The most important authority. What tattoos are pierced by lawyers

US Treasury Department imposed sanctions against 10 citizens of Russia and countries the former USSR, calling them crime bosses. The American authorities accused these people of criminal activity in the USA, Europe and Russia: robbery, extortion, money laundering and bribery. "360" tells who was "blacklisted" by the American authorities.

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Shakro Molodoy Tver court... Photo: RIA Novosti / Maxim Blinov

Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy)

The activities of the three-time convicted "thief in law" Shakro Molodoy are closely related to Russian organized crime groups and the mafia. In 2015, the post of informal leader of the criminal post-Soviet space.

In 2016, he was arrested on extortion charges. Now under arrest and, in case conviction may be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Vladimir Tyurin (Tyurik)

An influential crime boss, one of the leaders of the Russian mafia in Spain. He was a member of Ded Khasan's inner circle and was. Tyurik's zones of influence were called Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk region and Spain. At one time, he could have ascended to the throne of the thieves in Russia.

The most high-profile case associated with him in last years, was the murder of ex-State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Denis Voronenkov, whom the former common-law wife Tyurik. The Prosecutor General of Ukraine recognized Volodymyr Tyurin as the customer of Voronenkov's murder. Tyurin himself denied involvement in the murder in open letter published in Russian media... He stated that the murder of Voronenkov was the work of Ukrainian nationalists.

The place of the murder of Denis Voronenkov in Kiev. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexey Vovk

Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov (Taiwanchik)

"Taiwanchik" or "Alik" in Europe is considered one of the largest Russian crime bosses. He was one of the ten most wanted people by the FBI, and was also on the Interpol wanted list. Was tried twice. According to unconfirmed information, he exported antiques and cultural values ​​abroad.

Now on the Internet it is more positioned as a sports patron and president of the National Football Fund.

Vasily Khristoforov (Vasya Voskres)

After the arrest of Shakro Molodoy, it was Vasily Khristoforov who decided to make him a temporary successor. It was reported that in criminal circles he has an impeccable reputation for "collecting money for the common fund." According to unconfirmed reports, he is now actively involved in negotiations on the future of the thieves' world in Russia.

Yuri Pichugin (Pichuga)

He was part of the entourage of "thief in law" Aslan Usoyan, known as Ded Hasan. Pichugin is one of the main representatives of crime in the Komi Republic. There he acts as a "criminal judge" in various conflicts.

He received his first term at 18 years old, then he was convicted of theft. In 2009 Ded Khasan appointed Pichugin one of the leaders of the Slavic thieves' wing.

In January of this year, Pichugu together with Voskres and the Russian Guard. During the search, he was found a large number of weapons.

Yuri Pichugin is being transferred to Syktyvkar. Photo:

Ruben Tatulyan (Robson)

There is little information from Rubene Tatulyane in open sources. There is almost no mention of his connections with the criminal world. Is that the news about his detention in the Czech Republic at a meeting of "thieves in law". One way or another, this information was then denied in all media.

Kamchibek Kolbaev (Kamchi Bishkek)

The leader of the Kyrgyz criminal world and the first "thief in law" from Kyrgyzstan. After his "coronation" he was expected to stabilize the situation in the Kyrgyz underworld. In 2013 he was sentenced to five and a half years in prison strict regime... Now he lives in the United Arab Emirates.

Lasha Shushanashvili (Lasha Rustavsky)

Criminal authority who had great influence in the criminal world of Moscow, Georgia, Moscow region, Chuvashia, Ukraine, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland and Greece. He was a member of Ded Khasan's inner circle. Lasha Shushanashvili dealt with security issues, controlled finances and settled conflicts in the criminal environment.

Lasha Shushanashvili, photo: The CrimeRussia

Vladislav Leontiev (Vadik Bely)

One of the leaders of the Brotherhood Circle group. Was accused of selling drugs and weapons in the United States. At the same time American intelligence services considered him the leader of the Russian mafia.

Gafur Rakhimov

In 2012 he was named one of the leaders criminal gang"Brotherly circle". On the official website of the US Treasury Department, Rakhimov is directly identified as a criminal and the head of the Uzbek united criminal group engaged in drug trafficking.

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Initially, I wanted to make the top 10 thieves in law, but the gap between the top five and the rest is too large, therefore, I decided to make a rating of only five thieves in law, consisting of 3 Russian thieves in law and 2 Ukrainian ones. , these people are the most authoritative crime bosses in the entire post-Soviet space.

1. The most authoritative thief in law Tariel Guramovich Oniani, nicknamed "Taro".

Oniani Tariel Guramovich was born on June 2, 1958 in Guji, Lentekhi. In 1979 he was crowned in Georgia by the thief Mzhavanadze N. Sh. (Bulldog) (approach). Oniani is not only the most authoritative thief in law, but also the richest, second only to Zakhary Kalashov And that's not a fact. Oniani’s business is all located in Spain and a number of other EU countries. The main business is casinos and the construction industry.
On March 4, 2009, Oniani's main enemies, Aslan Usoyan, "Ded Khasan" and Vyacheslav Ivankov, tried to remove Oniani. It was like this, the thief at large Sergei Asatryan demanded that Roman Tulikov (Roma Cherkes), who was in charge of SIZO-1 in Moscow, should let him go In the isolation ward, a run, signed by thieves Pichuga, Koba Shemazashvili, Skif, S. Osetrina, Voskres, Vagon and Dzeko Tbilissky, that Ramaz Dzneladze and Akhmed Yevloyev, as supporters of T. Oniani, should not be considered thieves.
For those who have not seen what a thieves' run looks like, look, this is the original directed at Tariel Oniani. Tariel Oniani's run, August 2009, Moscow, SIZO-1 "Matroska"

After this run, the most real war in the thieves' world, dozens of thieves in law were killed. The main enemies of Oniani, Yaponchik and Ded Hasan, were also killed.
Now Oniani is in prison for extortion. According to Western intelligence services, Oniani is close friend owner oil company Lukoil Vagit Alekperov.

2. Zakhary Kalashov, nicknamed "Shakro Molodoy"

Kalashov Zakhary Knyazevich was born on March 20, 1953 in Tbilisi. In 1971 he was crowned in Tbilisi by thieves Mirzoev A. F. (Chipi), Mikeladze D. V. (Arsen). Zakhary Kalashov owns a number of gambling casinos in Moscow and gaming business in Europe. Considered the richest thief in law. After the murder of Ded Khasan, until recently, he headed the entire underworld of Russia. Unlike Oniani, Shakro Molodoy was uncrowned several times and then reinstated. Is in prison.

3.The most secret thief in law, at the same time, the most authoritative Gennady Bogomolov

Gennady Bogomolov was born in 1950 in the city of Odessa.
Bogomolov G.S. we have previously tried three times:
- March 16, 1967, The Central Court Odessa under Art. 140 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR (6 months imprisonment), released on September 9, 1967;
- February 11, 1971 by the Special Court under Art. 234 part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Uzbek SSR (3 years in prison, released on December 17, 1973);
- May 23, 1975 under Art. 91 part 2, paragraph "a", "b" of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (robbery for the purpose of seizing state or public property according to prior conspiracy by a group of persons, with the use of weapons, for 9 years in prison).
V criminal community- Bogomolov Gennady Semenovich is listed as a "thief in law", the criminal nickname "Praying Mantis". He supervised the activities of the Lukoil oil company on the "instructions" of the Tyumen criminal structures, with whose leadership he met while living in the unofficial capital of Lukoil, the city of Kogalym, where he settled after leaving last term in the penitentiary institution of the village of Labytnangi. Until recently, Bogomolov was one of the leaders of Lukoil, and he worked quite officially.

4. The most authoritative thief in the law of Ukraine Sergey Ivanovich Lysenko, nicknamed "Lera Sumskoy".

One of the most authoritative after the deportation of Antimos (Antimos Kukhilava was exiled to Georgia in 2009, now lives in Antalya (Turkey) and the death of Mamed (thief in law Sergei Mamedov, controlled Donetsk criminal clans, died in 2011 from cancer in the Boris clinic) In Kiev), a thief in law - Sergei Lysenko, nicknamed Lera Sumskoy, remains on the territory of Ukraine. Received the title of thieves in 1993 at a meeting in the Sumy restaurant "Vechornitsi". going "to prison in 1998 for extortion. Now, according to unofficial data, he controls the flow of illegal migrants, mainly Vietnamese through the border department" Belopole "of the State Border Service of Ukraine.
Sumskiy also controls the underground gambling establishments- a business in which he firmly merged with the law enforcement "roof". Born on August 31, 1954 in the city of Sumy (Ukraine).
An adherent of the old traditions of thieves, has several convictions, relies on the support of a number of Moscow thieves, oversees Ukrainian places of detention, having his own "overseers" in many colonies, participates in the resolution of disputes and conflicts in the criminal environment, to the best of his ability restrains the Caucasian expansion to Ukraine ...

5. The oldest and most authoritative Ukrainian thief in law Valeriy Sheremet nicknamed "Sharik".

Valery Sheremet - born in 1949 - aksakal of the domestic thieves' world. Born and lives in Odessa. Has seven previous convictions. Sharik took a fancy to protect the aces of the thieves' craft - Odessa pickpockets who work with the virtuosity of magicians.
Sharik's last tour was in 2007, when he was detained with his son in Munich, Germany on suspicion of burglary... However, in 2011 they returned to their homeland again.
Sharik's family says that their grandfather is a simple Odessa pensioner, whom he has a grudge against local police... For example, in June last year, the entire apartment of Sheremet's relatives was ransacked by law enforcement officers, allegedly at the behest of the new chief of the Odessa police, Georgy Lortkipanidze, but they did not find anything prohibited. However, Sharik was forced to leave Odessa, but left not far - to the suburbs. And he still controls many processes in the city. Actively enjoys the support of criminal Moscow. As many have already understood, all criminal processes in Odessa and the Odessa region are under the leadership of "Sharik" Valery Sheremet. Today, in Ukraine, unlike Russia, he lives there are only 7 thieves in law and all of them are closely interconnected with the criminal world of Russia. And someone says that Russia and Ukraine are enemies.

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Thief in law Alexander Bor-Timoshenko (in the foreground), at the head of the table is thief in law Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik) with his son

Currently, the intelligence services of several countries have a list of thieves in law. Despite the fact that this group of people has purely Russian and near-foreign roots.

This list is necessary for the security forces to prevent the spread of organized crime from Russia and neighboring countries. After all, it was the thieves in law who began their expansion to the United States and European countries back in the nineties. It was these people, who were at the head of the criminal world, who began to coordinate the criminal trades of their compatriots abroad. As a result, the so-called transnational organized crime was formed.

In those years, of course, there was no such scale of crimes that are happening now, therefore list of thieves in law then was of no value to power structures other countries. But then everything changed dramatically. It was after the arrest in America that everyone started talking about the Russian mafia. Although Russian groups even before Yaponchik began to multiply in the United States. Just using this example, they decided to demonstrate the danger of Russian criminals to the world. And the main role was played by the fact that foreigners, who did not know anything about thieves before, suddenly found out that this was the elite, which gave rise to this phenomenon, when thieves became the head of the criminal people. This was a sensation, since the same Americans used to think that influential Russian mafiosi are some kind of thugs who dealt with their enemies. with my own hands... And then it turned out that such killers themselves obey the thieves.

It was after this incident with Ivankov - Yaponchik, law enforcement system The United States is interested in the list of thieves in law. They needed to know how many people were in this status are located on the territory of the country.

And they received help from Russian colleagues who provided the FBI with full list thieves in law. The special services have a lot of work to identify this group of people. As a result, the activities of two criminal groups in Florida controlled by thieves were suppressed.

Then, as market relations develop, the elite criminal Russia began to take root in European countries. It was easier to set up a business here than in America. Again, the proximity of the homeland had great importance at the first stages of the formation of transnational crime.

Later, when the arrests of Russian leaders abroad took place again, the European special services also wanted to get a list of thieves in law.

List of thieves in law

When the first list with the names and nicknames of the thieves was compiled, probably no one will say now. Probably something similar appeared during the Gulag. Then, when Khrushchev announced that there was no crime in the USSR (at least organized), this chronicle was interrupted. It was only in the early 1980s that the leaders of the underworld began to keep track of them again. At first, these were reputable criminals in Moscow and plowmen of the camps adjacent to the region. And then, when there were already serious grounds to believe that the criminals began to operate as part of gangs, only more organized than before, the KGB again started talking about the fact that now it is necessary to put every leader of such organized criminal groups under the control. And basically all organized crime groups were controlled by thieves in law.

Therefore, they began to collect detailed materials about the thieves. It turned out whole dossiers,. Over time, the data was updated, as someone died, others died themselves, others received prison terms... The list of thieves in law was complete, and kept up to date at all times in order to know about the whereabouts of this or that criminal leader.

Few people had access to this list, but then someone copied the data, and they ended up in the funds mass media, then to the Internet.
Naturally, having become publicly available, the list lost its relevance, since no one tried to update and correct it. It is up to date only with the special services, where a complete list of thieves in law is presented today. are under the close supervision of security officials.

"Thieves in law" is an attractive and mysterious concept. It is inherent only in the countries of the post-Soviet space. It came into the history of our country from its communist past, with its repressions, purges and the fight against dissent and organized crime in the capitalist today. Thieves in law were then and still exist.

Who heads the list of "thieves in law" and whose names appear not only in it? Consider in detail.

Thieves in law: your Forbes list

According to the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about two hundred people have the status of a "thief in law" unofficial information their number varies from one to one and a half thousand.

The truth is, of course, in the middle. But it is no secret that for some individuals, the inclusion of their name in the list of "thieves in law" makes it possible to satisfy unrealized dreams and ambitions.

According to the old thieves' concepts of the code of honor, only a person who had more than one conviction under the “correct articles”, refusing any cooperation with government agencies and established himself as an authoritative and strong person.

However, the underworld is changing along with the change of scenery in the political and economic arena of the country. Commerce affected all spheres of life, and did not bypass the "thieves in law". Today the "crown" can be purchased, albeit for a lot of money.

Sasha Sever is the godfather of the Russian mafia

Sasha Sever is a legend of Russian gangsters. In spite of latest events connected with the conflict of interests of the North and his eternal opponent Volchka (Sergei Volkov), Alexander Valentinovich still heads the list of “Thieves in law” of our country.

A descendant of a thieves' dynasty, little Sasha was released in April 1959 (on the 25th) in the city of Karaganda. Almost immediately he found himself in a boarding school, from where, thanks to his parental genes, he soon migrated to a special boarding school, correcting the behavior of "difficult" adolescents. In Sasha's case, there was nothing to correct. It was written for him to become a "thief in law".

His father and mother competed in terms of the number and length of jails. Valentin Severov spent in prisons in total almost three decades. And Mom, who made a living by fraud in small and large sizes, already 44 years old.

For his exploits, Alexander Severov first found himself in correctional colony for minors, and upon reaching the age of 18 he migrated to the "adult" zone. The track record of "thief in law" Sasha Sever is amazing.

Term of imprisonment

144 part 2

206 part 3

three and a half years


108 h 1, 206 h 2.218 h 2


112 h 2, 218 h 2

one and half year



nine month


six years



221 h1, 228 h1

seven months


From the first day in the underworld, the North is a strong leader, a clear adherent of thieves' morality. These principles "denied" turned most his life behind bars (and Severny's prison experience is rather big - 29 years in total) in solitary confinement.

Family and children of the "thief"

But this is now Alexander Valentinovich - a wealthy man driving up to the casino in a luxurious black Mercedes car with "beautiful" numbers: В333ОР.

And it all started much more modest. In a small removable one-room apartment in Tver. At that time, the whole family of the Severovs huddled in it - Alexander, his wife Galina and two sons. When friends gathered to congratulate Sever on his release from prison, there was simply no free space in the apartment.

But for Sasha, who is on the list of thieves in law, this was not the main thing. At the forefront was not the family and children of the crowned authority, but his comrades-in-arms - the living and killed “thieves in law”. Galya resigned herself and accepted the rules of the game. They have been together for over 25 years.

What the graves are silent about

No matter how you live, and whatever you have, the cemetery cannot be avoided. The murdered "thieves in law" also find their last refuge here.

Examining the monuments on the graves of thieves' generals, it is as if you are reading a crime novel of a lived life. Many of them were in close contact with politicians, artists and even academics of their time. Others led a monastic life and outwardly did not differ from ordinary Russian pensioners.

The elders of the underworld who have found eternal rest. Many of them, for example the famous Vasya Brilliant, as Buddha for his supporters. They are looked up to, they are imitated. But some thieves in law also survive. Sasha Sever is one such authority.

The legends of their lives are told in whispers. Because they are still a little afraid.

“Thief in law” - only those members of the criminal world who enjoy significant authority are “crowned” with this title. Our top 10 famous thieves in law will tell you about those who are the elite of the underworld.

10 Suvorov (Petrov) Alexey Dinarovich

Russian "thief in law" known as "Petrik" or "Lyonya the Tricky". He began his criminal activities in the early 1980s, heading the Mazutkinskaya organized criminal group. Has several convictions for robbery, theft and extortion. In the early 90s, he fought with the Caucasian organized crime groups in Moscow. Since 1993 he has lived abroad. At that time, he controlled the supply of stolen cars from European countries.

9 Pichugin Yuri Viktorovich

Known by the nickname "Pichuga". He was first convicted in 1983 for theft, then there was hooliganism, robbery. In 1990 he was “crowned”, after which he was appointed “overseer” for Komi. When analyzing various conflicts, Pichugin acts as a "criminal judge". He was part of the entourage of "thief in law" Ded Khasan.

8 Mamedov Sergey Alexandrovich

A crime boss known by the nickname "Mamed". He had several previous convictions. He was “crowned” in Donetsk in 2000. Mamedov was the “overseer” of the Kiev region and oversaw the thieves' movement in Donbass. The republican common fund was under his control.

7 Sheremet Valery Andreevich

Known by the nickname "Sharik". On account of his 7 convictions. His activity is focused on protecting Odessa pickpockets. Currently he lives in the suburbs of Odessa and controls many processes in the city.

6 Nedzelsky Andrey Stepanovich

Known by the nicknames "Andrey Lvovsky" and "Week". In 2010 it was announced in international search on suspicion of murder, but the charge was dropped. In 2012 he was “crowned”, becoming a “thief in law”. Over the past few years, Nedzelsky has been the "overseer" in Kiev. The scope of his activities extends to illegal gambling establishments.

5 Lysenko Sergei Ivanovich

Known by the nicknames "Lera Sumskoy", "Gray" or "Ivanovich". He was “crowned” in 1993. In May 1998 he was convicted of extortion and received 7 years in prison. As an influential crime boss, he oversees Ukrainian prisons. The sphere of his activity covers underground gambling establishments, “protection” of companies and illegal vodka workshops.

4 Tyurin Vladimir Anatolievich

Known by the nickname "Tyurik". He received his first term at the age of 16. He was "crowned" in 1993 and headed the "Bratsk" criminal group. In 1998 he moved to Spain. At the time of the Spanish secret services Operation "Wasp" Tyurin was in Russia, so he avoided arrest. Tyurin has extensive connections among influential people... Into the scope of it economic activity several enterprises are included.

3 Usoyan Aslan Rashidovich

As one of the most powerful crime bosses, as well as a “thief in law”, he is known under the nickname “Ded Hasan”. He received his first term at 19. He was “crowned” in 1963 with the title “thief in law”. In 1984 he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. The Usoyan clan, being one of the most powerful in Russia, participated in some of the major criminal wars of the post-Soviet period. Almost all of them were under his influence. underworld post-Soviet space and a large part Western Europe... In 2010, an attempt was made on Usoyan's life, but he survived. In 2013 he was shot with a sniper rifle.

2 Kalashov Zakhary Knyazevich

Known by the nickname "Shakro Molodoy". In Tbilisi in 1971 he was “crowned” and he became a “thief in law”. Left Georgia. Since 1989 he lived in Moscow, where over time he became one of the authoritative “thieves in law”. In 2003 he moved to Spain. After the special operation "Wasp" carried out by the Spanish special services, Kalashov went into hiding for some time, but in June 2006 a Spanish court sentenced him to 9 years in prison and a fine of 20 million euros for "laundering" illegally obtained funds and creating a criminal group. In 2014 Kalashov returned to Russia.

1 Oniani Tariel Guramovich

Known by the nickname "Tarot". At the age of 17, he was convicted of theft and robbery. He was sent to the colony 8 times. In the 80s he was one of the most authoritative "thieves in law" in Moscow. In the 90s he moved to Spain, where he developed Building bussiness... In 2005, during the Spanish law enforcement Operation Wasp, Oniani managed to escape. In 2006, he settled in Moscow, receiving Russian citizenship. After his arrest in 2009 on charges of kidnapping a businessman, Oniani was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and in 2011 he was extradited to Spain.

Thieves in law are not a single group, however, it is in their power to ensure the stability of the entire system of organized crime.

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