social support for those citizens who, as a result of their residence or during the elimination of the consequences of the disaster, were exposed to harmful factors. It should be noted that, compared to previous years, some benefits were canceled.

Rights of citizens with Chernobyl status

According to the main wording of the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, Chernobyl victims have the following rights:

  1. To compensate for harm caused to health.
  2. Compensation for damage to personal property.
  3. To compensate for the risk to which a person living in the danger zone was exposed.
  4. To compensate for the risk to which a person working in the area of ​​distribution of harmful substances was exposed.
  5. To receive social benefits.

The total area of ​​radiation contamination due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was divided into four zones in relation to the level of contamination. The classification is as follows:

  1. Exclusion Zone. This is the territory that directly surrounds the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. On this site, the settlement and / or use of natural resources, the conduct of economic activities are directly prohibited. It is also prohibited to distribute or use products of economic activity produced in the area of ​​alienation.
  2. Resettlement zone. The resettlement of citizens living in the territory of this category is carried out to other areas until the maximum reduction of damage from radioactive damage. Persons who decide to leave the contaminated area are legally entitled to social services. help.
  3. Zone of the right to resettlement. The territory is constantly checked by specialists, medical monitoring of residents is carried out, measures are also taken to improve the health of the local population. Persons leaving this area, where infection rates are exceeded, can expect to receive compensation and benefits.
  4. Zone of citizens who are entitled to social and economic benefits.

Who can count on benefits

  • persons who have been diagnosed with radiation sickness and / or an illness of another nature, the cause of which was the Chernobyl disaster and / or the elimination of the consequences of the occurrence;
  • suffered from radiation sickness or other illness caused by the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and / or elimination of the consequences;
  • who received the official status of a disabled person as a result of an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and / or work aimed at eliminating its consequences;
  • Chernobyl's widow.
  • temporarily sent or sent to the area of ​​the incident to eliminate the consequences;
  • servicemen who participated in the elimination of the consequences;
  • those liable for military service who participated in the elimination of the consequences;
  • employees of the internal affairs bodies, as well as firefighting services working in the contaminated exclusion zone;
  • evacuated persons and families from the territory of the radiation-affected zone;
  • donated their bone marrow for transplantation to victims of the disaster. Such persons can count on receiving benefits, regardless of the timing of the transplantation or the timing of the development of disability;
  • all services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, medical workers and other employees who worked in the exclusion zone during the evacuation or liquidated the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • persons displaced from the exclusion zone. This also applies to the children of citizens living in this territory;
  • children who were in the womb at the time of the incident;
  • residents of the territory with the right to resettlement and persons who carried out labor activities in this territory;
  • working in the resettlement zone;
  • military personnel who serve in the disaster zone.

List of benefits for Chernobyl victims in 2019

In 2019, the pension of disabled Chernobyl victims of the first and second groups is 12 399.63 rubles, the third group - 6199.81 rubles.

At the moment, the Chernobyl certificate gives the right to take advantage of the following benefits:

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • 50% discount on payment for living space;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • 50th discount on the purchase of fuel for heating the living space;
  • the right to avoid layoffs at the official place of work;
  • joining the circle of participants in construction and / or garage cooperatives out of turn;
  • extraordinary allocation of a land plot if it is necessary to build a living space;
  • purchasing a summer residence out of turn;
  • the right to receive medical care out of turn;
  • the right to extraordinary service in points and pharmacies;
  • the right of extraordinary provision of places for children in sanatoriums, medical institutions, as well as educational and preschool institutions. In addition, every day the state is obliged to allocate 90 rubles for food and child support in these institutions;
  • provision of places in boarding houses for the disabled and the elderly, as well as veterans' homes;
  • depending on the region, Chernobyl victims have tax incentives - they pay only part of the transport tax or do not pay at all;
  • the right to extraordinary employment after relocation to a new place of residence;
  • when entering universities, children of Chernobyl victims have priority.

List of payments for victims:

  • compensation up to the previous salary, if the citizen was transferred for health reasons. Such compensation is paid either prior to the appointment of disability or until the return to work ability;
  • disability compensation. The amounts are 100% of the average citizen's salary;
  • monetary compensation monthly to Chernobyl victims with children under 14 years old. The amount is 300 rubles;
  • compensation of a monthly nature to disabled people for damage to health.

For those people who were forced to relocate from the contaminated territory, compensation payments are provided for the following property, as well as inconveniences associated with relocation:

  • living space and dacha, which at the time of 01.01.1994 were in the ownership of a citizen;
  • property located in a residential area in the contaminated zone;
  • livestock irradiated with radiation;
  • lost crops;
  • loading, unloading, transportation of various baggage. However, such payments are not due to everyone, but only to disabled and incapacitated citizens, single mothers, large families, as well as single women.

Chernobyl vacation

Every citizen who has suffered from an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or during the elimination of the consequences has the right to another vacation paid by the employer. The citizen sets the date of exit independently. In addition to him, Chernobyl victims are entitled to an additional short leave of up to 14 days. Citizens who were in the territory with the right of resettlement and were born no later than 01.04.1987 can count on an additional vacation for a period of 7-14 days.

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Persons who carried out work to eliminate the Chernobyl accident and their families, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, are entitled to benefits. Who is entitled to receive them and in what amount is indicated in the provisions of Federal Law No. 1244-1 "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant."

In April 1986, there was a disaster at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. During the explosion, a lot of radioactive substances were released into the environment, which have a detrimental effect on human health. In this regard, on May 15, 1991, Federal Law No. 1244-1 was created.

The law regulates the rights of the population who took part in the elimination of the consequences of the disaster. The law also contains aspects of the due compensation for persons involved in the Chernobyl accident. It also describes the procedure for monitoring compliance with the provisions of this law.

Federal Law No. 1244-1 consists of 7 sections and 49 articles:

  • Section 1 (consists of articles 1 - 6) - indicates the general provisions of the law - goals, objectives, how funding is carried out, the rights of persons who suffered from the accident;
  • Section 2 (Articles 7 - 12) - stipulates measures aimed at improving the territories that have suffered as a result of the disaster;
  • Section 3 of the Law (Articles 13 - 28) - contains provisions on the status of citizens who have been exposed to radiation;
  • 4th Section (Articles 28.1 - 38) - indicates the provision of pensions for victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • 5th Section (Articles 39 - 42) - contains provisions on compensation due;
  • Section 6 of the law (Art. 43-46) - characterizes the rights and powers of institutions, organizations and public associations in connection with the disaster;
  • Section 7 (Art. 47 - 49) - stipulates the provisions for monitoring the implementation of the provisions of this law.

Main provisions of the law on Chernobyl victims

The Federal Law on the social protection of Chernobyl victims is aimed at protecting the rights and interests of citizens who find themselves in the area of ​​exposure to harmful chemicals caused by the disaster at a nuclear power plant, or who participated in eliminating the consequences of an explosion.

This law defines the state policy in the field of providing social support to people who have suffered from the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Affected citizens have the right to count on:

  • compensation for harm that was caused to health as a result of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • compensation for damage that was caused to property;
  • compensation for harm for the resulting health risk as a result of living and working on a radioactive territory;
  • provision of state social support.

According to the law on the Chernobyl disaster, social support consists of the provision of monthly measures that contribute to the improvement of the well-being of citizens and their families. All measures are described in detail in Article 4 of this Federal Law.

Benefits to Chernobyl victims

According to the law, the amount and frequency of preferential payments directly depends on which Chernobyl territory a person was on. To understand what kind of assistance the state can provide, one should know in which infected area the person was. After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the territory was divided into 4 zones:

Chernobyl exclusion zone- implies a part of the radiation area that surrounds the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The law prohibits the establishment of settlements in a given area and the use of natural resources.

Chernobyl resettlement zone. Resettlement of persons who lived in the area. Resettlement is being carried out to other areas. This is necessary to minimize radiation damage. Those citizens who agreed to leave the place of infection have the right to count on social services. help.

Chernobyl zone of the right to resettlement. Part of the area where specialists periodically conduct medical examinations of residents, as well as take measures aimed at improving the health of the population. According to the law, people who leave for permanent residence in another region have the right to count on compensation and benefits from the state.

Chernobyl zone of citizens, means the category of people who are entitled to receive social benefits and benefits.

The Federal Law on ChNPP in the latest edition regulates the category of persons who are entitled to receive benefits:

  • citizens who have radiation sickness or other diagnosis related to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • citizens who have suffered from radiation sickness or other disease, if the disease occurred due to the Chernobyl accident or due to the consequences of its elimination;
  • people who have become disabled due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or due to work on its elimination;
  • to the widows of Chernobyl victims.

The law on social protection of Chernobyl victims provides benefits to citizens, victims of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant:

  • improving the quality of living conditions;
  • 50% discount on payment for living space;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • the right not to be made redundant, subject to formal employment;
  • allocation of a part of the land out of turn for housing construction;
  • extraordinary right to receive medical care;
  • out-of-line service in pharmacies;
  • citizens affected by the Chernobyl accident and their family members have the right to place their children in sanatoriums, treatment centers, and kindergartens out of turn;
  • they are provided with places in nursing homes;
  • when submitting documents to the university, according to the law, the children of Chernobyl victims have privileges.

According to the Federal Law "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant", citizens are entitled to preferential leave... Vacation is granted only to citizens affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, or to those who eliminated the consequences of the disaster. They have the right to count on the next vacation provided, which, according to the law, the employer is obliged to pay. It is considered a privilege that a citizen has the right to independently choose the date of the proposed holiday.

In addition to the next paid vacation, victims of the Chernobyl accident are entitled to additional rest for 14 calendar days. People who were in the area with the right of resettlement and were born no later than April 1, 1987, have the right to count on additional paid leave for 7-14 calendar days.

According to the law, family members of an injured person from the radiation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant have the right to receive a pension in connection with the loss of a breadwinner.

Family members who are entitled to receive financial assistance:

  • minor children;
  • the husband or wife who is the guardian of the child of the deceased person at the age of 14;
  • the spouse or spouse of the deceased at the age of 55 (50) years, or before the onset of disability;
  • disabled parents of the deceased;
  • grandparents who have reached the age of retirement (60 and 55 years) or have received the status of a disabled person. (How to get this status in).

Payments to citizens exposed to radiation

The Federal Law "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster" provides for the affected citizens monthly payments. The list of provided payments is as follows:

  1. Compensation up to the previous salary, in the event that a citizen was transferred due to an unfavorable state of health. According to the law, compensation is paid either until the status of a disabled person is granted, or until full working capacity is returned;
  2. Compensation for work incapacity. Such payments amount to 100% of the average wage of a citizen;
  3. The state pays monthly allowances for Chernobyl victims with children under 14 years old. The amount of the allowance is 881.25 rubles. By law, this money must be spent on food;
  4. According to the law, the children of the affected citizens are entitled to food benefits: at school - 84.21 rubles, in kindergarten - 433.06 rubles;
  5. The state produces monthly payments to people with disabilities for the damage received at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant:
  • disabled persons of the 1st group are entitled to monthly payments in the amount of 18,425.94 rubles;
  • disabled people of the 2nd group are entitled to 9,212.98 rubles;
  • disabled persons of the 3rd group are paid RUB 3,685.17.

According to Law No. 1244-1, payments and compensations are due to persons who were forced to move to permanent residence from the radioactive Chernobyl area. Funds are paid for property, the costs associated with relocation are also reimbursed:

  • housing and a summer cottage, which at the time of January 1, 1994 were the property of a citizen;
  • residential property that was in the area affected by radioactive substances;
  • livestock that were exposed to radiation from the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • lost crops.

What do you need to receive payments?

Receipt of payments to citizens affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl accident is subject to registration at any time, because there is no limitation period. To receive monthly financial assistance, you should contact the social support service. When contacting the institution, you must provide package of documents:

  • application for compensation;
  • copy of the certificate of the Chernobyl disaster;
  • copies of the pages of the work book (needed: the first page and the page about the last place of work);
  • a copy of the certificate of awarding the disabled status.

Download a sample application for

Download Law 1244-1

The Federal Law on Chernobyl is aimed at improving the quality of life of persons who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, as well as those who suffered from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. To understand which category of the population has the right to count on social assistance and what the amount of compensation will be, it is necessary to study the law on Chernobyl victims.

Download the Law "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant", you can

And you can find out more about the Law on Civil Defense

The crisis has left many citizens worried about their situation. Once again, the indexation of military pensions, benefits to veterans and Heroes of the country was canceled, and the salaries of civil servants (in particular, judges and prosecutors) were held back. The changes did not pass by the side of the Chernobyl victims. What has been revised, what has remained unchanged, and what benefits to Chernobyl victims will continue to operate in the current year? Let's figure it out together.

What's new?

Social protection of citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster, living on the territory adjacent to the contamination zone, as well as persons who participated in its elimination of the consequences of the disaster, is carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 1244-1 of 15.09.91.

In 2015, several innovations related to Chernobyl victims will begin and will continue to operate at once. Fortunately, there is only one major change that will affect beneficiaries this year. So, what are these innovations?

Let's start with the bad ones. Law No. 68-ФЗ dated 06.04.15. legislators for a year canceled the effect of that part 5 of article of the law No. 1244-1, which provides for the annual indexation of all payments to Chernobyl victims. Thus, all benefits of a compensatory nature will be provided to recipients in the amounts approved by the relevant regulations for 2014.

This year, the decentralization of powers for the delivery of compensation to beneficiaries will continue in accordance with Article 1 of the Federal Law No. 428 of 12/22/14. From now on, it is the regions that will be fully and completely responsible for the appointment and receipt of monetary compensation by the corresponding groups of Chernobyl victims. The costs of such work will be covered by subventions from the federal budget.

The system for calculating subventions from the federal budget to reimburse the costs of compensating for communal services to Chernobyl victims has also undergone changes (Federal Law No. 291 of 04.10.14). It is assumed that in the implementation of the new rules, organizations responsible for calculating the cost of utilities in the constituent entities of the Federation will be obliged to streamline the system and rules for conducting such calculations. Hopefully, these changes will only benefit the immediate beneficiaries.

Without changes

As for the measures of social support for Chernobyl victims, already approved by Federal Law No. 1244-1, here (with the exception of indexation) everything will remain the same. Category 1 Chernobyls, or rather Chernobyl invalids and victims of radiation exposure, have the following package of benefits:

  • the right to receive ownership of living quarters (for those in need and registered);
  • compensation for half the cost of services for the maintenance, heating, lighting, gasification and water supply of the dwelling;
  • an increase in earnings when moving to a lower-paid position due to health conditions;
  • the right to request leave at any time upon request and the right to another leave of up to two weeks;
  • the right to receive sick leave payment in the amount of 100% of the average salary;
  • advantage in layoffs and redundancies at the place of service;
  • an advantage when going to non-profit communities of citizens (owners, residents, owners, etc.);
  • the right to be served in pharmacies and hospitals without waiting in line;
  • the right to be registered with the same polyclinics as before the appointment of the pension;
  • compensation for food in the amount of 741 rubles.
  • compensation for disability (if any): 1st group - 15,486 rubles, 2nd group - 7,743 rubles, 3rd group - 3,097 rubles;
  • an advantage in admission to homes and boarding schools for elderly citizens;

Children of Chernobyl victims have benefits when they are included in the lists of kindergarten pupils and students of basic secondary schools. Well, and for the widows of Chernobyl victims and members of their families, the same benefits remain as for the Chernobyl victims themselves, with the exception of certain compensation payments. Instead, they are paid a one-time assistance in organizing a funeral in the amount of 9 393 rubles.

Chernobyls of the 2nd category, namely, the participants in the liquidation measures of the first years since the catastrophe, are entitled to benefits from the list of Chernobyls of the 1st category (from 1 to 9 inclusive) and a number of additional ones:

  • compensation for food in the amount of 494 rubles;
  • compensation for harm to health in the amount of 774 rubles;

Participants in liquidation activities in the period from 1988 to 1990 are provided with social support measures from the list of category 1 (paragraphs 3-9 and 12) plus:

  • the right to vacation at a convenient time;
  • advantage when joining cooperatives of owners of garages and garden plots;
  • the right to join the queue for the provision of housing at the expense of the federal budget;

In the same way, the rights of other categories of Chernobyl victims (workers of the exclusion zone, internally displaced persons, etc.)

Pension benefits

In 2015, Chernobyl victims also have special privileges in relation to their pension benefits. They retain the right to early retirement, but no more than 10 years ahead of schedule, if they have the appropriate length of service. Chernobyl victims have the right to decide what kind of pension to receive: state or insurance, as well as the only one of all federal beneficiaries who can receive EDV on several grounds.

Under the PFR, Chernobyl victims are assigned an EDV (without a set of social services) in the amount of:

  • RUB 2 240 for disabled Chernobyl victims and liquidators of the first years;
  • 1794 RUB for Chernobyl victims who received radiation sickness and those evacuated from the contaminated zone;
  • 448 r for residents of the permitted zone or resettlement zone.

Families who have lost a breadwinner are assigned a state pension or an insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner.

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